well the morning that i was to be induced everything went pretty normally. we got up early and called the hospital to see if everything was still on to be induced. it was and so we dropped the boys off at a friends and headed to the hospital. i was feeling pretty confident with this being number three but anxious and nervous all at the same time. you never know what can happen and i always try to not think about the bad stuff on the way to the hospital just so i can stay calm.
(one of the few pics you will ever see of me in the hospital-the pics never are very flattering!)
anyways we got to the hospital and i was having contractions on my own every 3-4 minutes and i was at a 4, so they broke my water. i thought that everything was going great. i thought that this little girl would be here by lunch and that this delivery would be my easiest by far.
boy was i wrong. by the time i got to a six i requested my epidural. they doctor came in and did everything that he needed to. it was not my best experience and i thought right off the bat that something might not be right. it felt funny and kind of hurt going in. two things i had not experienced with he boys. so after my epidural was in the doctor decided to turn on the pitocin to try and make my contractions stronger and a little bit closer together.
here is where everything started going all crazy. they were slowly increasing my pitocin but as they would increase my pitocin my blood pressure would drop. the baby was always perfect. she was showing no signs of distress but i was!
so they turned the pitocin off and gave me 3-4 shots of ephidra (i know i butchered how you spell that) to bring everything back to normal. well once they got it in a normal range they turned the pitocin back up. the second time my blood pressure dropped they started to get concerned. at one point it was like 49/? .
by this point it was like 3:30-4:00. i was sad i was still in labor and worried about everything that was going on.
finally my doctor walked in and said that they were turning off my pitocin again to get everything regulated. she said that if they turned the pitocin up again and my blood pressure dropped again i would have to take my epidural out and just go it on my own.
at this point my epidural was pretty non existent anyways. i was feeling my contractions and could feel everything from about waste down. third time was a charm. because my epidural was not really in effect, when they turned it the pitocin up the third time my blood pressure stayed fine and things progressed rather quickly. I went from a 7 to a 10 in about 20-30 minutes. i was feeling a ton of pressure and yelled at garran to get some help NOW!!
the doctor and nurse came in rather quickly and told me i could push whenever i was ready. (funny side note. i had just had that ultrasound on monday saying she was 8lbs 8 oz-however when i started pushing my doctor said "oh meghan i think we have a bigger baby than we planed on." garran and i just looked at each other. in that moment that is not what you want to hear your doctor say)
so a few minutes later briea was here with us and we were glad that everything was done, everyone was healthy, and that all of my problems were gone!
thanks to everyone who came by to visit. it was great to have something to do while i was in the hospital.
if you want to see a few other pictures you can click HERE!
Oh Meghan she is so darn cute! I love her chubby cheeks so much!! Great photos on your photo site also!! I want to come visit you sometime, so let me know when you feel up to visitors!! Sorry to hear everything didn't go as planned in labor & delivery! But you made it through like a trooper and have a BEAUTIFUL baby girl now!! CONGRATS!!
Congrats, she's a doll!
She is so adorable, I too love those cheeks! I am glad that everything eventually went in your favor. I am a firm believer that deliveries get easier with each child. My hardest was with Justin (my fifth). I hope to be home soon so I can see this beautiful gift from Heavenly Father.
Don't you hate how labor really is different every time!? I have had four totally different experiences (and my third included an epidural that didn't work too!) But congratulations!! Go squeeze her to pieces!
Things never go as planned, but she is the most beautiful baby I have seen in a long time! I am glad you are feeling better. In my opinion, pitocin is evil, I am glad it straightened it out for you finally.
I hope you guys are doing well and everyone is getting adjusted to the baby. What do your boys think of her?
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