everything is closed. everything is covered in snow. the kids and i are just hanging out today. we can't go anywhere. besides all the snow, the wind is horrible. you can see in the bottom left corner how the wind had been blowing the snow all around. the only thing i wish is that garran was not stuck at work. it would be so much more fun with him here. oh well. hopefully he will get home soon. stay warm out there!
ps. did i mention how thankful i am that the show got postponed. i don't think even we could have made it.
It's even snowing on your blog!!
So I am awful about commenting too but am trying to be better. Now that I use Google Reader, I don't visit blogs often enough.
I am due March 29, but since the boys have all been 12 days early, I am really hoping for a St Patty baby!
I kept watching the weather updates about Iowa, and I was thinking about you being stuck in the snow. Well, atleast it looks and feels like Christmas at your place! By the way, I noticed in some pics that your kids wear the Target brand diapers, I LOVE them as well!! Super random I know...but still!
I really wish I lived somewhere that I could complain about the snow. lol I'm jealous.
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