10 things you may not know about me!
1. I am a pleaser! I like to try and make everyone happy. I try to do whatever I can to make sure my friends or family are happy with what I am doing. (Sidenote- Lately I have been having real issues with this and am beginning to change.
2. When Garran has to work at night I have a very strict routine that I follow. I have it down to what I do, what I watch, what I read etc. It is the same every time with very little variation. I know it might seem crazy, but hey it works for me.
3. I really think that I have OCD. I am not saying this to be funny. I really think that I have it. I have to check doors to our house at night like three times before I can lay down. I hit the lock button on our car at least twice, even though I heard it beep the first time. I know it's a problem, again Hey it works for me.
4. I love taking pictures. I love love love it. I don't have a camera that I love or really even the one that I really want, but someday maybe. I love taking pictures of people, friends, family, epically my kids. I even have a small collection that I have not really told to many people about. You can see it here!
5. I am really freaky about who watches my kids. I know, it's crazy. Some of my family is even off limits. I am just very weird about it. I know that a lot of people are very capable, I am just a real freak about my kids.
You might want to stop know.. this probably is not going to get much better!
6. I have wonderful friends where I am now and will be very sad to leave, but I absolutely have days where I can not wait to go home. Maybe not my actual hometown, but my home state. I really miss things about it, and especially being close to the ocean. There is something about it I have always loved and I look forward to being near it again.
7. This one is really embarrassing..but I tear up at parades. I don't know if it is the patriotic thing.. But it always happens. Not full blown tears but I get a little misty. Stupid I know but it happens.
8. I have always wanted to go to either nursing school or school to be an ultrasound tech. I have looked into it many times, but right now is just not the right time for me. Maybe when my boys are older, I can head back. Right now I am happy with what I am.. A MOM!
9. I met my husband through a couple of my roommates having major crushes on him. haha Funny that I ended up with him.. They were all cutie blonde's!
10. Garran proposed to me while I was watching Brave Heart (TV Version). I was sick and in sweat PJ's. I was not even sure he was actually proposing because of the way that he worded it. Then right after I said yes he looked at me and said ok I am late for work, I have to go. (He didn't know he was going to propose!) I yelled down my stairwell as he was leaving and said... "I think you should come back after work ... we should probably talk about this!" =)
Thanks! You Rock!
LOL I've never heard Garren proposal story. So cute!
I total understand about your homesickness thing. I felt that way when we lived in Utah, but then when we decided to move back to Iowa, I was an emotional wreck! Now, at times I am so 'homesick' for Utah it makes my heart hurt. But I know that if I lived there, I would long for Iowa. Randy really misses the ocean too. He wants to go back to Oregon. Anyway, I completely relate to you about that! I also think it is soooo cool that your boys love the Doodlebops. And they got to go to a concert. That is so cool!!!
What fun things to learn about you! (and secretly, Meghan, I think we all have a little OCD in us!!--at least that is what I keep telling myself.)
I think we should do a scary version of this. I think we should do a " ten things you don't know about_______" I could come up with some doozies about some of my friends. I would be scared to see what they wrote about me.
I'm with you on the taking pictures! I love it so much! I hope to get into photography full time someday!! And I had heard through the grapevine you guys were moving back to Waterloo! We are SOOOO glad! It will be great to have you back!! Thanks for tagging me, I shall get to it sometime I hope!!
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