lately the boys have been a singing mess. they sing everything they hear. we play primary music in the van and also they have a fun cd the has the alphabet song, animal crackers in my soup, etc. however, what really cracks me up is what there favorite song is. you would think it might be the wheels on the bus (which i might add is a close second) but not in first.
we just die laughing every time it comes on. the boys will come running from where ever they are in the house. boy do they belt it out. it is the funniest thing. i hope they always love to sing as much as they do know. they are so darn cute when they do it too. they have their little chest poked out and their arms up in the air. so cute!
Oh My! I would not have guessed that in a 1000 years. Too funny. Your kids are hilarious. I can just see those two! BTW, thanks so much for the link. That was really good. I am doing much better now. Every day is easier.
oh that is hilarious... I started laughing as soon as I pulled it up and then, guess what!? SHEP started laughing and watching the video! Maybe it's a boy thing. It didn't even phase Mei Mei. I would love to see your boys react to that!
Maybe you have some opera lovers in the making! I love musicals, but most operas I could pass on (save a few).
LOL You have to admit it is pretty dang catchy.
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