i'm a shoplifter!
ok so yesterday i had mentioned that i had to take briea to the doctor for thrush. well usually we use Walgreen's for our pharmacy. however yesterday i was going to get some groceries so i had the pediatrician send the medicines to walmart and i thought i would just save myself a trip. so i got to walmart. did my shopping. went to the pharmacy and picked up brieas prescription. now while i was there. i did the consult with the doctor and watched the cashier scan the meds. so i took it and walked off. i went up to the front and payed for the rest of my groceries and left, not really thinking anything else of it.
this morning in was talking to a friend of mine on the phone when i got a beep. i looked at the caller id and laughed. my friend asked what i was laughing about and i said "walmart is calling me!" so i answered it. it was a lady from the pharmacy asking me if i had picked up brieas perscription. i told her that i had. she then proceeds to tell me that they have no record of me paying for it at any register. i instantly start to giggle because i tend to do that in somewhat stressful situations. trust me its something i have been working on. police men never find it funny when im giggling while they are writing my ticket. anyways- so i proceed to explain to her that i saw the cashier at the pharmacy scan it. i assumed it was covered under our insurance and that with some medications there is no charge or a minimal charge. i just thought it was covered and left. guess not. oh well we got it all taken care of and have no fear---the police will not be coming to get me anytime soon!!
(hmm should this go under the laugh instead of cry moments...=)
You tend to giggle?!?! My friend that is an understatement! Allow my to remind you of a little seatbelt incident. We were pulled over in the drive thru for not having seatbelts on. The cop gave me a speech and then came around to your side and repeated the speech. I remember you doing a bit more than giggling! LOL Cute story though!
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