ok the title of my post is a stretch from the topic but how many of you have ever seen the tom hanks ~ meg ryan film, "you've got mail"? i loved that movie. i just thought it was cute and light hearted. anyways i love the line in it from tom hanks where he says:
"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms."
i love it because i love school supplies myself. as a kid i always looked forward to the first day of school. i loved getting all my supplies organized and put just where i wanted. (im a nerd i know)
so recently school has started in our area and i see all the kids getting on the bus and thought about how for curls it will be here before i know it. in two more years i thought we will be stocking up on school supplies and figuring classroom stuff! well that time has come early than i thought... in a way.
last week a girl i go to church with called and asked if i would be interested in "mom school". At first i was not sure how it would work with rewind having to tag along but once she explained the schedule, it all worked out and so i agreed. i am so excited for curls. i think he will really enjoy it. so have i peeked your interest into what our version of "mom school" is, well.....
ok so this is how it works. we meet twice a week. there are five moms and five kids. each mom takes a week of teaching. the other moms drop their kids off at your house and get to enjoy some free time while the one mom teaches. when its your week to teach you cover one letter, one number, and one color. since all of the kids are 3 and preparing for preschool it works out great. each mom is also responsible for a field trip. they get to choose where, but they are responsible for planning it. i am pretty sure it goes about the length of the school year, but i have to double check! anyways i think it will be a lot of fun. i can not wait.
so to tie in the quote from above, today curls and i went and bought his school supplies for mom school. each child got a list of things they would need and so we went and took care of that. curls was not super excited about the back pack choice because he recently received a Thomas back pack but it is too small for his 3-ring binder. so his choices were spider man or elmo.. the spiderman book bag was ugly so i was kind of happy that he opted for the skateboarding elmo one.
i will have to keep everyone posted on how mom school goes. i think it will be a great thing to get us through the winter and keep us motivated to get out and do stuff!
I LOVE SCHOOL STUFF! I just want to come over and pack that bag, take everything out and pack it again! He will be a CUTE little Mom-School student! ("Nice to meet you..." too cute!)
He will love mom school! Have fun with it!
We did this when I was a kid. My mom and a few of her friends had the same program going that you described. I have some awesome memories of it!! You will have so much fun!! Enjoy this year with Curls.....I can't believe I am taking my baby to kindergarten tomorrow!! Thanks for all your comments on our blog!! It's nice to get to know you a little bit this way!!!
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