well as most of you know, potty training in our house has been an ongoing thing. we are constantly asking curls if he has to go potty, then sitting him on the potty in hopes that something will happen. as a joke one night, sargento was sitting with curls while he was on the potty and sargento said "well curls just squeeze your tummy to go potty" and he put one hand on his back and one hand on his tummy and squeezed. i guess curls thought that was a good idea, because last night he was sitting on the potty and i happened to walk past the bathroom and i hear "squeeze~squeeze~squeeze". curls had one little hand on his tummy and on hand on his back and i guess he thought it would work because his daddy had told him about it. well to our great surprise it did. what a successful night on the potty!!
(after posting this i thought "hmm, wonder how many people really want to hear our potty stories?" sorry if you are one of the ones not that interested!)
This is probably way too much information but at our house the kids have a "poop face" and they (or we-if we are helping them) try to make it as funny looking as possible. Squinty eyes, gritty teeth, the works. That seems to help everything come out. :) Also, we reward with M&Ms. One for pee and several for poo.
Hooray... success! Any and all success stories (of the bathroom variety or otherwise) are always appreciated. It's fun to celebrate with you!
Its a big milestone for all of you! Keep up the great work. Love your posts!
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