My Topic today is Guru's !
The following is a definition of a guru.
guru" is widely used with the general meaning of "teacher". In Western usage, the original meaning of guru has been extended to cover anyone who acquires followers, though not necessarily in an established school of philosophy-guru is used to refer to a person who has authority because of his or her perceived secular knowledge or skills.
First off I would like to state that without these people's help I might have gone crazy. So here we go. First off I am naming my friends Mike and Mandy the Parenting Guru's of Bedtime. They have it mastered and were nice enough to share there talents with me. Their little boy Isaac has been sleeping in his own bed, through the night since he was like 2-3 months old. Unbelievable I know, but true it is. So as most of you know. My oldest son can be very strong willed. I thought that we would never get a bed time routine down with him and it worried me about our second one following in his footsteps. But I am happy to report that after 3 weeks of sticking to Mike and Mandy's Bedtime advice our sons our in bed like clock work and for the past two nights without even crying. Thank you very much Guru's! We are even being so bold as to start a nap time routine as well. So that I will know each day that from this time to this time I have to do what ever it is that I need to get done. I am loving it people, loving it!
So on to my next challenge. I am looking for the potty training guru's . I know you are out there. I am tired of buying diapers and Cullan is ready. He is showing interest, but I need the tricks of the trade. Please let me know what worked and did not work for you. I would love any advice that people are willing to give. I want to start next week by Monday at the latest. We already own big boy underwear, however Cullan hates wearing them. He cries when I put them on him. Also if anyone knows where to get those training pants that have that kind of plastic lining.. I don't know if those work or not but the less mess the better. So I will be anxiously awaiting your wonderful ideas. I am excited to get this started. We are ready to use the potty on a regular basis and not have to buy so many diapers.
Oh my goodness.....I have heard of the horse whisperers....but this is awsome...a Child Whisperer!!!
You can get those "plastic pants" at K-Mart. You can also get some cloth training pants too. We bought the Gerber kind for Whitney...I'm not sure who else makes them. We are trying to potty train Whitney now too (very slowly since she's only 16 months!) so I'm in the same boat as you. I'm sure you'll have Cullan trained way before I have Whit, since he is older and more mature, so make sure you post your progress because I'd love to hear about it! Good luck!
That was so nice! Mike and I have never been given the "guru" title before! We are glad it worked. Just wait, our next one will blow our minds and NEVER have a bedtime. Ah children.....never a dull moment! I'll be checking your blog for potty advice too! It won't be long and we'll need it!
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