(warning, while reading this, you will understand why I don't get nominated for Mother of the Year. It might sound a little mean)
while we were out trick or treating last night I had such a good laugh at the expense of my son Kael.
It had gotten dark and we were at the end of the neighborhood and hitting the last street before we headed home. Kael had gotten ahead of the group by one house. So he ventured up to this house with a ghost by the door. These people had rigged a smoke machine to their doorbell, so when you pushed the bell, the smoke came shooting out from under the ghost with some force. Kael pushed that doorbell, anxiously awaiting the door to open and instead got blasted with smoke all around his feet. He came flying off that porch, mouth open wide, screaming like a wild man!!! I was laughing so hard. I was bent over I was laughing so hard. (like I said, I know it makes me sound horrible). Kael made it all the way back out to me, realized how hard I was laughing and started laughing too. He looked at me and said "Mom, that house really scared me!". The people were so nice. They came out to give him candy and tried to apologize for scaring him so badly. Unfortunately I was still laughing uncontrollably. I know. It sounds bad, but it really was SO FUNNY!!
It doesn't sound mean, it sounds funny! I would have laughed too. And it sounds like he was a good sport about it. :)
Too funny! I scare my own children... ;)
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