Thursday, April 30, 2009


ok so all day i have been distracted, doing the bare minimum around the house to keep things in order. i have a dirty little secret... for as big of a fuss that i made about how i would never read "those stupid twilight books".....IM HOOKED!!! i can not put the dumb things down. it started on a sad night at the movie store when our only real option was twilight the movie. i really thought i would lose interest after the first few minutes, but nope i was hooked on the movie. annoyed i went and bought the book and have not put it down since. i finished the first and passed it on to a friend to read and now on number two, i am half way done. im dieing to know what is going on... why edward did what he did in the beginning. (i don't want to be to specific just for anyone who has not read them yet..) i also don't want anyone to tell me because i plan on reading all four. oh well fixing dinner, baths, kids to bed and then back to my comfy spot to read as much as i can before i am off to bed. is this as sad as it sounds that im so hooked on these stupid books!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

field trip

today was a field trip for mom school. we went to a local museum. i think that the kids had a really good time. cullan was not able to go due to sickness but i decided to still go and take kael in his place. he always thinks its fun to hang out with the big kids. here is little ian checking out some big bones!kael playing with the rock station.

group shot..kind much as you can get a bunch of three year olds to stand still!
the mom is niki..she planned the fun field trip today.
more kiddos. ians little sister tagged along today too. she is so cute. can you guess which one she is. just the cute little eyes right above the bar!

there three are cousins. do you see a resemblance! their a jolley bunch.
here again is super mom niki with her baby in a back pack and my baby boy in her arms.. they were checking out a big deer head above i think.
it was a really fun field trip and the kids did really well. i think we will have to go back as a family when cullan is feeling better. i felt bad he missed the day. thanks niki for all the planning.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


today i had a bunch of things to do around the house this morning and the boys were very good. then i had to run some errands and that was very good. (i got to go alone!) so i guess i was feeling super nice because saw some doughnut at the store and thought of my sweet boys and how good they had been this morning. i decided to get them each one. i thought it would be a fun treat. when i got home kael was asleep but cullan was super excited for his surprise. i gave him his doughnut and asked him to stay in the kitchen while he ate it. i heard him standing over in the corner and it sounded like he was talking to himself. i asked "cullan are you ok?" he looked over and said "yep im fine, just talking to rocky the doughnut!". i laughed out loud and asked is your doughnuts name rocky. "Yep this is rocky the doughnut!" cullan said with a huge smile.
(above is cullan showing rocky off very proudly)

dr appt~

yesterday i ventured over to the doctors office to talk to our family doctor about these headaches i have been having. after each of my children for about a month i have pretty much constant headache. some days its tolerable and other days its in the migraine category. each day i wake up to this headache and it varies in intensity. fun- i know. so i went to talk to the doctor because after the boys these headaches lasted for about a month and then went a way on their own. well briea is almost two months old and guess what is still hanging around.. thats right. these annoying headaches. so i went to figure out if my doctor could offer me some kind of relief.
first of let me say that we recently switched family doctors and i just love this new lady. she is a very tiny asian lady that is very direct and to the point but hilarious. so she comes in and starts asking me about these headaches and trying to get an idea for what my life was like. she asked about how many kids i had, their ages, if i worked or stayed home etc. then she went through my symptoms -pretty average for an appointment. finally she said, "so do you want to know why you have these headaches?" i looked hopeful thinking she was going to give me some great medical reason for why my head is pounding all the time. she looked at me and said " you have headache because you have three kid under four!". i looked at her and she just laughed. then she said that what i was having was a muscular headache brought on by stress, lack of sleep, etc. pretty much everything that happens when you have kids and bring a new baby into the mix. so i asked her what i could do to try and improve my condition. she said "you pray baby sleep through the night soon! - more sleep you get, better you head get!" i could not help but laugh. she can be so funny sometimes. so she suggested i try ibuprofen three times a day and if that did not offer any relief then to let her know and we would try something else.
oh well hopefully this ibuprofen thing will work and to make things even better the sun is out today. now if we could just get the temperature up!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me
(does anyone else wonder when the sun is coming out to stay for a while?)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

put in my place~

as most of you know cullan has been very into the cars movie and song "life is a highway". he asked me the other day to play it for him on you tube. as i was trying to pull it up for him i started singing the song to him. all of a sudden he puts his hand up and says "mom just wait, just wait" i guess i know my place... and its not on american idol.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

bbq fun~

so yesterday we went to our first bbq of the summer. i was so excited that the weather was so nice. it was in the mid 80's with a nice breeze. perfect weather for a bbq. the kids had a blast. briea got to wear a new cute summer outfit and the boys had so much fun playing with all the kids. cullan even tried his hand at baseball and did pretty well. to bad he is a year to young for t-ball. i think he would love it. thanks palmers for a fun night. jaren just hanging out.

cullan the cowboy
i don't think kael left the trampoline the whole time we were there.
oliver played a little to hard i guess =) he was so cute though.
briea in her cute popsicle outfit.
then she decided to hang with daddy.. she is his girl after all =)
and cullan..i'm pretty sure this was just him being silly!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

this kid~

for as angry as this kid can make me .... look at this sweetness!
i guess i'll keep him.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


i could not resist a few more pictures while she was sleeping and being so cute!

i have a problem~

i think that something is wrong. i think that i might have lost something. maybe within the last 5-8 years. let me explain:
the other day the weather was finally warm and we could actually drive with the windows down. i decided to leave the kids with garran and go get the van washed and cleaned out. (that is one of my secret pleasures..a clean car!!) anyways i took out all the car seats and headed to the car wash. as i was driving i decided to roll down the windows and turn up the music. i was singing along having fun and even thinking to myself that having warm weather made me feel so much better. it made me feel more energetic and just better in general. so i pull up to the car wash and get everything cleaned and ready to go. as i am leaving i roll the windows back down and turn the radio back up. (by the way, just for the record i wasn't listening to "oldies", i was listening to music that is popular now) so i pull up to the light which happens to be next to a burger king. i am singing along and sadly dancing too. all of a sudden i look over and there is a group of about 5-6 teenage girls. i am guessing they were about 14-15 years old. anyways they were laughing at me and suddenly a very real realization hit me...
i am a mom of three, DRIVING A MINI VAN, and i just might not be cool anymore.
could this have really happened. could i have lost my cool somewhere in the last few years or should i just chalk it up to teenagers can be mean... even that makes me sound old=)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

laugh rather than cry

ok so today at the post office i was getting out of the van and the wind caught a piece of mail i was carrying and blew it right out of my hands. i instantly knew what it was.
i watched it fly through the air and gently land on the storm drain and teeter back and forth as almost if mocking me. i ran over and slammed my foot down on it to keep it in place, so end of story is car payment made with a nice foot print right on the front=)

Monday, April 20, 2009

laundry day~

today was or i guess i should say today is laundry day. so since laundry is boring and it was a yucky rainy day outside, i decided to take some pictures of my kiddos. so i know everyone is probably sick of seeing my kiddos...but i think they are cute, so tough =) you will just have to ignore another post of pictures. -my silly boys screaming CHEESE--kael showing off his cool gloves-
-pausing for a moment of sweetness-
-kael approving of the job i was doing folding laundry-
-cullan decided to entertain us by doing a little song. we all know from previous post how much he loves to sing-

ok then i had to get a few of my sweet little girl. she was being so cute and smiley.
this one with her tongue always makes me smile!ok and then to add to my cute little girl, check out these booties. my friend niki gave them to her. they are so stinking cute i wanted to post a picture of them too. Thanks NIKI!

so know that i have taken a brake from folding laundry by blogging, i should return so that these clothes get put away and not turn into a huge pile of clothes for my kids to jump in.

sun car~

tonight we were driving home from my in-laws house. the boys were pooped from running and playing. they were almost asleep when we heard a strange noise from the back of the car. garran flipped on the interior light to see what the noise was. when he did we realized that both the boys were almost asleep. cullan said in a very grumpy voice
"dad this is not a sun car...turn of the light!!"
cullan can be so funny sometimes.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

what the heck~

so we have had some bathroom issues. we have had some problems with our toilet and finally we got a repair guy out to fix it. it has been an annoying problem so i was thrilled to know that he was finally coming to fix all our problems.
so he came. fixed half the problems. then left.
later garran went into the bathroom and came out looking a little confused.
he said "i know this sounds weird, but were you eating chicken in the bathroom?"
of course i looked at him and said "NO"
he had me get up and come and look in the bathroom...
he then said "if you were not eating chicken in the bathroom and i was not eating chicken in the bathroom, then what is that?" (he was pointing to our trash can.)
yep..i know gross. one - gross, im sure everyone wants to see our trash can with dirty diapers, but GROSS on a whole other level.
maybe its just me but i was and still am disgusted by the whole thing!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


some days we find ourselves just being silly!
not so much silly-more sleepy i think

Friday, April 17, 2009

new talent~

briea has a new talent. she now smiles in response to us coming into her line of sight or when we talk to her. i love her so much and i love her sweet smile!

i know she sees a lot of smiles during the day, especially from these two handsome fellas!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

life is a highway~

ok.. so recently cullan has started asking to watch the movie cars again. at one point he was addicted to anything cars. then he got over it for a while and now he is very interested in the movie, or i guess i should say the music. he constantly asks me to play the video to "life is a highway" on you tube. so i decided to capture a little bit of it for you. please forgive my frustration in the video. as most of you know we have an on-going battle with our computer. on this day, we were at war! so forgive my frustration and just enjoy cullan!

how could you not love this kid-he is so funny

ps. notice kael in the background totally egging on cullan. sometimes he can be such a stinker!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

good day-sunshine~

Finally we get to play outside!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

education update~

well as most of my blog readers know garran has decided to pursue more education. for a while we have been going back and forth about where we should go to continue his education. so finally the other night we sat down and picked eight schools we will be applying too. i know a few of you have been curious. so here is the list, in no special order. although i can tell you that i think number one is his top pick!
  1. University of Tennessee Knoxville
  2. University of Iowa
  3. University of Northern Illinois
  4. Indiana University
  5. Arizona State University
  6. University of Georgia
  7. Western Carolina University
  8. BYU

ok so there it is. one of these places will be our new home before to long.. well it will still be a while but whatever. these are the schools we will be applying to. wish us luck!

Monday, April 13, 2009

the conversation~

garran and i were sitting on the couch and cullan walked into the living room-
cullan: this is my tummy! (holding up his shirt)
meg: it is a very cute tummy.
cullan: yep, its hungry.
garran: what does it need
cullan: it is hungry for a cookie
garran : its hungry for a cookie
cullan: yep! lets get it.
garran: (laughing) ok..lets get you a cookie
cullan: yippee!
garran and i laughing at this conversation
cullan comes back into the living room.
cullan: this cookie is yummy in my tummy!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

stake conference~

ok so every 6 months at church we have something called stake conference. it is when a group of people in our area gather and have a meeting with leaders of our church that speak to us on different topics. ok well this time it was a broadcast which meant we got to watch it on this big screen! anyways cullan and i were sitting beside each other and we were waiting for everything to get started. cullan has never been to a stake conference where it was a broadcast so this was a whole new experience for him. all of a sudden the lights dimmed so that people would be able to see better and this large screen drops down.
cullan looks at me with these big excited eyes and says -
"we get to watch tv at church"
i replied "kind of"
cullan then smiled at me and said "oh good mom because this is my favorite show"
i just died laughing. i think he was half expecting it to be cartoons!
ps. our first attempt at a family picture is on our photo blog! Click HERE if you want to check it out. pretty funny i think!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

pink lady~

practically-perfect in every way!

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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