ok so this is a post that is really just for me. i get excited about stupid things. however this one i came home from the store today and even sargento said he was somewhat impressed with my new skill. ok so for most of you, you have probably figured this out a long time ago. sometimes i am a little slow on the uptake.
so i was inspired by john and kate plus 8. i love that they feed their hugh family very healthy food and all on a relatively small budget. i think she said she spends about $150.00 dollars a week. so i thought if she can do it so can i. the first week was kind of a bust. i planned out our meals had kind of some big ones, still working the kinks out and spent about $102.00. So then for the next three weeks i kind of found my grove, started planning my meals better, including fun yet healthy snacks for the kids with a splurge of ice cream or something ever now and then.. guess what my total has been each week for the last three weeks!!! well are you guessing.
here ya go.. $50.00!! (well usually between 50.00 & 55.00) depends on if we have to stock up on some essentials! like i said that includes all meals, snacks, fruit, and to top it off i do not use coupons because i do not get the paper. im so excited.. i am hoping this will help our budget and i am it actually makes me enjoy grocery shopping because i am always trying to see if i can keep it right at that mark.
ok like i said this post is more just because i am excited about my accomplishment.. i doubt anyone really cares about our grocery shopping habits!
oh you are so wrong. OF COURSE we want to know your secret. Why don't you just share your meal plans with us and we can all be Super Shoppers? You ROCK!
That is awesome! I need you tell me how you do that. Lets chat sometime!
Yikes! We spend at least $100 a week and we don't have kids.
We care. We love to get advice on making meals healthier and less moola. We are building a greenhouse to help with the grocery bill, especially since #10 is on the way.
Want to teach an Enrichment night?! :)
that sounds awesome! I would love to see how you planned for snack and everythig. I do a meal plan but always seem to not have stuff for lunch and snacks.
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