Well good news first. The doctor said that my back is basically healing itself. He said I fall into a very small percentage of people that this happens to but hey I will take it. No complaints here. If it means no back surgery then it is fine with me. I was very excited to leave that doctors office with the hopes of never returning there again.
So as always our day started off with comedy. What day doesn't around here. Garran told me that Cullan had been trying to do everything he did in the morning. Garran said that Cullan would watch him and then repeat whatever he was doing. So if Garran was shaving, Cullan would take some shaving cream and want to put it on his face. So here comes the explanation for the picture below. When Garran is getting ready in the morning, obviously deodorant is a step that goes along with that process. So of course little Garran Junior wants to put on deodorant. He is so funny because he almost always only puts it on under one arm, but for the rest of the day he walks around smelling like men's Cologne. My almost two year old is already smelling like a man. Does anyone else think there is something wrong with that? =)
So smelling good and ready for the day Cullan, Garran, Kael and myself went and ran some errands. When we got home Kael was asleep so Garran and I were playing with Cullan. One of his most favorite things to do is to play ball. Any kind, shape or game. Throwing, Rolling, Tossing, it does not matter he is over joyed. Anyways for some reason unknown to me Cullan was in his high chair and he and Garran had started a game of catch. So of course I reach for my camera, why because this is what I always do in hopes of catching great moments with my kids. So here are a couple snap shots with Cullan playing catch. You can just see on his face oh much fun he is having.
How cute is he. Then Kael woke up from his nap. Boy now that he can scoot he is always into something. Anyways he found a screw driver that Garran was using and decided to help out. I just think he is so cute I had to throw these in also. Kael is so funny, anything that Cullan does he thinks is wonderful. So shortly after Kael picked up the screw driver Cullan was there to show him how to use it. I guess this time Kael was ahead of the game.
I have so many things to say about this post!
1. Yay your back is healing! (no more lasers to avoid)
2. Your kids are so cute! (dallin and kaylee were "reading" over my shoulder and looking at their new friends)
3. Dallin doesn't wear deodorant but he turns on the shaver and shaves his face. (the copycat really comes out when he sees me and then hoists his leg onto the side of the tub to shave his leg)
4. Kaylee thinks your photo of Garren on the sidebar is of a girl (she thinks "she is trying to look like a cow or something")
Anyway, I love reading your blog!
Moooooo! Hehehe.. I just keep trying to imagine what it would look like if he hadn't had to shave right before the shot.
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