this year we did gingerbread, well graham cracker houses as always. the kids love it and i enjoy it also. we always invite the missionaries from out church to come and make some as well. it is fun to see what everyone comes up with and to laugh at all the chaos that unfolds!
here we all are, starting out. looks pretty organized right...ya well that did not last. in true fashion for our family, things got a little messy. b had a peppermint patty go down the wrong tube and she threw up on the floor. Kael dumped two full bottles of sprinkles out on his house. Yes we were watching him, but you just can not catch everything. After making our houses garran gave B a bath and then put the boys in. When he came back down we heard the boys yell, yep, B had climbed in the bathtub fully dressed in her PJ's! LOVELY! However, Garran and I were laughing. Would we really have it any other way. NO. these are the things we look back on and laugh at and will be able to tell our kids. i don't think family activities are supposed to go perfect or mess free anyways....right?
so here are the finished projects....
Kael - 4 years
Garran's- to his defense, he was holding Ayla so his house suffered a little this year.
This is Briea's. basically she put a little candy on her house and then just moved around the table sampling all the treats that were out.
Cullan' house. He was disappointed that he did not have enough room to fit a pool.
I had Garran snap a picture of me with my house. I was pretty happy with it.
I did a close up because one of the girls that came brought shark gummies as kind of a joke, but I worked them in!! I have a well in front of my house with a shark coming out!
Carmack's house. she was the funny lady that brought the sharks. the right part of her house is an aquarium and has sharks swimming in it!
this is the other girl's house. she even built a garage with a bug in it. it was really cute.
we had a fun time and made a huge mess. that is how it is supposed to go though. fun memories usually come with sticky fingers and big messes!!
Hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit. I know I am. I am off to address our Christmas cards while Ayla is napping!
Very impressive. I like the gum shingles.
Tell Garran we won't hold it against Him that his house sucks. hehehehe
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