here is our day and its only 12:30!
woke up at 7:00, got in the shower.
came downstairs did my injections.
got kids breakfast and printed out directions to the school for preschool screening.
got cullan and kael dressed.
8:45 got briea's clothes and a new diaper.
8:50 layed b on the floor to change her diaper and while doing so, hear a crack.
8:52 cullan falls forward, cracks his head on the side of the entertainment center...blood gushing...cullan laying on floor crying.
9:00 in the car on our way to the ER
9:07 walking in ER. cullan has towel over his head. he is holding my hand so that i can kind of guide him. I thought that he could see. he could not. so as we walk in, he hits his head on the door, to which the entire staff at the desk gasp. i grab cullan to make sure he is ok, then look at them and say "well there goes my mother of the year award!" the response "crickets chirping!!".
9:10 at ER. call Garran at work, asked him to come meet me. all three kids in ER with one bleeding. NOT HAPPINESS!
10:15 ER doc comes in says cullan needs stitches and to take the other kids out.
11:30 cullan is done, puffy eyed from crying. i left with the kids. garran said it was miserable. they tied him down to a papoose board, did an injection in the cut, and stitched him up.
11:45 at the elementary school where we were supposed to be at 10:00 for the boys screening. of course we have missed our slot. there are no makeups. so we have missed even the slightest chance at preschool.
11:47 walking out of school upset. i knew there was a chance they might not get in, but to not have any make up times. ARGG it is not like we over slept.
11:48 me...realizing it is going to be a long year.
on the other side of things i am so grateful that cullan is ok and that it was not more serious. it is always horrible to see your babies hurt and crying. he is a trooper though. once we left the hospital he was just fine. we have to leave the stitches in for 5 days. taking them out is not on my list of things i am looking forward too.
oh Meg... some days it just feels like you can't catch a break. Hang in there. Jamie J. shared a quote with me from the Ensign this month. When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Happy thoughts coming your way, and a prayer too! :)
So sorry Meghan... That is stinky. I, too, am glad it's not worse.
I have to say, also, that you took one handsome picture of that cutie pants boy. Cullan has some seriously awesome hair going on there... and he's so old. :( Can it be?
You have had a day already! Nap time can't come fast enough! Maybe the rest of the day will be smooth sailing. You are in my prayers this afternoon! Hope he heals QUICK!!
meghan, i am so sorry to hear about the problems this morning. i know how you felt in that er, i remember when hunter got his stitches on his face, it really freaked me out. but when his stitches came out he was very proud of his "war wound" as he called it...
one thing to always remember, god wont ever give you anything that he doesnt know you'll be able to handle. plus maybe he has a reason behind you missing the appointment today, maybe he has something bigger planned for the boys this year?
heidi and crew
Oh, that is so frustrating! Is there no other preschool he could go to?
@lisa, no there are not, well there is one private one, but it is insanely expensive. BOO!
@ Christi..that one side sticking up is from blood. it is hard to tell but if you turned his head sideways you could see it better. ;0)
Yikes! What a day. I am glad he is ok and that this long day for you is over. :)
the girls are going to so dig the scars!!!
lol I loved your "well there goes my mother of the year award" lol I totally would have said that!! lol Also, I loved your tags to this You crack me up, what a patient mother you are. I would have just started laughing like a mad woman who had finally cracked.
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