Saturday, January 31, 2009

never ending saturday~

does anyone else suffer from this.
wishing you could have a nice relaxing weekend.
at the beginning of this week i had nothing on the agenda for saturday.
i thought this is great. we will just relax.
well as the week progressed, our list began.
everything from picking up prescriptions and returning movies,
to going to menards to get some lumber to fix the boys beds.
(a few of the slats were broken while some kids were here playing this week=()
so garran gets off work at 3:00 and off we go.
another busy saturday.
thanks for listening to me grump.

what i really want to do is be like samantha the witch from bewitched.
wrinkle my nose - have a spotless house
wink my eye - errands done
snap my fingers - children and mommy napping
guess that is only for pretend & TV!
on a completely different note. we have a new nephew.
he was born yesterday weighing in at 8 lbs 5 ounces.
his name is alex.

congrats to joey & michaela.

(just for the record, he does not have a tube in his ear. just weird positioning)

Friday, January 30, 2009

progress with a bit of the grumps~

well i have blogged a couple of times about this little girls blanket. it is slowly coming along. my friend CJ showed me a new way to do the binding, but you have to hand stitch it. honestly the first time i have ever really hand stitched anything. but it is coming along well. i have all of it done except for one little spot that have to wait until i see CJ again. she knows some trick with the binding to get it to come together a little more smoothly where two pieces meet that she is going to show me. but for now i feel good about it. once that last little bit of binding is done, it will just take a few minutes to finish up the hand stitching and it should be complete. i will post finished pictures when it is all done. here is a picture of my progress though~
i am excited to have it all done and ready for baby!
while busy working on the blanket kael was having a bit of a grumpy day. i tried to cheer him up by telling him i loved to take pictures of grumpy boys........

this was kael at his grumpiest telling me not to take anymore pictures.

then daddy got involved and this was his reaction.

garran is always so good with the boys and really knows how to make them laugh when they are in - well not the best of moods.

hooray for daddy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

here is a thought~

i know my mind works in weird ways some days so just go with this!
because i stay home with my kids and if the tv is on it is mainly pbs, i had a rather odd idea today. i was noticing that a character on pbs and our new president shared a little something.
here is my question...
do you think president obama has to pay some sort of royalty to bob the builder?
"can we change it- YES WE CAN"

"can we build it--YES WE CAN"

i dont know i think bob might have the upper hand here. i think he came up with that little catch phrase first. i know this has no importance what so ever. this just clues you in to some of the weird things that pass through my brain on a daily basis!

updates & purchases~

first off - nothing great happened at our appointment. we did not even get the ultrasound we thought that we would. argg. two more weeks and they said that will be a big appointment. blood work, strep b, ultrasound, hospital paperwork etc. they said i should plan to be there for a while. other than that baby is good. she gave the doctor attitude while she was trying to find her heartbeat. when my doctor would push with the dopler, this lil miss would just push right back. my doctor kept saying, "wow she is strong"!
on a whole other note, we have been in the market for a while for some new living room furniture. today after my appointment we were talking to a friend whos husband works for a big furniture store here. so we stopped by and found just what we were looking for and it was
that made it even better. we got it at a way better price than we even expected. so here is a pic of our new couch. i am so excited. finally we will have something to sit on that is comfortable in our living room!

baby update~

-34 weeks-
well here we are smack dab in the middle of 34 weeks. time just seems to keep flying by. i have a doctors appointment today and we are supposed to have an ultrasound. due to the babys size (thanks husbands family=) my doctor said that she would do an ultrasound today to get a baseline for where she is at now and then we will have one at every appointment after this to gage how much she is growing, which will determine how she will arrive. if she is close to 10 or over she will enter the world c-section. if she is small, which would be a miracle then everything will go normally. so today will be an interesting day. we will have to see what this little girl is up to. (according to everything i have read, at this stage the baby should be around 5lbs)
other than that we are still working on names. we have a couple in mind, but silly me just can not decide on one. garran has pretty much said which ever one i decide on is GREAT. I think he just wants to know what we are going to be calling this little one.
i have started to slow down a little. i have felt really good this pregnancy. i have thought that this has been my easiest by far. however i can tell we are getting down to the end of it. my energy level has really dropped, especially in the afternoon. around 3:00 or so it feels like i can barely keep my eyes open. however other than that i am still feeling pretty good.
i will update after my doctors appointment if we have any exciting news. hopefully everything goes well and we can start planning when this little girl will be here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

mom school fun~

today i taught mom school. we made fun little characters out of squares. then we talked about the color black since that was our assigned color. i found this old frame that was a black square and we took pictures holding it. they came out really cute so i thought i would share. the kids were pretty good sports. i have found i don't have as much energy now that we are getting close to the end of this pregnancy, so we made our crafts, took our pictures, had snack, and then i just let them play.
here are all the cute mom school kids, minus one who had the flu and was not able to come today.

-yes technically kael is not in mom school, but when i teach he gets to participate--why cullan refused to put the ice cream cones down or open his eyes is beyond me--the little girl is so funny. she is super cute, but hates having her picture taken.-so that was our morning. now maybe a nap.

(well that probably won't happen, but a girl can dream right!)

Monday, January 26, 2009


my boys hate haircuts.
these pictures make it pretty obvious.
cullans is extra short due to extra fighting!

-the finished product with little kael man-

-cullan before, can you tell he is not excited?--this was afterwards. trust me it was much more traumatic than these sweet pictures make it out to be.-oh well at least they are not shaggy anymore. it hurts me not to see cullans curls, but im sure they will grow back. hopefully!

does this ever happen to you~

the arrow should clue you in as to what i am asking about.
mandy and i were dying laughing at the fact that this nice lady was completely oblivious to the fact that we were not standing in the freezing cold posing just for fun. we finally gave in and just had garran take the pictures. however we had a good laugh about it. at one point she was standing directly in front of us.
oh well it made for a good laugh!


because i could not sleep last night i decided to do this but then must have saved it instead of posting it. oh well it has been a while since i have done one of these and this one seemed interesting. enjoy!
(thanks E for having something fun on your blog for me to copy in the middle of the night=)
1. what is the bravest thing you have ever physically done?
i would have to say my back surgery. i was terrified at first. i heard all kinds of horror stories and almost everyone i talked to was concerned or had stories of someone they knew where something went wrong. however i was very lucky! counting my blessings =) it went great and i have not had any problems since.
2. what is one talent you wish you had but don't?
i wish i could sew or quilt well. i can do very basic things but i definitely know my limits. i guess we will see how it goes. i am trying something a little out of my comfort zone with the baby blanket i am working on.
3. if you had that talent, what would you do with it?
i would love to make quilts, gifts for others, decorative things during the holidays. oh well maybe someday!
4. what is the bravest thing you have ever done emotionally?
stand up to my ex step mother and tell her how i really felt about our relationship.
(it was also right in the middle of planning my wedding. maybe that is why i ended up in the hospital a month before my wedding with stress related stomach issues =)
5. we all have our reasons for blogging, what would be your ultimate goal for your blog?
i would say honestly just to record our day to day life. i try and keep a journal about more personal things, but i have to admit that i love the idea of being able to look back at this over the years and see how much my kids have grown and changed. even just funny things they do on a daily basis. plus i hope this never happens but it is another record in case something ever happened to me, they would get to have an online journal of sorts from me!
6. what advice would you give a new blogger?
blog about whatever you want & however often. i blog frequently but others just blog a few times a month. i find it almost therapeutic to blog sometimes. also be honest about your life. its yours. you don't have to make things up because your worried about who is reading it.
7. what are your 3 favorite blogs to hit?
to many to count. usually it goes friends, photography, layout blogs. in that order
8. if you could trade lives with anyone for a month, who would it be and why?
i honestly don't think i would change. i know it sounds cheesy, but i am pretty happy with my life. i would miss garran and the kids too much if i left for a whole month =)
9. there is a fire. your family is safe and you have time to grab anything, what is it?
pictures!! with out a doubt and my kids baby blankets i made them. things that would be harder to replace i guess.
10. you have a chance to go back in time and change anything, what would it be?
i would have a different wedding photographer.
silly i know, but it is a serious regret i have!

great weekend~

this weekend was great. our plans had a few changes here and there, however we figured it all out and we were off.
garrans parents ended up watching the boys for us, which was very nice. don't get me wrong i love my kids, but it was nice to have a quiet weekend. (especially since in a few weeks we will be adding another one to our group)
-meg & mandy-
this weekend we traveled down to nauvoo with our friend mandy.
it was her first time going through. we had such a wonderful time. she is such a great person and i am so happy that she had such a good experience.

-mandy in front of the temple-

-mandy, meg, & garran-

you might not be able to tell by our not so great smiles but it was freezing. garran had left a little a head of mandy and i so that he could get the van. it was so cold, but we still had a great time.

i could not resist taking a few pictures while we were there. it was pretty chilly but i am ok with what i got. i will have to go back this summer and get some more. oh well this is what i got for now!


-Joesph & Hyrum-

-nauvoo temple-

hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

chuck E cheese~

well today for mom school the kids got an extra special treat. it the mom, who was teachings birthday. so she treated the kids to chuck-e-cheese. it was the first time my kids had ever been. they were so excited they could hardly stand it.
i got a couple of funny pictures from the party that i thought i would share.
there was this game where you shoot at enormous spiders. lets just say it was cullans favorite!!-cullan playing the spider shooting game. i think its so cute he does that with his tongue when he is really concentrating.-
-then he and his friend played. i love their faces!-
-finally he recruited kael. they thought it was so fun. it was one of the few games they could play together.-

-here is a sort video of them. you can hear kael if you listen closely saying "YUCK KILL SPIDERS"-

-kael tried a driving game next. doesn't look very impressed does he? its because he was frustrated by the fact that mommy had to push the pedals. thats what happens when your only a couple feet tall though.-
next it was time to boogie!
they have this big blue screen with what looks like a professional news/tv camera in front of it. you can sing and dance and then your picture is on the tv above. kael thought this was great.

-here is kael with two of the girls. they were having so much fun.-

-then their they were on tv!-

-kael sure is a little dance machine. this video cracks me up each time i watch it.-

-we could not leave without a ride on the merry go round of course!-

then it was time to party. everyone had such a good time.

thanks so much susie for a lot of fun. hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

second try~

remember this stuff from previous post?

i was supposed to go to my friend -CJ- house to work on this blanket last week, but due to bad weather and the fact that it is about 45 minutes away, i did not feel comfortable heading out in case something happened. however, today it is great. sunny with a temp of 11, perfectly good traveling weather. so hopefully i will be able to post this afternoon about my new cute baby blanket.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

not fast enough~

well today the boys were hungry, asking for something to drink and also had just knocked a whole bowl of greek salad on the floor. so i was trying to clean up the salad, while appeasing them with drinks thinking i would get to the lunch part in just a minute. i guess i either was not moving fast enough or underestimated how hungry they really were. i came back into the living room to find them sitting in a corner hiding their latest handy work!
i guess five minutes really is a big deal sometimes!

Monday, January 19, 2009

a gift for baby~

with each new baby it seems we splurge and buy one thing new that we need or just want for the baby. we have done it with each of the boys. (after our one big splurge i tend to get pretty thrifty =)
this little girls gift is a new car seat stroller combo. we have needed one pretty badly for a while and we decided that she was a good reason to splurge. i am sure that a lot of you are expecting pink, but i didn't do it. i decided to go kind of cute and neutral. i am excited about it and even more excited about the fact that we are even closer to having a cute little baby to put in it.

so here are a few pictures of our exciting purchase!!
-here is the car seat-

- here is the stroller-i love green so really no surprise there. we had a couple different in mind but this is the one we agreed on. i am really happy with it and am excited to take our new little girl to the park and on walks in her new wheels!

of course when we got everything put together both the boys instantly started pretending to be babies and wanted to sit in it to get the full experience.

-here is cullan pretending to be the baby-(yes he is dressed. he just got out of the tub and was running around in his underoos!)

-then it was kaels turn. notice he snagged one of the babies toys too. he kept saying shh. my baby-

now we just have to wait for the baby.

ps. i know a few of you have left messages about baby names. nothing yet. we have a few, but have not agreed on anything yet. we are slowly running out of time=)

do i stay or do i go~

-this was the big question-
ok so this weekend we planned on visiting my parents and doing some shopping for our newest little one. we had planned on staying over friday night and heading home on saturday. that was not the case. during dinner on saturday, my step dad said that he did not think we should leave because the road conditions were horrible according to the DOT. so garran and i talked about it and decided to stay an extra night. boy am i glad we did. on the first highway that we had to take to get home, we are usually on it for about an hour, we saw over 40 cars in the ditch. we could not believe it, but this is what we saw over and over again.

so by the time we got back to our house, we were super grateful and happy to be home. i tried to show how excited we were in our little photo collage!

don't you just love garrans goofy smile. i don't think he ever takes just a normal picture=)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


today we went on a mini shopping spree for baby while my parents watched the boys. we had to get a few things like a car seat and other supplies that you just have to restock on when you have a new one arriving. when we got back we thought it would be a fun idea to take the boys to crispy creme doughnuts because cullan is a doughnut junkie. (they way he loves them, you would think he gets them all the time, however it is a pretty rare treat!) we thought he would get a real kick out of seeing them on the belts being made. however when we got there they were not making any doughnuts. cullan and kael were still pretty excited about the fact that they might possibly get a doughnut out of the deal.

-kael very excited about his chocolate sprinkle doughnut-

-now do you notice a theme with my son. he just dives right in. no fear at all. he can hardly wait for that chocolate-sprinkle goodness-

-cullan might not look all that excited, but i think that has more to do with me asking him to take a picture then the actual activity. he loves doughnuts!-

-there is a happier boy, with his cool hat on that grandma got for him at the counter.-

-of course we had to let garran have a turn with the hat. isn't he handsome (sigh)-

what a fun day the boys had. they love hanging out at my parents house!

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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