so we have started a summer project. i found this table two summers ago at a garage sale and it was in awesome condition. then i made a mistake and cleaned it with something that took the finish off. argg. so we have been dealing with the spotted up ugliness until we had a place that we could work on it. well we do know. I am so excited. here is the table before we started. I know it looks horrible.
here is the table from a distance. it doesn't look as bad when you are far away but still. it really needed some help.
here is garran hard at work. he had already sanded down the legs. now to work on the really bad part!
everyone got in on the help. the boys really enjoyed trying the sander out.
of course we took a Popsicle break - it was pretty warm yesterday!!
briea was really excited...can you tell?
here is the table after round one of sanding!! i think it already looks so much better. we are going to do another round of sanding today. then we just have decided how we want to stain it. it was originally light but all of our furniture is darker. i am not sure what we will decide but picture will come soon.
It looks awesome and I love that picture of B!
I love family projects! And that picture of B! She's so cute!
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