well i had my appointment yesterday and things went pretty well. the babys heart rate was in a normal range and my doctor said that everything looked pretty good for the most part.
i was a little caught of guard that at 31 weeks we were already starting to talk about the size of the baby. i know that my husbands side of the family has very large babies. for goodness sake his sister was 11 lbs 2oz. but at thirty one weeks. so we discussed my glucose test results which came back fine. however she said that she really wants me to continue to eat pretty healthy because the baby is already measuring a little ahead of schedule. i guess the cut off for regular delivery is 10 lbs. due to the fact that cullan was 9.2 at 41 weeks and kael was 9.2 at 38 weeks doesn't really look that great that this lil one will be to small =) at my next appointment she is going to do an ultrasound to start a baseline and from here on out she will be checking her size on a regular basis. i guess its time to start getting things together. next weekend we are heading out to get a car seat and a few other baby things!!
I hope your girl is nice to you and comes out smaller than your boys! And congratulations; it is always fun to be in the 30s!
Let me know if you need anything! I have some winter baby girl stuff. I am so excited to see the little doll!
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