well we got the results from her blood panel. they made us a little nervous because they said that they wanted to have us come in. they said they did not want to tell us over the phone. of course when you hear that, the worst rolls through your head. the test they did scanned for all sorts of things. so it was a nervous few hours. anyways, i went in and spoke with our pediatrician. she informed me that the reason she wanted us to come in was due to the severity of the results.
briea's blood scan came back mostly normal for almost all the allergens. however due to the amount of insects and things like that, they were not able to pin point exactly what she was allergic to. however through the screening they could tell that she does have a severe allergy. there is something (which could just be mosquito's or multiple types of insects) which is causing her to have such horrible reactions. our pediatrician said that the reactions are probably going to get more severe over time. when she explained the results, she said that when they are looking at this allergy test, they like to see peoples numbers between 90-100. Briea's came back in the 690's. Ya its severe!! so now we have a whole new battle ahead of us of trying to figure out what it is she is allergic to and trying to keep her away from it. hmm. i wonder how stylish mosquito net clothing will be?? I have a feeling this is going to be a real challenge for me. i feel so bad for my sweet little girl.
now we have to make sure that we constantly have our epi pen on us at all times, as well as benedryl and hydrocortozone cream. we have to be prepared at all times, and when she heads to school, we will have to make sure they are prepared as well.
it would be nice if we knew for sure what it was that she was allergic to, but for now we know mosquito's and the rest is just a guessing game. i am dreading her first bee sting. i really hope she does not have an allergy to that.
Oh Meghan... HUGS.
oh my! poor girl! that sounds scary :(
Poor girl! That is going to be tough but you can handle it. Give her a squeeze for me!
Man, you are all having a tough time! Hugs too!
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