isn't it funny what kids get upset about sometimes. lately we have had to give out a lot of meds at our house. we have been giving B benedryl and steroids to get her swelling under control and cullan benedryl. he has the same thing as B, but in a much milder form.
Anyways, one night i was giving the kids their meds before going to bed and Kael got so upset. he kept saying that he needed benedryl. i explained that he should be thankful that he did not need it. That he should be happy that he is not all swollen. However when it seems like everyone else is getting something i guess you want it too. So finally he came up to me and said "Mom, i really need some benedryl so that my nose will shrink!!" well he did not win the argument but he was pretty sure that his nose was swollen. kids can be so funny sometimes.
kids are funny. sounds like something my kids would do.
funny boy :D
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