well today this adorable sweet little boy that i often refer to as my baby is 2!
a whole two years old. i can not believe it. i know everyone says this, but i was thinking today about how i just had him. i was thinking about how we had a few quiet hours in the hospital alone together and how i just held him and looked at him. he was so perfect and cute. i remember that is when he got his nickname. (not rewind, just what we call him around the house). sargento came back and said "what are you calling him?" i had not even realized i had given it to him.
a whole two years old. i can not believe it. i know everyone says this, but i was thinking today about how i just had him. i was thinking about how we had a few quiet hours in the hospital alone together and how i just held him and looked at him. he was so perfect and cute. i remember that is when he got his nickname. (not rewind, just what we call him around the house). sargento came back and said "what are you calling him?" i had not even realized i had given it to him.
just in case you do not get to spend much time with our cute little boy.. here are some things you might not know about him.
- his smile is the best.. if you catch it just right, his eyes literally dance! it is the cutest thing i have ever seen.
- speaking of dancing.. umm he loves to. he is so funny spinning around with his arms waving in the air.
- i love that he loves me. he is a mama's boy through and through. he always gives me the best hugs and kisses. He also likes to be right by me most of the time. (he shares with daddy sometimes =)
- his laugh...its contagious. it is this deep grunting laugh. sargento and i always laugh when we hear it. it is so cute.
- he is the finisher.. he loves leftovers. if anything is left on the table or any ones plate, rewind will finish it. he moves from chair to chair finishing whatever he can find that looks yummy to him!
- sargento and i have agreed that he might be a WWF wrestler disguised in a two year olds body. he really loves to wrestle with his brother and sometimes i am totally amazed at his moves. i think curls is too!
anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our big 2 year old! we sure feel lucky to have you as part of our family and love you bunches!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAEL!!!! I hope you have a magical birthday! We sure miss you guys!!! :o)
Happy birthday cutie pie!
Happy Birthday from the Frisbies too!
Happy birthday Rewind! My favorite Rewind memory was when he was around 18 months and would talk with such inflection and gesture all over the place even though it was just babble. We love you Rewind!
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