Friday, September 30, 2011

Fun Fair

Tonight Cullan's school put on a fun fair and it sure was fun!
We had a really great time. I have to admit that both Garran and I were nicely surprised at how many fun things they had to do for the kids. Things were very fairly priced and the kids had an awesome time playing all the games and doing all the activities!
We ate dinner there first. 
Hot dogs!
The kids were excited about that!

 I am about 99% sure this was Cullan's favorite part. They had a couple huge bouncy house things and he spent most of his time playing in those.

 Briea on the other hand had fun at the bouncy houses but really loved all the animal stuff. she stayed at the mini petting zoo for a long time.
so did Kael. he has always been my little animal lover. he is very sweet and soft to them. he is always asking if we can get different kinds of pets. hopefully one day we will. 
 garran tried to let Ayla check out the animals with Briea. I don't think she was having much of that. Briea on the other hand was not afraid at all. She cracked me up. She and this duck were having a mini stare off. all of a sudden this duck quaked and her and she just reached over and pinched its beak closed. she was very soft when she did it, but I could just see her saying, "I don't think so DUCK!"
They also had pony rides. 
Guess who was in heaven.
Yep these two kiddos.
We took multiple turns on the ponies.
At one point, every time we went around briea would yell "yee-haw" and wave a pretty wave to the people waiting in line for a turn. 
They were so cute riding the horses. I even snapped a little video of them.
 after the pony ride, Kael decided that it was time to go do some rock climbing! 
 here he is getting all harnessed up.
 this was a pretty decent sized rock wall for a 5 year old. kael showed no fear. he just hopped right up in line.

 Cullan stood with Kael while he waited for his turn.
 Kael getting harnessed up by one of the rock climbing students from the college.
Look at him go. He did not make it to the top to ring the bell but that did not matter at all. I was so proud of him for trying something new. I kept telling him what an awesome job he did. I hope he tries those sorts of things more often. I get so excited watching my kids strike out and try new things that they have not yet experienced.

video of kael. Sorry it is sideways and short. i was trying to watch other kids so i did not get most of it.
 Cullan playing bags. Guess he takes after aunt sara!
after most of the games we decided to go on the hay ride.
 look at these two cuties waiting for the ride to start. 
i just love them.
 three more cuties. 
Sometimes I can not believe how big they are getting.
 Cullan took this picture of Garran and I. 
I am trying hard to be in more pictures. 
 more cuteness. 
i just thought i would through it in.
 while on the hayride we found out that this tractor is famous. 
Zach Effron and Dennis Quad are in our town and the two adjoining filming a movie. This tractor was in it. They borrowed it from the farmer. The movie is about a farmer and his son. The dad wants his son to farm, but the son wants to be a race car driver. I found a link to the movie HERE
Here we are at the end of the night.
Fun Fair Over and we were ready to head home. 
It was starting to get really chilly so it was the perfect time.
I am actually looking forward to more nights like these, now that we are officially parents of school aged children.
(sigh, I can not believe i just said that)

almost here.

kael's birthday is sunday.
he will be 5!
today at school he got a birthday sticker, happy birthday sang to him and he got to share cupcakes with his friends. 
all in all, he had a great day!

noodle nunchucks

well i had just sat down at my last cake decorating class for the level one group when my phone rang. 
we had made Chinese for dinner that night, and used chopsticks while eating. 
i had finished dinner and left.
garran calls me and says, "hey you might need to come back home.". 
i asked what was the matter. 
garran said he was not sure what happened. he said kael was sitting in the chair and the next thing he knew he was crying and saying that his face hurt. 
he had some how managed to "noodle nun chuck" (that is what our kids call chop sticks, don't ask, I don't know why) but anyways, he had somehow managed to "nun chuck" himself in the face.
so i left class early and took Kael to the ER for him to have his cheek looked at. it was not a very long cut. however it was deep and in a bad place. Garran and I both thought that because of the location it would need stitches to heal and not constantly keep opening.
we were right. 
3 big stitches.
i told Kael afterwards that they had to sew him up to keep all his handsome-ness inside. he thought that was funny. he was really brave till they stuck that needle right in his cut. i have to admit that this was the first time i witnessed someone getting stitches. usually garran deals with this stuff. however he had a ton of grading to do, so i went. i tried to not think about how painful it was to have that needle stuck in your cut, but i think i may have tensed up just as much as poor kael did when that needle went in. 
oh well. he is doing well, and those stinky stitches will be out next week!


100% out!

Monday, September 26, 2011


This comic strip almost always makes me laugh. 
Probably because most of the time I can totally relate!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This is what happens.

When you spend the evening with friends you do not get to see that often but that you know you can always laugh with and have a good time.
We tried to surprise our friends that Palmers for Stacy's birthday, which is tomorrow. 
Happy Birthday Friend!
She figured it out, but we still went and had fun anyways. We ate dinner at this super yummy place called "Tokyo". Then we walked around the mall and just chatted. Had some ice cream and ended the night at Target. 
I know it might not sound like the most amazing double date in the world, but I laughed so much it was totally worth every minute.
Of course at the mall we had to stop in the Halloween shop. The boys stayed up front and talked while Stac and I looked around. 
We found these gems and I could not resist a picture with them.

Thanks for a fun night Palmer's and Hope you have an Amazing Birthday tomorrow Stac!!

Friday, September 23, 2011


time goes by to fast.
she is growing up right before my eyes.
she is talking like a big kid now.
no more one or two word sentences for her.
she is my big girl. 
every time I look at her, i see my mom. 
of all my kids, she resembles my mom the most. 

Memories (for me)

Tonight I was telling Cullan how much i love his freckles. Then he said "I like your red freckles too". Umm yeah sadly those aren't freckles!

Love moments like this morning. I was dropping Cullan off at school and I gave him a hug and kissed his forehead and told him I loved him. Then he ran off to the playground. He got half way there, turned around and said "mom, I just love your hugs and kisses!".

On the way home from picking Cullan up from school, he told me that they had their first kid meeting today. This is where the whole school meets in the auditorium in the morning to say the pledge and a few other things. Then he says, " mom, did you know we are all made of justice under God?".

Listening to Cullan and kael in the back seat discussing whether IR not this man coming out of the building is Garran or not. Cullan says its not BC garran did not have a hat on when he left. Kael says it is because they have the same color shirt. I guess they have not noticed that the Guy is African American yet!


Week three of cake decorating class. There are only 4 weeks. I have to admit that the teacher is not my favorite. She is a very nice lady but she is not the best at teaching the class.  I don't know.  She is very nice but maybe our teaching and learning styles just don't mesh.
Of course I have everyone take pictures of their cupcakes at the end of the classes.
Here is Jenny's
 Jillian's Cupcakes.
 She took an extra one with her cupcakes, just in case I forgot. She is so funny!
 Becca's beautiful treats!
 Here are mine. Don't say anything about my stupid stringy mum cupcakes. I hate them. They are my least favorite and I really don't ever plan on decorating anything with them. 
(Can you tell it's late and I am feeling a wee bit like a 5 year old cranky child) LOL
 Last but not least, Trisha's. 
And the best part is, they made it home. Last week her cake hit the floor as she was leaving class. 
Next week we have to decorate a cake. Pictures to come!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Im a few days late with this!

First Day Of School

~Author Unknown~

He started school this morning,
And he seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside him
In the Kindergarten hall.

And as he took his place beside
the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
Those first few years can pass.

Remembering, I saw him as
He first learned how to walk.
The words that we alone made out
When he began to talk.

This little boy so much absorbed
In learning how to write.
It seems as though he must have grown
To boyhood overnight.

My eyes were blurred by hastily
I brushed the tears away
Lest by some word or sign of mine
I mar his first big day.

Oh how I longed to stay with him
And keep him by the hand
To lead him through the places
That he couldn't understand.

And something closely kin to fear
Was mingled with my pride.
I knew he would no longer be
A baby by my side.

But he must have his chance to live,
To work his problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn
What life is all about.

And I must share my little boy
With friends and work and play;
He's not a baby anymore --
He's in Kinderga
rten today

cake anyone?

I decided a while back that I wanted to take a cake decorating class. Just something fun to do where I could get out of the house for just one night a week.
  A couple of friends decided to take the class as well. 
from left to right
trisha, jillian, becca, and beccas friend. i can not remember her name. 
we decorated our frist cake this week. i made everyone take pictures of their finished products. 
 this was trisha's. sadly it hit the floor as she was leaving class. it really was sad even though we were all laughing!
 Jillian's pumpkin.
 Becca's corn cake!
 Becca's friends butterfly.
Here is mine. I need to work on my coloring of frosting but the design is not to bad for my first attempt!
I am sure there will be more pictures of cakes to come!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Pledge

Today I picked Cullan up from school. Of course each day I ask him how his day went and what he learned or what was fun about his day. He said that today they had their first kid meeting. I was not sure what he was talking about at first. However after a little questioning I realized he was talking about an morning assembly they have each morning to say the pledge and go over other school news. 
He said that they said something called "The pledge". (Guess we have never gone over that, even though he used to say it every morning in mom school)
Anyways. He was telling me all about the pledge. Then he says, "Mom, did you know we are all made of justice under God?".
I love the way kids hear things sometimes. I thought it was so funny and cute.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Today when I picked Cullan up from school, I asked him how his day went. He said that it went pretty well except that some kid threw away his napkin that I had drawn a picture on. He was not happy about that. Then he proceeded to tell me that while he was eating lunch, he started talking to the little boy next to him. I guess the little boy told Cullan that he really liked cookies. So Cullan decided to share one of his cookies from his lunch box with the little boy. After Cullan shares the story I hear this conversation from the back of the van.
Kael: Cullan that was nice of you to share your cookie.
Cullan: Yeah, he just said he liked cookies, so I gave him one.
Kael: Did he say thank you?
Cullan: No
(silence for a minute)
Kael: Well that was RUDE!!
I don't know why but I got a case of the giggles from this. I was laughing the whole way home!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Here he is!
All ready for his big day at Pre-K. 
I was a little worried that he might get shy and have a hard time with me leaving. Well forget that theory. He walked in the room, put his book bag up and said "Bye MOM!". That was it. My job was done. I was so happy that it went well though. His teacher was waiting with him when I picked him up and said that he had an awesome first day. She said he was her big helper when they were trying to come up with rules for the classroom and play ground. (for those of you that know Kael, that should come as no shock.)
He said that he made a friend name Jim and that he got to play on the playground and play with play dough. All in all a pretty successful day I would say!

Friday, September 9, 2011

"Sorry Mommy"

Haven't we all been here?
Shopping with one or multiple kids. 
I usually, almost always have at least one if not two in the cart and two wandering around with me.
Well today I only had three. Cullan was at school. Easier right??
We had almost finished our shopping and we are waiting for our van to get finished because we were having the oil changed. I remember that there is one more thing that I wanted to look at and it was over by the automotive section anyways. So we are heading over that way. In order to get there we have to pass through the crowded school supply area. Ayla is in to the top seat of the cart, Briea is in the bigger section  and Kael is walking. I tell him to stick right by me and we start heading that way. I have to admit that I was moving at a pretty good pace. I am not always a crowd person and I did not want to get stuck in this mess of people slowly checking out all the school stuff. So we make it about half way through the school section when all of a sudden I feel as if I have become one of those cartoon characters that can't seem to control their feet. I was all over the place. (Let me remind you I was moving at a good pace to get through the school section.) So all of a sudden, my feet have a mind of their own. I can feel eyes slowly turning and staring at me. I am clinging to the cart for dear life and occasionally grasping out for a shelf or something. It is like I have hit some kind of oil slick and I know it is only a matter of time before I am down for the count. Of course as all of this is happening, it feels as though I am moving in slow motion, and the one thing that I do remember clearly is that Briea's eyes were about silver dollar size as she watched me twist and flail, grasping on to the cart as I kept moving forward. My excitement started by pens and pencils and ended by notebooks. I felt as though I should almost turn around and take a bow due to the crowd that I had drawn with my wild movements. Instead, I make sure I have good footing and continue around the corner only to look down at Briea holding a bottle of lotion. She looks up at me and says "Sar-wee Mommy". She had sat in the buggy and started pumping lotion on to the floor. As I was walking, I had hit her lovely path and performed a number for the people in Walmart that they will not soon forget.

(Imagine me bowing at this point)
I have survived yet another embarrassing moment!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


That is what the boys have started calling her, A-Babe.
(I know, our kids have way to many nicknames)
Anyways, A-Babe loves the Camera. A LOT!
When she sees it come out, she breaks out the cheesy, toothy grin that we LOVE so much!

Who could not love this face??
I mean really. She is so dang cute. It's just not fair!

Kael's Day

Well today was Kael's turn to go to his Pre K class and meet his teacher. He was a little shy at first. But I explained that he should be brave and that he was going to have fun and meet lots of new friends. That seemed to help and he spoke to the teachers aid when we went in the room. 
 Here is Kael with his teacher Mrs. M
 Kael checking out the leggo people and blocks. He was really excited about all of the fun stuff they had to do in his classroom.
Here he is with a special tower that he built. I kind of laughed to myself. Look at that symmetry. That is definitely my kid. I love things that line up and match. One of my weird quirks. 
I know he is excited for Monday to get here. I am but I am nervous. Kael has always been my tender heart. I am worried that when it comes time to drop him off that he will freeze up on me. I want him to be happy and have fun. I pray that his first day goes well. I know he is going to love all the new things that they will do and learn. 
I know I have mentioned this before, but how am I old enough to have a kindergartner and a Pre-K kid?

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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