i guess from reading the last few days of our blog it must seem like life around here has been miserable. CRAZY YES...miserable no!
today i remember why my children humble me on a regular basis and why i love them so much.
this morning i was trying to get everyone dressed and out the door to meet a friend at the park. i had cullan kael and briea dressed and was getting ready to tackle shoes and the diaper bag. cullan went and got his shoes and we got them on. kael then came to me and i asked him to please go get his shoes out of the bedroom.
instead he must have misunderstood because he went in and emptied three drawers of clothing.
needless to say i was not in the best mood. obviously frustrated, kael looked up at me with his big dark puppy eyes and said "i sorry for getting clothes out mommy" but due to my anger i just looked at him and then continued to put his shoes on.
then it seemed like everything went crazy. phone was ringing with some telemarketer, briea was screaming and cullan busted his lip. at this point it was more than obvious that i was frustrated. cullan sat down next to briea and was trying to get her to stop crying by talking to her and trying to give her, her binkie. then as i was putting stuff in the diaper bag i hear a small little voice behind me say, "Mom, I go clean my room. That make you happy. OK?" it was cullan. how sweet was that. then he said "kael you make briea happy, i go clean. ok!
my heart just melted. what sweet boys i have!
after that we had a much better day together playing at the park and running errands.
i love sweet moments like that!
That was tender!
It is times like that that make you happy that you are a Mom. They also help you to understand why God wants us to be like little children.
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