i guess he might just follow in his daddy's footsteps.
tonight at cullan's preschool, they had an art show. it was supposed to be decorated like a gallery. the hall's were lined with all of the kid's art work. it was fun but super busy. i tried to snap some shots of cullan's work. some came out kind of blurry due to getting bumped in the overcrowded hallways. so here is what i got to see..
a mask that cullan painted and added decoration to.
they also had a silent auction. this was one of the things they auctioned. it is everyone in the preschool. cullans hand print is the second row third in. it's blue.
here is a sheep. a very cute sheep.
this one made me giggle. it just seems to tell so much about cullans personality. he is so matter of fact sometimes. just so straight to the point. the kids read the book "it looked like spilt milk". all of the other kids pictures said, "it looks like a butterfly", "it looks like a monster". i could just see in my mind, cullans teachers, after reading the book asking, what does it look like and cullan looking up at her in a very matter of fact way and saying "it looks like spilled milk." as you can see it is written in the corner. oh my cullan boy.
i am not sure exactly what this is but i took a picture anyway.
here is cullans family portrait. i think he did a great job.
last but not least. they did fall trees. i loved these. i think i am going to have to steal the idea. cullans is right up front, just right of center sitting kind of sideways.
he was so excited to show me his art. i can not believe that he is becoming such a big kid. i guess i better enjoy ever minute.
tonight at cullan's preschool, they had an art show. it was supposed to be decorated like a gallery. the hall's were lined with all of the kid's art work. it was fun but super busy. i tried to snap some shots of cullan's work. some came out kind of blurry due to getting bumped in the overcrowded hallways. so here is what i got to see..
he was so excited to show me his art. i can not believe that he is becoming such a big kid. i guess i better enjoy ever minute.
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