Last night Garran had put the boys in the bath tub and was busy doing something. I was sitting in the living room which is down the hallway from our bathroom. Anyways I was sitting on the couch when Garran says I am going to check on the boys. Recently we have been putting them in the tub but with the shower on because with the tub full of water, our bathroom was like a small swimming pool by the time the boys were done. Anyways, Garran says I think that I will go and check on the boys, they had been playing for a little while. So he goes "OH Meghan, come here and look at this" I walk in to the site of a tub full of water (they figured out how to pull up the stopper) and a bathtub full of bubbles. First I say what is that smell, do you smell it, it smells like vanilla. Then I start laughing and say hold on let me go get the camera. As I am walking down the hallway it comes to me that the smell is from my brand new bottle of vanilla bean body wash I just got for Christmas. I have only used it twice. Oh well here are the pictures.... ENJOY!
This was Cullan's face when he realized 1-His fun was over 2-He was caught!
I would also like to point that the line in my story "Hold on let me go get the camera has become a common one at our house. Our children's lives will be document by millions and millions of pictures that I am sure they will some day be sick of.
lol, can never leave them alone huh?? Are you coming for Jean's wedding?
It is never a dull home when you have toddlers around, eh! ( I through that little "eh" in there for Garran).
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