today i was flipping through channels and came across an MJ tribute-NO BIG SURPRISE THERE!
anyways i decided to watch it for a minute. i guess caught up in the nostalgia of some of the songs.
they played "the way you make me feel", "bad", you get the idea. then they played a video i had never heard or seen before.
it was called "blame it on the boogie". kael went wild.
i don't know how many times i have mentioned how much my son loves to dance.
hopefully i tried to capture some of it with a still camera.
he started by doing some goofy stuff on the floor.
but once he got out...he can really shake it!!!
cullan however decided that today he was too cool for school!
no dancing for him.why he decided to put his train in his mouth for this last one is beyond me!
as for kael, all i can say is....
LOL!! Those pictures of Kael are hilarious!!
wow! he's got some moves!
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