Ok so I decided to try and limit the amount of time that Cullan watches TV. So I have started trying to do things each day that are fun and try to promote creativity. Recently we have done a lot of shaving cream and painting. Cullan really loves it. Today was the first time Daddy was home to do it with us. As you all know my husband is the artist of the family. Well this is definitely ART GONE WILD.
We were painting very nicely on this hugh sheet of Garrans art paper. All of a sudden I look over and there is Garran painting on Cullans arm. Cullan is standing perfectly still. Not moving a muscle just looking at himself in the big mirror that is right in front of our table. He had this look on his face like, what in the world are you doing to me. But then he began to really think it was great as you can tell from the big smile on his face in the picture to the right. He was laughing
and having all kinds of fun. He thought this was great. He really thought it was fun when Daddy decided that he would take his shirt off too and let Cullan paint on Daddy's tummy. The first thing he went for was Daddy's belly button. He thought it was so funny. He was spreading paint all over Dad with his paint brush. He had the best time. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. I could not help but smile at how cute Cullan and Garran were painting all over each other. I have to admit I helped with both. First with Cullan and then with Garran. I guess it turned into a big family art project. And I am sure you are wondering where Kael was during all of this, well for the
first half he was napping but oh we would never leave him out of good ol' family fun. When he woke up we made sure he got some war paint too.
At first he was not to sure about all of it but after he got his own little fingers in it, oh we was definitely ready for the fun. Now that all the fun is over I am dreading walking into my bathroom. I think my tub is probably a wonderful rainbow of hand prints and soapy paint. Oh well, hope you enjoyed our pictures of our art time. Just another look into our crazy lives =)
Impressive! You are a brave soul to even consider painting with two so young.
Fun! Fun! Fun! Most people wouldn't have the courage........good for you! You only go around once and wasn't that a memory to treasure. I am glad that Garran got to be there for the frenzy......who was the biggest kid????
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