Friday, July 30, 2010
photo snob
i have been wanting to post a couple different things but can not do it because I can not post pictures with them. I guess I am kind of a photo snob in that way. However I will have tons to post on Monday, and hopefully this crazy picture problem will be solved!! Have a great weekend ;0)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
dancing queen
one of briea's favorite things to do is dance. last night we turned some music on and she was dancing like a crazy person. she was rolling on the floor and spinning. about half way through, she had danced so hard that she started to lose her diaper. it was so funny we took a pic.
around the house,
funny moments,
something fun
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
something new
so i failed both of my diabetes test. BLAH! for the first time ever. it stinks. however, it is not all that bad either. i had to go for training on Friday at the local hospital. it took about two hours and they explained everything from things i should avoid eating to how to use my new handy dandy glucose meter. i have to go back in a week to see if i need to be put on insulin. the nurse seems to think that i might. her reasons are that my body does fine during the day processing everything and my levels are good, however at night while i am asleep is when the problem occurs. i wake up with high blood sugar, which i guess means that i might need a little extra insulin before bed. thank goodness this is only for the next three months. at least that is what they tell me. there is a small chance in anyone who has gestational diabetes that it could stay after the baby but they said that my chances are pretty slim. i have a new sympathy for people that have to do all this on a regular basis. so for this week i am trying out the new system and by next Friday we will know about the insulin. WOO HOO! (sorry i can get a little sarcastic at times) so for now I am staying positive. it could always be worse.
after a full day of storms and a full night of storms, today seemed a little slow going. we spent most of the morning cleaning the house, then went for a walk. after we decided to get the kids pool out and just relax outside. it was the first day in a while that it was not miserable to be out there. so of course i grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures.
garran and i. we are never in pictures together. this was our attempt with garran holding the camera!
the next few ones are just the kids playing and being silly.
we were not thinking that B really wanted to get in. we were wrong. that is why she is fully clothed and soaking wet.
i love this kid.
this one too!
we were amazed by her diaper. WOW
i guess that they were not joking about the super absorbency.
i love her too. she is just the cutest thing ever. i love her wild hair and her baby chub that is slowly starting to disappear. it was so nice to just have a relaxing day together.
around the house,
something fun,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
out smarted!
The Genius |
recently i posted about a little boy in our neighborhood who the boys call master. (per this little boys request) we have ended that. they now call him by his name. but for the point of the story, i will refer to him as master. anyway, "master" makes frequent trips to our door. he will send the boys in and they will say thing like "mom, master needs a green popsicle" or "hey mom, master needs a snack". Now it is one thing if we are giving our kids something and ask him if he would like something. however, garran and I both feel that it is a little on the rude side to just walk up to someones house and request food. especially when once it is given he seems to disappear.
yesterday, i think we might have fixed the problem. i love my husband for many reasons, but yesterday it was for his pure genius!!
"master" came to the door and cullan said "master is hungry, can he have a popsicle?". Garran said "no, he can't have a popsicle, but i have something for him." He then told the kids to sit at the picnic table on our back patio.
Garran then came out with a bowl of diced carrots from a can and a bowl of asparagus from a can. he set it on the table and said enjoy. all three just looked at it. then they proceeded to try it. Garran and i sat and watched their faces as the boys tried the asparagus right out of the can. It was so funny. Garran went back out after a few minutes and said, "oh did you guys want something else?" master said "well what do you have?'" Garran replied "hmm, i think we have some brussel sprouts!". needless to say, "master" went home! problem solved.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
lil critter hour
the other day i was looking at the local library website and saw that they were having a program called lil critter hour. i thought it would be fun to take the kids too. So we called and registered and got everything organized!
the couple giving the presentation did a great job. the lucky boys got to sit right up front. because b was in a stroller, we had to wait out in the hall, but luckily there were big glass panels, so i still got pics!

here are the snakes. can you see cullan in the bottom left corner? he was very excited. so was kael for that matter, i just could not get him in the picture.
this is a tarantula. that is about all i have to say about that. even behind glass i could care less about seeing it. i am not a big spider person. the boys loved it. so that is all that mattered.
i spy with my little eye....lots and lots of kids! can you spot mine? they are there, you just have to look close.
these were pretty cool lizards that would just lay on the chests of the owners. it looked like they were giving them hugs. that is what kael said anyways.
kael thought this bird was HILARIOUS!! it would bob its head and speak. it would squawk really loudly. kael was practically rolling on the floor he thought it was so funny. that is him with the red and blue strip shirt on. right up front of course...when there are animals involved there is really no other place he would rather be.
kael was in heaven during the petting portion. here he is in his green boots, petting a snake. (the whole way home he was listing off reasons why we needed a snake as a pet) it did not work.
they also had turtles. another favorite. i did not get him petting them, but you get the idea.
i missed cullan petting things because he was further back in line. he thought the whole thing was pretty cool as well. here he is petting the snake at the end of the line.
B pretty much hung out in the stroller the whole time. it was nap time when we went so she was not to interested in any of what was going on.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
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July 18th 2010- 18 months almost ;0) |
i had to snap a picture of her. today was her first day in nursery. where has the time gone. she looked so little in there, but did great. she played nicely and sat at the table all during the lesson and for snacks. I could not believe it. i am not ready for her to be such a big girl.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
kaels new best friend.
dean the fly |
kael loves animals, insects, pretty much all living things. he has a soft spot for them and is very kind to them. well he "caught" this fly and put him in the bowl. at first garran and I were amazed at how long the fly stayed in the bowl. it was alive because we could see it cleaning its legs and moving around. however, it just sat in the bowl. however after kael went to bed, garran and I were examining things a little closer and came to the conclusion that Kael might have broken his leg or something and that was why he was just hanging out in the bowl. kael sure loved this little fella and even named him dean. dean did not make it to the morning. kael was very upset but I am sure there will be plenty more to try and catch this summer.
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July 16th 2010 - 3 years old |
2. What does she do? you draw my daddy (not sure where this came from)
3. Who is your daddy? Garran
4. What does he do? go to work
5. What is your favorite color? purple
6. What do you want to do when you grow up? be soft to animals.
7. What is your favorite breakfast? waffles
8. What is your favorite lunch? chickens
9. What is your favorite dinner? more chicken
10. What is your favorite snack? Phineas and ferb fruit snacks
11. What food do you not like? strawberries
12. What is your favorite animal? baby elephants
13.Where do you want to live when you grow up? mickey mouse club house
14. What do mom and dad do when you go to bed? go to sleep
15. What does daddy say? go to bed
16. What does mommy say? i love you
17. What is your favorite song? itsy bitsy spider
18. What is your favorite movie? polar express
19. What is your favorite ice cream? blue Popsicles ( he is not that into ice cream)
20. Where is your favorite place to eat? in town
21. Who is your favorite person? my teacher
22. Who is your best friend? Toby
23.What is your favorite book? sponge bob square pants
24. Who are your brothers/sisters? Cullan and Briea and Baby (he then began listing a bunch of names we might call the baby)
25. Where did they come from? our house
26. What is your favorite thing to do? clean
27. What is your favorite toy? emily (this is a train)
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I July 17, 2009 - 4 years old |
I saw this on a friends blog and thought it was cute. I think I might do something similar each year just to see how they change. so here is cullans interview.
1. Who is your mom? you
2. What does she do? you just try and make me silly
3. Who is your daddy? Garran
4. What does he do? he makes funny pictures
5. What is your favorite color? Red
6. What do you want to do when you grow up? well....make some funny pictures
7. What is your favorite breakfast? cereal
8. What is your favorite lunch? tator tots
9. What is your favorite dinner? pizza
10. What is your favorite snack? popcorns
11. What food do you not like? sip (soda)
12. What is your favorite animal? a horse. wait I mean a dog. I just really want a dog for my birthday.
13.Where do you want to live when you grow up? a little house
14. What do mom and dad do when you go to bed? read some stories
15. What does daddy say? you don't smash anything
16. What does mommy say? What are you going to do with me
17. What is your favorite song? down down down
18. What is your favorite movie? spy kids
19. What is your favorite ice cream? green ??
20. Where is your favorite place to eat? a table
21. Who is your favorite person? Ethan
22. Who is your best friend? Audrey
23.What is your favorite book? about trains
24. Who are your brothers/sisters? Kael and Briea
25. Where did they come from? a trap door
26. What is your favorite thing to do? Watch Phineas and Ferb
27. What is your favorite toy? my alien
Thursday, July 15, 2010
head above water
i am having a day. the kind where it feels like no matter what you just can't keep your head above water. every time i turn around i seem to be getting bad news or something is just not working out right. i hate days like this. to quote a book that my kids have.
i am having a terrible, horrible no good, very bad day!!!
on a better note. look what is starting to bloom right outside my kitchen window. it is left over from the people that used to live here. but it makes me happy because i love sunflowers!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
the other day i was checking my email and happened to look over. the kids were watching something on TV, but B had climbed up on Cullan's lap. they were so cute just sitting there together. unfortunately i had to take two and she caught me on the second one. still cute. i am sure you get the idea.
around the house,
sweet moments
Monday, July 12, 2010
new news
well today i had my monthly check up for baby to be. things went pretty well and standard for the most part. heart beat was good and i drank my nasty glucose stuff. blah. it really isn't that bad, i just hate drinking that stuff. anyways the only thing that was really any different is that the doctor said that she had some concerns about the results of the ultrasound.
of course my heart sank immediately. i felt sick. however, as she started to talk things started to get better. she said that during both of the ultrasounds they were not able to see the baby's upper lip. the doctor said that this was not a definite result but that it did mean that there was a chance that the baby had a cleft palate. i kind of took a breath of relief.
while i would prefer that there be nothing wrong, (which still might be the case) this seems so minor. i think of all the horrible things that could be wrong and this seems pretty minor. yes if the baby does have a cleft palate, there will be surgery to correct it and that is concerning. only because it is surgery and you never want to see your kids have to undergo that. so right now we are hoping for the best and that they just were not able to get a clear view. we are also looking into getting a 3D ultrasound to see if they can get a better picture of what is going on. not that it would really change anything, more to just prepare us for what we might have to take care of.
so for now keep your fingers crossed. we are going to say a little prayer and hope that things work out no matter what the outcome. right now we are just grateful that it was not something serious.
weekend visits
my parents and sister came this weekend, along with my sisters fiancee. Saturday was my mom's birthday and so it was fun to have them here and actually get to celebrate with her. The kids had so much fun getting to see all of them and playing.
While they were here, my step dad hit up some garage sales. he found a bikini for B. This is here in it. Well the tops. The bottoms got taken off during a diaper change.

We had a fun weekend, playing games and just hanging out chatting.
the kids were overly excited to give my mom her present. they kept asking all day. i think it was almost to much to wait until after dinner.
here are all our visitors and the kids!!
i liked these both so i decide to post them. no pictures are ever perfect when you have kids, but these are sweet!!!
Thanks for coming to visit and hope you had a GREAT BIRTHDAY!!
birthday activities,
something fun,
Friday, July 9, 2010
baby to be
well i realized that lately i have not posted much about our soon to be newest addition. our little mystery baby is the most active of all my kids. night and day this little one is kicking and moving. in some ways i am happy about that. i would rather it be that way than not moving that often, however at 2:30 in the morning, a little break would be ok. we are still in the process of figuring out names. we have decided that if it is a girl she will have two middle names like B. if its a boy, just one like our other two. names are always hard. what do you want to call your child for the rest of their lives. i have always liked my name, but I know people who have hated theirs and have always wanted to change it.
we are starting to realize that October will be here before we know it. i mean in three weeks i will be starting my third trimester. YIKES! in a way i will be excited to get there and in other ways i want to really enjoy this pregnancy. the kids are definitely excited. cullan always comes up and asks if he can talk to the baby in my tummy. kael asks every single morning if the baby is coming today. briea i don't really think has any clue but will love having a baby in the house. she LOVES babies. i have my next appointment monday. the dreaded glucose test! i guess it is not that bad, i just hate drinking that stuff. i hope everything goes well like with the other three. well off to chase the three i have! my energy is already starting to fade in the afternoons. this should be interesting when garran goes back to school.
random thoughts
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
a huge thank you to my mom!!! today she called and said that she wanted to do something fun for the kids. so we talked and we decided to go with a pool. the kids LOVE IT!! they have not gotten out of it since we filled it up. i am pretty sure this is what we are going to be doing the rest of the summer.

b in her swim suit not liking the heat!
the boys could not wait for it to fill. the water was freezing but it did not matter to them.
see so much fun.
even daddy got in. (for those of you who follow my blog, "master" is in the blue shirt!)
diva lou!! all she needs is some shades.
nice weather,
something fun,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
last minute stop
as we were leaving town, we decided to make a last minute stop by our friends the Palmer's house. We knew the kids would be super excited to see them, and we enjoyed playing some games and talking with ed and stacy. while we were there I really wanted to get some pictures of our kiddos together. we had never gotten them all together for some reason.
4th of july,
something fun,
I know that there are a ton, but it was a pretty impressive show. i love fireworks!! so enjoy these if you missed out for some reason!

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our story

- meghan
- Midwest, United States
- I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!
~megs blogs~
This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?
“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!
I need to read this every morning!
"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."
-President Gordon B. Hinckley
-President Gordon B. Hinckley
these are my people! =)
where ya from...huh.huh..huh?
show me the love
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