Friday, July 31, 2009

love text~

today my cell phone went off.
i picked it up and it said i had a picture message from garran.
this is what i saw.
underneath the text it said "i thought of you"
i have a sweet husband!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

dance party~

do you ever just crank the music up in your living room and cut loose! we do! probably more than most. we had just got back from shopping and decided to have some fun. you can see briea is still chillin in her car seat. cullan and kael are breaking it down. cullan cracks me up! i love that he tries to do the robot!

oh yeah. forgive my messy house please!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

just chatting~


start of my day~

why did i not put two and two together last night when i walked by the boys room and saw cullan asleep but kael sitting quietly on the top bunk?
(he never sits quietly anywhere)
why did i not check one more time like i usually do before i laid down last night?
why did i wake this morning to kael in my face and the aroma of cinnamon strong?
the answer to these is that my son found some gum and must of hid it in his room because he did not leave his room and he did not have it when he went to bed!
so this is how i found him this morning.
gum scar and all!
im more upset with the fact that he could have chocked or something more than that fact that this gum is seriously stuck to his neck!
oh these boys...some days i never know what to expect!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i still can't believe it~

do you know what these are?
they are the papers i got in the mail the other day to fill out for cullans new preschool.
cullans new preschool.
i still can not believe that he is this old.
that he is this much closer to kindergarten.
my mom was telling me today, that she remembers that once she put us in school...
it just flew by!
i have to admit that i am sad to think that she might be right.

so true~

today i decided to make chocolate chip cookies again!
my kiddos are always excited.
however today cullan made my day.
the cookies were coming out of the oven and cullan said-
"mom, you make cookies!"
"mom, these are great!"
"mom, your a genius!"
you know im a firm believer that children can detect things about people! =0)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

history repeats~

so any of you that read my blog know that i have posted this picture of my mom and briea a few times. i just love it. i think it is so cute that they are both smiling and look happy together!
the other day i was flipping through my old baby book looking at pictures, laughing with garran as we compared who we thought each of the kids looked like.
then i stumbled across this picture and just thought it was too funny.
i guess history does repeat itself sometimes.
this is my mom and i together and i am guessing that i was around brieas age. how funny.
we are almost in the same pose!
i had never seen this picture before or if i had, i definitely did not remember it. i think i might have to do something with the two pictures in the frame or something fun like that!

pioneer picnic~

saturday was the annual pioneer picnic. we were very lucky and had great weather.
garran was asked to paint faces so he was busy with that and i got to chase the kiddos!
there were so many fun activities for the kid to do

there were fun water activities. cullan made a new friend and stuck to him like glue.

luckily kevin was very nice to cullan and let him tag along!cullan thought the stick pull was fun!then they handed out noise makers for the parade!
the boys thought it was great and were thrilled that they could walk around and blow their little horns.briea was being so good just hanging out.
some of garrans art work at the face painting table!this picture i decided to add just because i love the fact that they look like they have the same face!~

my sweet potato~

garran gave her sweet potato's for the first time.
i think she thought they were delicious!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


i just heard the following conversation:
cullan sitting in a chair. kael standing next to it hanging on the arm.
kael babbles something at cullan that i did not catch.
then i hear the following-
cullan: "mom, kael is talking to me!!"
me: "cullan relax"
kael: "yeah cunnan just chill" (in his still toddler not so perfect way of saying it.)
then kael wanders over to me....
hands on hips very frustrated...
kael: "mom i just try talk to cunnan and he won't..i say chill cunnan"
seriously they are only 2 and 3.
are we already in the "he's talking to me phase"?
i thought i still had a while before we got to this!

Friday, July 24, 2009


this kid knows....
for as much as they drive me crazy...
i love them more than they could ever know!
i mean look at these two. they crack me up all day long!

post bath super heros~

who doesn't love to run around in your undies after a bath with towels and pretend to be super heros!kael in his cape.mid-spin
check out that cape action!practicing some sweet super hero kicks and moves!at this point i think kael had become a wizard.
don't count briea out of the fun..
she was very brave, laying on the floor, wrestling crock-a-gators.
that's what kael calls them =0)


so recently i have been bitten by the baking bug. i really enjoy baking, i just rarely have the time to do so. anyways. i was surfing some of my favorite baking blogs and happened upon a new chocolate chip cookie recipe. chocolate chip are garrans favorite, so i thought i would give them ago.i printed off the recipe, which i might add was super easy.i had a feeling these would be wonderful. even after i was done mixing them, the dough was smooth and creamy. they looked so yummy just sitting in the bowl.
so i scooped some up, threw them in the oven, and waited.
garran kept commenting on how good the smelled but the real test would be if they tasted as good as they smelled.out of the oven the came. looking and smelling yummy!
i know the pan is ugly, but it is one of my favorites to make cookies on.
finally after they cooled it was time to taste....
kael got his picture on here because he had the best reaction to eating them!
this recipe is a keeper!

blogging break~

sorry for not posting for a while. been not really feeling like myself. things are getting better. so now i have a little catching up to do!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ice cream~

today the kids had been pretty good, so after dinner i decided i would make them some small ice cream cones.
at first i made cullan a cone with peach ice cream. he did not like it. so i had him give it to daddy and then i made him a different kind. garran was on the computer checking some stuff and had briea on his lap. im not sure if he knew it or not but she decided to help herself. after he caught her, i decided to take a picture.i love that her little tongue is hanging out!
it is pretty obvious that kael loves ice cream!
really loves ice cream!cullan was being a stinker and would not let me take his picture. don't you love his outfit. he came out and said he wanted to wear it and that it was his training gear. what that means....who knows but its inside out and he was happy!
due to the fact that briea is so little and not supposed to have ice cream yet..sadly we had to take it away.needless to say. she was not happy with us!

Monday, July 20, 2009

home-made fun~

today was kind of just a regular day.
i was up all night with a very fussy baby. garran had run to the store to pick up some things with the boys while i took a little nap, to kind of catch up on some sleep.
when they got back i had seen a fun little thing in a magazine and thought my boys would think it would be fun to try.
so we headed out side and gave it a try!
its called the bubble snake. it is super easy to make from things you would find in your house and the kids thought it was pretty cool!

this is all it is. a bottle, wash cloth, rubber band and soap. simple things = hours of fun.

here is garran showing the boys how it works.i thought that it looked fun so i gave it a try. the boys really liked it but did not get that you had to keep blowing to have the bubbles get really long. they thought it was more like actually blowing bubbles.cullan tried for a while.kael decided to hunt for bugs. he is always bringing me bugs to look at. any of you that know me well know just how excited i am to see the bugs. =0} (if you look closely there is some kind of little bug on his finger.)briea was being so sweet. she was just hanging out. she really liked the bubbles. she thought they were great. i actually got the boys to hold still for a minute to take a picture with me. gotta love my flat nap hair! oh well. its real life. that is what my hair looks like fresh from a nap and up in a clip.oh yeah and that weird white stuff is bubbles. cullan had just blown a bunch and they flew in my hair.after bubbles the boys thought it would be fun to roll down the hill for a while in the back yard. it was so funny to watch them roll all over the place. sometimes they would just roll right over each other. they were laughing and enjoying being outside. sorry about the next few photos. i went a little overboard with taking pictures of them having so much fun.i love the look on kaels face. he is mid-roll and loving it!starting at the top again.kael was wondering why cullan was still at the top of the hill. they were supposed to roll down together.garran and his girl.garran and his original girl. before a cute bald girl moved in. =0)im not sure why kael was grumpy-but i still thought he looked so cute i would just add it on the end.

hope everyone is enjoying summer as much as we are!

wal-mart will be the end of me!

ok so usually i don't consider myself a very high drama person.
i consider myself to be rather mellow in fact.
however after briea, i have had some issues with being a little hormonal that i have never suffered from before with the boys!
keep that in mind as i rant about these crazy people at wal-mart and how i almost lost my cool!
situation one:
i was waiting for a parking spot. the lady was backing up. i would have been turning left to get into the spot. while i was waiting this lady came and she would have been turning right (which put her closer to the spot) but really had no relevance since i had been sitting there with my blinker on. as the lady backed up out of the spot, the other lady zoomed in and shook her finger at me as if scolding me. I about lost it. i was so angry. garran was giggling which did not help at the moment. i could not believe it. i think she might have seen the anger in my eyes because unfortunately for her the spot right next to her opened up. so i went ahead and pulled in. she waited to get out of her car until we were almost up by the doors. now i was not threatening her or yelling at her. in my mind i like to think that she waited in her car as almost an omission of guilt for her rudeness. i had all three of my kids with me lady!!! seriously what am i going to do.
situation two:
similar to situation one. i was driving through the parking lot looking for a spot. i had come around and started going up and isle. this crazy lady cut through one of the lanes and speeds up behind me. i see a spot open ahead of me. (im sure she had seen it too and this is why she was zooming around cutting the lanes trying to get to the spot) but i took it. i was first in line when it opened up. so i took it. i don't think that i was wrong. that is how the parking lot world works, right? so as im getting out of my van i hear "that f***ing woman needs to learn how to drive. ok not only is that trashy it was made worse by the fact that she had her three small children in the car. the youngest being cullans age. then i went in and started my shopping. all of a sudden from the other end of the isle that im standing on, i hear someone speaking just loud enough for me to hear but not speaking directly to me. "some people don't know how to drive. some @!*!@#* need to watch what their !@*?@*% doing." by this point i had had enough. i told garran that the only thing that stopped me from seriously saying something to this woman who was making a real scene was that we had BBQ to go to that night and i had to bring a dessert!
situation three:
this one is short but sweet. if im still standing at the register paying for my things.
be patient. everyone will get a turn!!
situation four:
last but not least. a few days ago, i had all three kids at the store with me alone. we have a rule that in the parking lot cullan and kael hold hands to keep from getting hit or running ahead. anyways we are coming out of the store and cars obviously pass in front of the entrance. however this lady passes by and we begin to walk across the way to get to the parking lot to get to our car. all of a sudden with no warning she starts backing up. i was not even a full arms length away from the back of her van.
i threw my hand out in almost a reflex that hit her back window and yelled "HEY". if my kids would have been on that side of the cart she would have hit them and not even seen them. i was so hot when she had the nerve to start yelling at me.
in conclusion ....
i think im swearing off wal-mart!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

2 days behind~

i'm 2 days behind...
however on july 16, 2009
this sweet little girl did it....
now she is a little roll monster..
she is all over the place.
i cant keep her on her blanket.

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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