The next time you’re tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable. Joesph Wirthlin
ok so recently i have been doing some reflecting. i have not been happy with myself and the way i have been dealing with the boys. i have found myself being very short tempered and quick to anger. i
dont like yelling or getting upset with them and it really does not make things better with them either. they just get
frustrated and are even harder to deal with. at least from my own personal experience. so today i had an idea. i was at church and we were having a lesson on Joseph B
Wirthlins talk
" Come what may and love it" . I always appreciated his ability to find humor in things.
ok so hear was my idea.
im going to try and combine what i learned from
Wirthlins talk and from one of my favorite
quotes from M.
Hinckley "The only way to get through life is to laugh through it. You can either laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache!"
now this really is for myself. but because i use this blog as a way to remember things are family has done and just for my own personal record, this is where i will be recording it.
so hear is my first attempt at being better!
now i am not perfect right off the bat. but i did try. ok so within 30 minutes the other day this is what happened.-
i was in my room folding laundry and smelled something stinky. i walked into the boys room and kael had taken his diaper off and smeared poop on the carpet. (ok i was not laughing yet) i put him in time out and cleaned up the poop. while i was cleaning that up the timer had gone off and he had got down. got the grapes off the counter and dumped them all over the floor. so when i walked in the kitchen saw that i then sent kael back to his room. (still not laughing). so i got all the grapes picked up. sat down for a minute and then heard a funny noise. i went back to the boys room and kael had found a crayon. we now have a new mural on the wall. you can guess he went back to time out. but after i walked out of the kitchen from putting him in time out i just started laughing. i could not believe how naughty he had been in such a short amount of time. i just could not believe it. i was still upset but the laughing helped.
so hopefully there will be more entries of how i am getting better at laughing instead of getting angry. wish me luck