today was cullans first day of preschool. i did not know exactly how it would go.
i was nervous and feeling anxious about it.
cullan did great. he walked right in, set his book bag down.
said "bye mom" and that was it.
i left. surprised. and honestly. a little teary eyed.
i thought to myself, why am i getting upset. this is what i wanted. i wanted him to be happy and have a good time. i guess just the realization of my baby starting preschool was a little emotional for me.
here is cullan outside of his school. he looks so big and is cullans new super cool spider man book bag. he loves it and was excited to take it to school today .
today was also exciting because garran was offered a position at the university he attends to be in charge of the print making studio. not teaching, just maintaining it. usually this kind of position is only offered to grad students. so we are excited and his professor says that it looks awesome on applications! woo hoo for garran!