Saturday, February 2, 2008

Question for the masses! (warning I rant a little)

So I was chatting with two of my friends on seperate occasions and we had different coversations but on both I thought I would write a blog about. Now I am not pointing fingers at anyone I am just sending this out into the world of blogging more to vent than anything.. As you can guess my day has not started off well. Ok.. So the first is customer service. What is the deal? Why do we let people at stores be so rude to us? Don't they understand that we are the customer. We can easily take our business else where. Yes it may only be one measly family but I don't know if stores and companies remember this one little thing. Word of mouth can be very powerful. If everytime I am in a coversation with someone and that company comes up, odds are I will recount my negative experience and in doing that they risk not getting that persons business. My friend Mandy recently had to call her cellular company due to an error that was completely on their behalf. She was treated rudely and the SENIOR CALL CENTER LADY that she spoke to try to turn it around on Mandy and say "Well I am sure things don't always run smoothley at your place of employment" I told Mandy if that would have been me, I think I might just have said, actually I am the CFO, CEO etc of Gillespie Inc...and I can tell you that I can approve or deny whatever I want! I just think that companies should think that when we call in with a problem, especially with a problem that is because of something that they are at fault for... then even if they can not fix it immediately, just be polite. There is a lot to be said for just being nice...I will end this part of my rant with something my mother told me all the time WHEN PEOPLE ARE RUDE, KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS!

This is the second part of my rant....see how they kind of tie together. This time my friend Stacy and I were chatting about Thank you cards... Again not pointing fingers.. just sending this out to the blogging world.. Again just a rant. Anyways I was asking her if she ever got thank you notes for things anymore. I had just realized recently that I can not remember the last time that I got a thank you note. (I take that back, I do know of a select few people who are very good about sending thank you notes) Anyways we were discussing this and wondering is this small group of people the only ones that still do this gesture. I guess this poriton is kind of a question. I am curious how many people still send out thank you notes? Stacy and I both disguessed how we were raised to send out thank you notes for just about anything. Not just when we recieved gifts but when someone did service for us or something nice. Now I am not perfect, I sometimes have missed a few here and there. However I try my hardest to get them out with in a few weeks of whatever the thing is I am thanking that person for. So this is the thing Stacy and I were wondering..Are we a dying breed? Has everything become so electronic that we are just sending emails? Have we just abonded the thank you note all together? I am just curious? I went back and forth about writing this because I did not want to offend anyone who maybe thinking at this moment---did I send her a thank you? I don't care.. We just were wondering if we did not get the memo about not doing it or doing it electronically.. Let me know how you do it or if you do it at all? I am just curious.....


Mom of 5 Gents said...

It's interesting that you bring this up, Meg. We discussed thank you notes in two of my classes yesterday (Business Communications and Ledership & Human Relations). According to my professors, thank-you notes live on and should be a routine part of business and personal life. It is beginning to be "acceptable" to write electronic thank you notes. However, handwritten notes are still the preferred method. Last semester, my Sales Management professor encouraged us to do both -- electronic to reply quickly and then followed by a handwritten note within 48 hours. Maybe we can encourage sending more thank you notes. How about a girl's night out to create a bunch of thank you cards together? Or have a thank-you card swap where we each make X cards and then trade to get an assortment?

Krista said...

I agree with Connie! I love hand made cards and since I do not always have them on hand.....the thankyou's get forgotten. I am up for a card making night!!!

Mike & Mandy said...

What would I do without a friend like you to call and rant to? I will fill you in on what happens when the "Floor Manager" calls me back! (I think I better pray about it because I don't always exhibit Christ-like behavior in moments like these!)

Jolley's said...

I have had a thank you card here for you for weeks that I keep forgetting to give to you. Now that you posted this you will think I am giving it to you from your message. I was truly thankful for all your visits while Christian was sick. It made my day brighter and the time much shorter. A card night is a great idea. Thanks again Megan and I really will give it to you.

our story

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Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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