friday was a busy day at our house! we were super busy making birthday presents for my mom and then around 4:00 we headed out and hit the road to go meet in M-town for a joint birthday party for my mom and aunt patti who is visiting from texas!
i forgot to get a pic of my moms gift but we made stepping stones for her garden that had the kids foot prints on them.
we had a good time visiting with family. below are a ton of family pics. sorry for friends that read my blog-this post is kind for family. just pictures of our gathering!all the kids minus one
george-chris-eldon-patti group shot this time with the parents
same group different effect. still missing one brother!
brother and sisterstub-betty?-velmaother birthday girl patti
patti and her children andy and im drawing a blank on her daughters name right now.
they were so cute together. it was funny seeing them. the last time i saw them andy was a baby.of course my gang got a shot! it was so humid this night!!katie-garran-briea
briea just loves katie. we think they have some sort of special connection.
briea just coos and loves katie every time we are together!some more of just the parents
(i think im misspelling elrids name. someone correct me if im wrong)she wanted to rub noses. he was not having it.
random group shots while waiting for the other brother steve to get there.
random group shots while waiting for the other brother steve to get there.
this one has....
me-chris-nanny-moehere we are again in color.
chris is georges sister. nanny is my grandmother and moe is my mom!nanny and mommy handsome guy jumped in.
cullan-the big boy!-then just nanny--two generations-
-three generations--four generations-
-three generations--four generations-
(check out my crazy hair-thanks fan)
finally steve got there. we were able to get all the kids and parents together. this rarely happens!
-steve-chris-george-patti-eldon--elrid-velma-multiple takes. you know how it goes!
happy birthday to moe and patti!!
I love your family shot. I miss you so much! I wish I could be there to do bbqs and stuff together. I also loved the four generation shot even though Briea was crying. lol Still cute!
Meg -
Those are great! I wouldn't have believed those outdoor shots would have come off so well. I love your new family photo that I took! Jeesh - that camera is worth every penny if someone like me can point and shoot and have it look that good! Well done, Meg - your whole family is da bomb(s)!
Love - Auntie M
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