Saturday, Garran and I traveled down to Nauvoo to be with Garrans little brother Sam and his fiance Ashley as they went through for the first time.
Garran and I had not been alone for a whole day together in I don't know how long.
It was much needed and we had such a great time!

This was a cool bridge in Burlington that we went over on our way.
It was not a super long drive, but I was ready to get out of the car when we got there!!
Woo HOO!
Once you see the Mississippi, you know you are close!
I just decided to take a picture of this.
I mean how often do you see an enormous ice cream cone?
Finally we arrived!
It was a beautiful day. The sun was out, it was a little humid but not to bad.
We bumped into a lot of our friends from Waterloo while we were there which was fun.
Here are my father and mother in law with my soon to be sister in law Ashley and my brother in law Sam.
A group shot of all of us.
The soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie!
Can't you just see how excited they are!
It's love.
And the cherry on the cake was bumping into this lady. We have been friends for a while now but she lives in Indiana with her family and so I don't get to see her as much as when we both lived in Iowa.
Well I never get to see her really.
Anyways, we had a great time chatting and catching up.
It definitely was a great day!
I can wait till next week to see all of Garran's family and see Sam and Ashley's big day!!