so i was reading on of my parenting magazines today and came across and article on bullying. it gave you strategies to help your kids fight off or better deal with i guess i should say bullies when kids are struggling. now granted my kids are not in school yet so this has not really been to big of an issue for us but it did make me think of my sister in law. she is very funny and taught her girls a great way to deal with a bully on there school bus! here it goes.
she has three girls that are in school and all ride the bus. there was some kid that was always picking on one of them saying they were "odd-strange-weird" you get the picture. so "J" my SIL thought up a great way to take care of the kid and do it in a funny manner. when the bully would start to call one of her girls weird for example that girl would say "nope im not weird, she is weird im odd" talking about one of her sisters. then the other sister would say "well i might be odd but she is strange" totally stealing the bullies thunder and joking about it themselves. i thought it was so creative and it totally diffused the situation.
if you are interested in checking out the article it is in the september issue of Wonder Time Magazine!
confident and awesome.... read Wondertime? I love that magazine!!
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