this little miss is STRESSING ME OUT! i mean not necessarily her, but all her weird reactions to things. we are still working on her allergies to who knows what. she was supposed to have her 18 month checkup yesterday, but we ended up having to reschedule. i was really looking forward to it because i really wanted to talk to the doctor about some of the things i have noticed her having a reaction too. anyways, yesterday morning i noticed she had a bug bite on her side. it did not look like a mosquito bite, but it was a bug bite none the less. by dinner time it was horrible.
it looked like this. swollen, very hard, hot to the touch. she was miserable. we kept putting triple anti-biotic ointment on it and watching it. we tried to call her peds without any luck. i feel so horrible for her. i know she is uncomfortable. this morning there is not much change, so we are trying to decided what to do next. our town is so small the only real option is to take her into the ER. ( i am not really wanting to do that, but i also don't want this to get worse) since it looks infected. i know it is hard to tell from the picture, but this is the size of a decent pancake!
i really hope next week is not so complicated!!
Poor B.
Have you tried an ice pack on it? I know that sometimes helps. Otherwise, I've had to use hydrocortisone ointment or take benadryl, but I wouldn't want to use those on my little one without the ped saying it was okay first. Poor thing!
Oh my gosh!!! Oh... poor girl... I have to say that I'm in pain just looking at it! I hope you guys can figure out what all she's allergic to. It's frustrating not to know...
Owie! Bradley got a bite like that a little big ago and I was really worried about it being infected too. I have him some benedryl though, and since he didn't have a temperature we waited a while and the swelling all but disappeared. Has your doctor recommended keeping benedryl on hand?
@lisa- yes we keep benedryl and hydrocortozone on hand at all times. it did not really do much which is why i was so concerned. but things have calmed down this afternoon. I just get stressed easily when my kids are not feeling well. ;0(
Well, of course you do! We have reactions like that sometimes too. It is STRESSFUL! My two littlest are covered from a day of fun. Not that big though! Let us know what helps. Getting wore out from creams and liquids that work slow too and make them asleep.
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