Tuesday, April 29, 2008

King of Time Out!

Ok so for a long time Curls was the only one going to time out, because Rewind just was not old enough to really get it. However now that Rewind is ready and has been for a little while, we have developed a whole new set of problems. Tonight Rewind was being naughty and so I told him that if he did not stop, he would be headed to time out. As soon as Curls heard time out he started pushing Rewind towards our time out stool. However Rewind did not have to go to time out because he had stopped what it was that he was doing. Curls was not satisfied. He then went and got the time out stool and pushed it into the living room, just in case I changed my mind.
Is that still considered being a big helper?

Time to weigh in....

Ok when I turned on the news this morning all I heard was blurbs about Rev. Jeremaih Wright. At first I was kind of fired up about some of the clips they showed. This was one of them. That was until I went and watched the whole clip. The news made it out to be a very racial clip. When in actuality it is just kind of funny. I just picked one of the clips that had a majority of his speech. I have no clue who the guy is at the beginning. Now I usually don't try to fuel political stuff. I really don't even talk about it with anyone besides Garran, but I am dying to know what you guys think of this man. Do you think he effects Obama's campaign. If you want to leave a comment but don't want anyone else to read it just tell me to delete it after reading and I will. I am still somewhat undecided on what I think. I am still in the process of learning more about him and what exactly he said, rather than what the news shows clips of.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Tagged by the 5

Mandy got me so here it goes!

10 YEARS AGO: Hmmm 1998- I was just finishing my junior year of high school. I was so excited about being a senior. I really didn't think things could get much better. I had great friends and seemed to always be having fun. I think I was preparing for a trip to the beach with some of my friends. I love love love going to the beach!

5YEARS AGO: Hmmm 2003- Garran and I had been dating for three months. We had just got back from visiting his sister, who at the time lived in VA. (Very nerve racking meeting his older sister. She was great. I was just nervous thinking that if things did not go well, I was stuck in VA for a week with a girl who would tell her little brother how much she did not like me) Lucky me she liked me. The summer of 2003 was great. I went all over the state it seemed like with Garran and his family kayaking and going to caves, things like that.

5 MONTHS AGO: Hmmm December 2007- Well we had found out that we were expecting the month before. We were super excited. We had plans to visit a lot of family in a very short amount of time. We spent Christmas with Garrans family and suffered some sadness when the pregnancy did not work out.

1. Continue packing
2. feed the fish
3. brush my teeth
4. take my contacts out (can you tell i'm getting tired)
5. make some phone calls

1. ice cream
2. jello with whip cream
3. cherries- yum especially during the summer!
4. grapes-but I am very picky.
5. warm toasted bagels and cream cheese

1. pay off school and not have to worry about loans in the future
2. pay off the van
3. let garran quit his job to focus on school (i know he would love that)
4. buy a house
5. take a much needed vacation

1. obsessive..seriously, once i start something I have to finish it. I have a very hard time leaving things half way completed. Once i get something in my head, watch out there is no stopping me.
2. I don't exercise like i should
3. overly critical of things sometimes
4. blogging....I love it. I love blogging about us and I love reading other peoples.
5. not enough patients some days =(

1. Urbana Ill
2. Fayetteville, NC
3. Des Moines IA
4. Pembroke NC
5. where I am now.. but that is a secret! =)

1. I was proposed to before Garran proposed to me. (obviously I said no)
2. I am moving soon... The count down is on.
3. Financially.... I am super organized. I know where every penny of our money is. I have to or I don't think I could sleep at night. (Seriously I should talk to someone about OCD!)
4. I have a hard time saying no to people ( i think I may have said this already in another one of these lists)
5. i like typing in all lower case. no capitals. but i don't always do it. i don't know why. it's my blog!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Curls was at it again!

Today we were at church. Curls all of a sudden rather loudly starts saying "He seeping, He seeping, He seeping" you get the idea over and over. Finally I figured out what he was saying and turned around. A friend of ours had dozed off for a minute. Curls was kindly calling him out.. Don't you just love what your kids come up with!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Singing in the Shower

The other day I was taking a shower and singing this song that was stuck in my head. All of a sudden Curls came busting into the bathroom and slammed the door open. This is what I heard-
"Mom- No Singing"
Then the door shut.. Guess my voice is not that great!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Finally a Date Night

Tonight we finally got out for a few hours and were able to have dinner together. I guess this was a late anniversary dinner. It was nice. We tried a place that we had never been before. It wasn't the best ever, but it was pretty good. It was nice to have a conversation without having to stop mid-sentence to say something to one of our little kiddos. Date nights are great.
After we picked up the kids from our friendly neighbors, I dropped all the boys off at home and ran to the store to get some of the basics. As I was putting the groceries in the back of the van, this white van pulled up in the spot next to me. A mother and her teenage son got out. It was freezing and the wind was blowing so hard. Anyways he approached me and said, "Can I take your cart for you". It was such a nice surprise. I thought I hope my boys are gentlemen like that, since the nearest cart return was no where close. I really appreciate those little things some days.

I thought this was cute!

A friend forwarded this to me. For anyone who has kids that go to church with us, they might enjoy it. The boys think it is cute! It is also a fun way to learn about the new people in the 12.

Thanks NP for the cute video!

Ahh Mother Nature!

Ok so usually I am a hugh fan of thunderstorms. I have always enjoyed a good storm. But last night was just crazy. The thunder was so loud, it was literally shaking our walls. I only got two hours of sleep because of it. I am not exaggerating unfortunately. And to top it all off, today is going to be a long one. Sargento has school and work. A lady in our ward needs me to watch her two kids, and my VT are coming over. Hopefully my day goes well at least not to tiring =)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Here is the new address... http://www.paranoidmommy.blogspot.com/
Due to some dirty perverts and me not liking some things that have happened recently, I am making a few changes. I was going to go private, but it is to complicated for some of my family who do not have gmail accounts and for a few other reasons. Anyways so I know it may be annoying but we are moving to nicknames. I have to be more aware of what info I am giving out on this blog. So instead of going through and changing almost 300 entries I will leave this blog up for two weeks. Then this will become private. I will no longer be posting on this but at our new blog at the top. Please come and visit us. Everything will be the same. Same great stories, just with nicknames. Thanks for being patient with us.. Make sure you make the changes so I will still enjoy your company. Leave me a comment with any questions. Thanks Meg
ps. there is already a new post on the new blog.. check it out!

Our Stupid Remote and Our Stupid TV!

I don't think that I have ever blogged about how much I hate my tv, and now remote. We bought our TV when we got married. So it is not that old, but it is already acting up. We have had to buy a universal remote for it because we are 90% sure that one of our kids threw the original one way while we were cleaning up. Argg. Anyways tonight I was watching tv and I had a drink in my lap. I had the remote resting on my thigh. I lifted my leg and sure enough the remote slide right into my cup.. I could have screamed.. (as some of you know this has not been a great week). So now we can not change the channel on our tv because the stupid thing won't let us use the buttons on the tv and without the remote we are stuck watching the same channel until I can get a new remote or take a bat to our stupid TV... On a better note we saw a place tonight we somewhat liked.. we will see what happens!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today is the Day I could very well Lose MY MIND!


The following things will more than likely end up driving me CRAZY by the end of the day.

1. The university my husband attends.. the fact that when we call no one and I mean
no one seems to be able to answer any of our questions.... We just get passed around
from one department to another.

    2. Alternative loan process & Summer School.. I will leave it at that.

    3. Moving: trying to find a place, packing, stress.. I hate it. I wish we could stay here but

    4. That's my next point. I hate where we live. It is to small and there are more problems than I can count on one hand.

    5. Laundry.. Do to where we live, we have to go to a laundry mat.. (another reason we are moving, see above) But when you have two kids and a husband that is never home it becomes almost impossible... we are running out of clothes !!! (Side Note: Not upset with Garran. It's getting close to finals and with work on top of that, this is always a super busy time of year)

    6. Finally.. RAIN.. It is supposed to rain all week. I thought I saw that it might not rain Wednesday so maybe we will luck out and be able to go to playgroup. Keep your fingers crossed people.. I need to get out for a while.

On a better note:



Monday, April 21, 2008

Going Crazy!

Well we are moving. I thought we had this all worked out. We had talked to a landlord and had everything squared away. Today I call and everything has fallen apart. We are back to square one. So today I drove around looking for places and trying to see if anyone had anything in the paper. Argg. I hate this. Moving is such a pain. Oh well maybe tomorrow will bring better news!

Why I Love Garran.. another one I know!

Garran and I used to listen to this song all the time when we were first married. I had not heard it for a while. But last night while I was brushing my teeth (I know not very romantic) I heard him singing along to this in the other room. I knew he had found it for me and put it on his ipod. I love listening to him sing, not many know but he has a great voice. Anyways it was a very sweet way to remind me of those great times we had when we were first married.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Painting with Friends!

The other day we got to have a little friend over for the day. My boys were so excited. They love when friends come over. The first thing Kael did was go up and give Isaac a hug! Very Cute. At first he was not to sure about our crazy ways, but by the end they all had so much fun getting green paint everywhere! But messes are part of the fun!
Aren't little boys so much fun!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Once Again this is from someone else...

So I was reading everyones blogs and came across this post. I thought it was pretty good. If you would like read and let me know what you think. To view it click here. I thought this lady put here thoughts together very well. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I was reading an old friends blog. It was so funny that I thought I would share. If anyone wants to read it just click here. The blog entry was called Rich Kids-Poor Kids! Enjoy!

I was tagged!

Mandy tagged me so here it goes!

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Significant other? Garran
3. Worst bad habit?
4. Hair? messy
5. Favorite food? Italian
6. Your Favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? odd
8. Favorite drink? water
9. Dream/Goal? balance
10. Room you are in? living
11. Your ex? hmmm
12. Your fear? heights
13. Where do you want to be in six years? settled
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you're not? rested
16. Muffins? banana
17. Wish list item? vacation
18. Where did you grow up? south
19. Last thing you did? clean
20. What are you wearing? sweats
21. Your TV? monk
22. Your pets? fish
23. Your computer? gateway
24. Your life? busy
25. Your mood? sleepy
26. Missing someone? Garran
27. Your car? Van
28. Something you are not wearing? socks
29. Favorite store? deals
30. Your summer? fun
31. Love someone? eternal
32. Last time you laughed? today
33. Last time you cried? april

I tag whoever thinks this looks like fun. If you do decide to do it their are two rules. 1. you can only use one word answers 2. you have to let me know you did it so I can read all about you.

Is someone trying to be funny?

Ok, this has been driving me crazy and all I can figure is that someone is playing a bad joke on me. So for the last two days my phone has been ringing off the hook with the same telemarketing company telling me that I sent in my information to them. They say I signed up online, which I did not. IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I keep telling them I did not sign up and that what they are selling does not even apply to me. ARGG! They keep saying they will take my name off but yet they keep calling. I am going nuts people.. I really do not like telemarketers.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

An email Garran got!

Garran thought this was pretty funny and decided to read it to me. I have to admit I laughed at most of them. The others just got him dirty looks!

The Man Rules At last, a guy has taken the time to write this all down!
We always hear 'the rules' from the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules!Please note . . . these are all numbered '1' ON PURPOSE!
1. Men are NOT mind readers.
1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
1. Crying is blackmail.
1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
1. Anything we said six months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become NULL AND VOID after 7 days.
1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we.
1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
1. If we ask what is wrong and you say 'nothing,' We will act like nothing's wrong. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.
1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an answer you don't want to hear.
1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine . . . Really.
1. You have enough clothes.
1. You have too many shoes.
1. I am in shape. Round IS a shape!
Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know--- I have to sleep on the couch tonight. But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping .

So not all of these apply to my husband, but we did get a good laugh out of it. Hope you get a good one out of it too!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A little Nature~

Today we decided to go for a walk!

Can you tell Cullan was excited to finally be outside.. Ahh finally some nice weather!
What a great Daddy, pulling the wagon on this wild outside adventure!

We were just passing the river when we looked up and saw these! The boys went crazy. I only got two in the picture, but there were seven or eight of them.

So we continued on.. Cullan decided to help. He loves to pull that wagon. Even when Kael is in it. He is such a big helper!

One more stop to enjoy the view.. Ahh it was nice to be outside!

Hope everyone else enjoyed this great weather!

Monday, April 14, 2008

When you know you got the right one!

Today I had a pleasant and much needed surprise. I was talking to Garrans sister Britt. Somehow the topic of Garran and I dating came up. I was the first girl Garran was serious about I guess according to his family. Britt said that when he told her we were dating she asked what I was like. She told me that Garran had said that he had liked me for a long time and how beautiful I was and how funny and nice. I don't know why it made my day to hear that Garran said those things about me, because he says them all the time. However, it was kind of fun to think that he was saying those things about me to his sister just while we were dating!

What a great Guy!

(ps. the picture above was us at the beach while we were visiting Britt and her family this past summer!)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

One Gross Moment!

(The names of the people in this story have been changed to protect their identity =)

I was watching a friend of mines child and the following conversation happened:

(The child we will call SPUNKY)

I was sitting in a chair and SPUNKY walked up to me and wanted to hand me something. I held out my hand as it was placed in my hand and said:

Meg- What is that?

SPUNKY- I don't know, it came out of my ear!

I have to admit I felt a little sick. But it was so funny after I thought about it!

Friday, April 11, 2008

At this point I have to have a sense of humor...

So here is what happened. This afternoon I started having some complications due to the miscarriage. I was upset due to the problems but also bummed because tonight was my long awaited anniversary date night. ARGG!
So this is how it went--

supposed to leave for date at 4:00
leave for hospital 4:15
supposed to go see Leather Heads 4:30
watched monk and part of star wars at hospital
(got to take an unexpected nap-thanks anesthesia!)
supposed to go to a great restaurant
11:30pm still no dinner- have not ate since noon..
Hoping tomorrow goes better and that I actually get my anniversary date sometime =(

Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head!

Is anyone else around me sick of this weather? Nice then Rain and now more Snow!
I think I am going to go crazy? Anyone care to join me?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

APRIL 10TH, 2004!

(one of our engagment pictures)
Well folks that's right, today is our anniversary. We have made it four happy years. I was trying to think of what I would post for today. Well then I thought, maybe I should just say how it all started.
Garran had just come back from Brazil. My roommate happened to be in his ward and heard him speak at church. She came home and said.. "Meghan there is this really good looking guy that just got back from Brazil" then she invited him over. When he came over I would say we clicked pretty well, but not in the way you are thinking. We talked a lot and he even told me that I reminded him of his sisters (in my mind I thought,well we will be good friends. I just thought if he thinks of me as a sister, well this will not go to far!) We had a lot in common both being from NC and had some similar interest.
Well time went by and a few of my roommates either went out on dates with him, or really liked him so I never really gave it another thought. I always thought well if he ends up with one of them, that will be good, they are good girls.
Let's see a year went by of just being friends and hanging out and then it all kind of happened like a big bang. Garran was at my apartment with like 5 other girls. We were all sitting around just kind of talking. One of the girls brought up relationships and was quizzing Garran on what he would want in a girlfriend. I had gotten up to go into the kitchen to get something to drink when I heard the following conversation.
girl:So if you had to marry someone out of our group of friends today, who would it be?
Garran: He said probably Meghan
When I heard this I about hit the floor. We had never even gone out on a date. I thought is he serious? But he was. He asked me out a few days later. We had this little joke going about the fact that I am not a hugh fan of facial hair. He had been growing his beard out the whole month of February. Our first date was March 1st, I got to his house and was waiting in his living room. He came down the hallway with a completely clean shaven face. I think I knew then that this might be a little more than I had originally thought! We dated for a year and he proposed that December! All is history from there. We have been through a lot, but I would not change it for the world. Garran is my best friend and I love him more today than I even thought possibly the day we got married. He makes everyday fun and exciting and I feel like he is a perfect match. We always just have so much fun together. I know that the years to come will always be filled with laughter and fun with him around!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's not even 9:30 People!

Ok so I was talking to my sister in law Britt today on the phone. I was trying to round up the boys stuff for playgroup and get some things together in our bedroom. I could hear the boys playing and laughing and then I hear and unusual noise but did not think anything of it. I walk out to into the living room to check on the boys. The are both sitting very nicely watching public television. So I start to head back to my room to finish what I was working on. Remember this whole time I am still talking to my SIL Britt. As I am heading down the hallway I think, "That is funny, it smells like some thing is burning." I kind of brushed it off at first because I had made bagels for the boys that morning and sometimes a little piece of bagel gets stuck down in the toaster and kind of smells up the house. But as I and Britt are chatting I think, I had better go check just to make sure.. Well I am glad that I did.. I walk into my kitchen to find smoke billowing out of my oven. I yell into the phone at Britt that I will have to call her back. I open the oven and I see my sons sword and a piece of the wii game cover in the oven, ON FIRE! Flames kind of shoot out as I open the oven door. I scream and think Oh No what am I supposed to do. I started looking around and thought ok this is not grease, water should be ok... So I fill up this big bowl and throw it in my oven.. flames extinguished, smoke everywhere (and still is) My heart is racing and then I turn around to see our fire extinguisher.. Duh Meghan! I guess in the moment I just didn't think. Oh well we are heading out the door to go to play group. I am hoping our day gets better because on days when my house is on fire before 9:30 it makes me a little nervous as to how the rest of our day will pan out!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


The other day we had a little friend over for about two hours. My boys loved it. These were our adventures!

We looked at the fish and frogs a lot. IW (sorry I don't use other peoples kids name w/o permission) Anytime we were not playing we were at the fish tank! Our friends might have a fish lover on their hands!

Blankie WARS- They each love their blankies very much. So they would let each other hold their respective blankies, but only for a minute! They would quickly switch back.

They did a very nice job of sharing their toys from the Doodlebops! They would each hold it for a minute and then pass it around the circle. They were so funny!

Then IW found the little foam swords that Garran had bought for the boys. IW really loved them. He and Kael started having loads of fun!

Cullan eventually let the little boys play swords and he had fun with his Doodle Bops toys!

What a fun day for my boys. We hope IW can come back again soon so we can all play!

Monday, April 7, 2008

I have been tagged..This is for Rhonda!

10 things you may not know about me!
1. I am a pleaser! I like to try and make everyone happy. I try to do whatever I can to make sure my friends or family are happy with what I am doing. (Sidenote- Lately I have been having real issues with this and am beginning to change.
2. When Garran has to work at night I have a very strict routine that I follow. I have it down to what I do, what I watch, what I read etc. It is the same every time with very little variation. I know it might seem crazy, but hey it works for me.
3. I really think that I have OCD. I am not saying this to be funny. I really think that I have it. I have to check doors to our house at night like three times before I can lay down. I hit the lock button on our car at least twice, even though I heard it beep the first time. I know it's a problem, again Hey it works for me.
4. I love taking pictures. I love love love it. I don't have a camera that I love or really even the one that I really want, but someday maybe. I love taking pictures of people, friends, family, epically my kids. I even have a small collection that I have not really told to many people about. You can see it here!
5. I am really freaky about who watches my kids. I know, it's crazy. Some of my family is even off limits. I am just very weird about it. I know that a lot of people are very capable, I am just a real freak about my kids.
You might want to stop know.. this probably is not going to get much better!
6. I have wonderful friends where I am now and will be very sad to leave, but I absolutely have days where I can not wait to go home. Maybe not my actual hometown, but my home state. I really miss things about it, and especially being close to the ocean. There is something about it I have always loved and I look forward to being near it again.
7. This one is really embarrassing..but I tear up at parades. I don't know if it is the patriotic thing.. But it always happens. Not full blown tears but I get a little misty. Stupid I know but it happens.
8. I have always wanted to go to either nursing school or school to be an ultrasound tech. I have looked into it many times, but right now is just not the right time for me. Maybe when my boys are older, I can head back. Right now I am happy with what I am.. A MOM!
9. I met my husband through a couple of my roommates having major crushes on him. haha Funny that I ended up with him.. They were all cutie blonde's!
10. Garran proposed to me while I was watching Brave Heart (TV Version). I was sick and in sweat PJ's. I was not even sure he was actually proposing because of the way that he worded it. Then right after I said yes he looked at me and said ok I am late for work, I have to go. (He didn't know he was going to propose!) I yelled down my stairwell as he was leaving and said... "I think you should come back after work ... we should probably talk about this!" =)

Doodle Bops Concert!

My parents got the boys Doodle Bops tickets for Christmas. This weekend was the concert. They boys had a blast. One of the dancers came off stage and talked to Cullan. Kael met some little girl and just grabbed her hands and started dancing with her. It was very cute. Then the highlight of the day. Rooney came of stage and was talking to the crowd. (I got a picture) But right after he finished talking to the crowd, he shook Cullans hand and spoke to him for a few minutes. He was so excited. Unfortunately I did not get a picture of it. I did get a picture of Rooney talking to everyone right before he shook Cullan's hand. You can see Cullan in the shot. This was also Kael's first experience with Cotton Candy. A great day all day round. He fell asleep last night holding his Rooney hat. Mo is his favorite, but I think he was really excited about meeting Rooney. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shopping for the PERFECT DRESS!

So this weekend we went to visit my parents and sister. Part of the weekend was go wedding dress shopping for Sara. Well ladies, after many tries she found the perfect dress!
Isn't it spectacular!

And as for the brides maids dresses -- She decided to go with a patriotic them.. How lucky are we to have found these. They go just perfect! This wedding is going to definetly be one that will go down in history!


Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ok so I just can't let it go...

For those of you who think this is as funny as I do... Here is the actual interview.

Friday, April 4, 2008

I hate to admit I was excited about this...

Ok so I was kind of having a rough morning this morning. So I got up and turned on the news just in time to see the big reveal. Do you know who the band behind the curtain is? Well let me tell you that the reveal was fabulous. It was.... NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! That's right ladies and cheering and screaming was not a bunch of teenage girls oh no, but moms my age. That was the best part. The all had their hugh buttons on, screaming just like teenage girls reaching out and desperately wanting to touch just one of the boy bands hand. Oh it made my morning that much better. I will be smiling all day after watching that. They did announce that they would be touring and I had already called my two good girlfriends to make sure they were watching it. But my one friend suggested that if the concert comes near us we should all get together in our NKOTB gear and go to the concert! Any takers?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April 1, 2008

Well on April 1, I went in to have my first ultrasound. Things did not go well. There was a problem with the baby. My doctor informed me that there was a 95% chance that this pregnancy will end in a miscarriage. I am sure that it will soon. I am already having symptoms. We are sad and disappointed. However we know that we will try again. Our sweet boys have brought so much happiness to our lives, we can't imagine life without them.
Garran and I both love children, especially ours.
Anyone that knew me growing up would know that. I was always surrounded by kids. They seemed to just kind of gravitate towards me. I still enjoy children to this day. I think they are fun and sweet. They can be stressful, but in the long run they are one of the best parts of life. We hope that in our future we will have the good news again of expecting, but for now we are sad for the little one that will not get to be part of our family.
(Thank you to everyone who left comments. I accidently deleted a few. I didn't want any of you to think I was upset. I just hit the wrong button. I really did appreciate you comments though.)

How Cute is This?

We had a very busy day today. We got home from grocery shopping and after putting the stuff away I went to check on the boys. This is how I found Cullan. His little table flipped over and I guess he got comfortable.

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. www.garrangillespie.com Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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