so recently my life has gone back into full swing.
kids are in school.
husband is in last year of grad school.
i have also taken on watching a friend of mines adorable 3 month old son when she was offered a job that she really wanted.
On top of all that, I was recalled as the 1st counselor in the YW.
So my days pretty much look like this!!
But busy in a good way. In a kind of way that you feel like you have been productive at the end of the day.
But with these crazy busy days..come consequences.
Tonight I went to Zumba!!
Which I LOVE LOVE LOVE by the way!!
Anyways..... we were at the end of class and we were doing a stretching....
something like this...
I am really feeling like I got a good workout when I hear the lady in the row ahead of me say,
I look up feeling a little confused because no one else was talking and I look at her with kind of - Can I help you eyes.
She then says.. "I think you are bleeding."
I say "WHAT?"
Again she says, "I think you are bleeding....On your leg."
I look down to see this long streak of red on the front of my shin.
Although it was not really running like blood.
It was more just stuck in place...
I put my finger on it and it was if it had been there a while.
I am sure to this lady was horrified as i scrape some off, smell it and then taste it.
"No Worries I say....Just Ketchup!!"
She look mortified.
Looking back, licking it probably was not the best choice.
Guess I just did not think about it in the moment.
Now to the real question...
How did I get ketchup on my shin and how long had it stayed there to become a gooey substance??
I am guessing it was from the hotdogs I gave the kids for dinner...that is my best bet anyways!
Ah the joys of motherhood!!
ps. I am guessing that lady and I are not going to be zumba buddies. I am pretty sure I just black listed myself in her book. Probably with good cause!! :0)
Bahahahaha! I would've done the same thing! If we lived closer, we could be Zumba buddies! :)
lol! nice.
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