while i am glad that the elections are over and that hopefully the political debating and crazy nonsense is over, this morning the tv has been more than i can handle. i have been reading about protesting and things of such that have been going on in california. i am a little irritated. i feel that the people of california have spoken TWICE on how they feel about how marriage should be defined. i personally believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. i have no problem with homosexual couples having the following rights:
"regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights, so long as these do not infringe on the integrity of the family or the constitutional rights of churches and their adherents to administer and practice their religion free from government interference." (this quote was taken from this web site)
i feel like i am a very tolerant person and that i would never be mean or even teach my children to be mean to some who lives an alternative lifestyle.
i am very bothered however by the fact that these protesters are singling out certain churches when what the reality is, is that 51% or people in california that come from different races, religions, income levels etc all spoke and said the same thing.
they all feel that marriage is between a man and a woman.
as a nation or a state we may or may not agree with how elections or voting or propositions come out. however that is part of what makes the usa a great place to live. the voice of the people matters. so when the majority of people vote for the president or whatever that is what we go with. not everyone will be happy with the outcome, however you don't see super mccain supporters protesting outside obama headquarters. this is how it works, people vote and that shows how the majority of the people want their society to run.
while i could continue to debate this topic for hours i think i will end my rant here!
sorry to those i offended but sometimes you have to stand your ground on what you believe!
**SIDENOTE** if you read the web link highlighted protesting i find it ironic that people protesting intolerance pulled a sticker off a mans car that stated he was in favor of prop 8, that then led to an altercation!
Anthony and I have been following this as well. I have always believed that things will come full circle regarding the welfare of our religious rights. In Joseph Smiths time they were persecuted for different reasons than we will be....but we will be persecuted again. Maybe this is the beginning?!
I totally agree. The spirit of contention is so strong with the demonstrators. It seems like they would like tolerance and love as long as it goes with what they believe while turning a blind eye to TWO popular votes. It is interesting that they chose the church to attack. I am proud our church took a stand.
As someone who lives in California I can tell you I feel the same way! I love that the "No" folks raised almost twice as much as the "Yes" side but they are mad at the LDS church for contributing. Ridiculous. They cry out for tolerance and fairness but all they really means is that they expect society to change for them. Majority rules in this great nation and it definitely doesn't always go the way I want it either. I say, suck it up and get over it like I have to about our new President.
Congrats on the baby girl! They are so fun! Do you have a name picked out? YEAH!!!!
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