last night was the scariest we have had in a while. as most of you know last night we came home from our trip of visiting grad schools. we were all pretty tired and so we went to bed pretty early. around 1:30am our carbon monoxide detector started going off. i woke garran up to check, and i just laid there thinking for sure that it was just a low battery.
garran said that the CM detector was beeping and that it was the alarm. so we talked for a minute and decided to call the fire department. garran called 911 and i got up and started trying to move our suitcases and things around in the living room to make it look a little better.
the fire department came in and did some readings. we had already turned the furnace off and the levels were already at a level that was right on the border for when you would have to go to the hospital.
they asked us to turn the furnace back on. when we did the levels shot way up. the fire man told me that had we not had that CM detector, within two more hours, the levels in our place would have been FATAL!
garran and i could not believe what we were hearing. you could not smell anything or see anything. thank goodness for that alarm. had we not had it our morning could have been a much much sadder one.
if you do not have one. get one. we bought a pretty basic one and it was about 25.00 dollars. today i am thinking that is the best money we could have ever spent. we just barely missed having to go to the hospital and were grateful that we had that warning to get out.
we had to leave around 2:oo am and head to my in-laws. the fire department said it was not a good idea to sleep there with the levels still at what they were. even though we are sleep deprived this morning we are grateful to all be alive and well.
ps. i also have to say a special thank you to my friendly neighbor who was the big advocate for me getting our carbon monoxide detector.
Oh wow! I'm glad you have a CO2 monitor! We've got one too, but maybe we should put one in the basement too. I wonder if CO2 sinks or rises? I should look it up. Thanks for the post.
Oh I am so glad for a happy turnout in a potentially horrible situation. HUGS!
and people say we're paranoid! ha! ;)
VERY SCARY! So glad you are all ok! BLESSINGS!
Oh man, Erica was so adamant that I get one. I guess I better listen to her. I am so glad you guys are all safe. Love you guys!
Wow!! Glad you guys called the F.D.!! I am so glad you guys are all okay. That is super scary!! Looks like I need to get one of those!
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