Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i think im on the verge~

well i am probably being dramatic, but sargento has been gone a lot more this week than usual just with staying longer hours at the studio and having training for work. some days i really miss having him home more. anyways tonight i walk into my kitchen only to be standing in a puddle of water. we got a new kitchen faucet today, but the guy that installed it messed with our water heater and now the water heater is leaking and has soaked all the carpet in the closet and is seeping onto the kitchen floor. i am so annoyed. this is one of those days where you just feel like you are going to go crazy if one more thing goes wrong. so due to the fact that we are renting, i call my land lord and she says she will try hard to have someone out by the morning. I HOPE SO! i really don't want water to keep creeping until it hits my living room. i know i am being dramatic, but i have to be honest and say that i am glad today is almost over.

17 weeks~

well today is officially 17 weeks. i know i will probably regret saying this, but this pregnancy seems to be flying by. i just can not get over it. i realized the other day that when we are celebrating christmas this year, i will only have about two months left. that is so crazy. i don't remember either one of the boys going this quickly. i am always paranoid that something is wrong. the last few weeks have been pretty smooth minus my allergies, and so i always get a little nervous. i am ready to get to he phase where i can feel the baby move all the time so at least there is that confirmation that the baby is ok and moving around in there. but as for this week, this is what my baby website has to say about babyG!
Your baby is hard at work honing his sucking and swallowing reflexes—all the better for eating that 2 AM (and 5 AM, and 8 AM ...) meal in a few months! The finger- and toenails are beginning to grow from their nail beds, which would explain why he'll need them trimmed almost as soon as he's born! Your baby weighs nearly 5 ounces and is a little over 5 inches long—about the size of a baked potato.
im am so excited for my next appointment. i hope the baby cooperates. i am trying not to think about it to much so that it won't drag on forever to get here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

well it started out good~

well my day today started out ok. my visiting teachers came by which was fun. (just in case you don't know what visiting teachers are. here is a brief explanation. almost every woman in our church is assigned two women that come and visit her each month just to chat, see how she is doing, see if she needs anything, if there is anything they can help with, and usually a little spiritual message. today jamie and charity came and we had a fun time. all the kids played and we just chatted and had fun) after that i would not say that my day went down hill, but it did have it share of off moments. here are a few.
  • pregnancy brain- i could not remember if i took my medicine this morning, and you can only take it once a day. so know i am racking my brain trying to remember if i took it or not.
  • sargento had me listen to the article i previously blogged about. you can read for yourself.
  • we ran out of milk and juice this morning and so all morning my kids kept saying "milk, juice please mom"
  • i get to the store (by myself=) and this man walks by my van to put his cart away. i know he say me, because he smiled at me as he walked by. then he walked back to his car which was parked next to mine and opens his door which slams into the side of my van. i was still in it. i was trying not to be annoyed. but i was parked perfectly in between the lines. ARGGHH..
  • after all of my shopping i get behind a lady, and she can not remember her pin number. she tries like ten times. the cashier was telling her to run it through as credit, but she kept saying that it was not a credit card. all i can say to that is PREGNANCY HORMONES WERE KICKING IN!

thats it. that is my weird day so far. its only 3:53pm. oh well. know if only sargento and i could agree on baby names. he has some he likes that i am not sure about and i have some i like and he is not crazy about. i like to have names figured out by the ultrasound. it just helps me connect with the baby. so i like going in knowing that if it is a girl it will be named this and if it is a boy it will be named this. maybe that is weird. oh well hopefully we will agree soon. at least we have agreed on middle names!

ok i know~

ok i know that i have been posting a lot recently on articles i have read or heard about, but this is what happens when you marry a man that loves NPR. i used to really fuss when he wanted to listen to it, but now i find myself tuning in even when he is not in the car. i know TERRIBLE! so you have to listen to this interview. it is only three minutes long. this is the small article about it.
A new law intended to protect abandoned infants in Nebraska is having an unexpected effect. So far, 14 children — many preteens or teenagers — have been dropped off at Nebraska hospitals. State officials say parents fed up with raising unruly older children are misusing the law. Now they're calling on the legislature to change the law to restrict the age to younger children.
then you can listen to the interview if you click here.
on some levels i feel like it would be better for children no matter what age to have a safe place to go rather than run away or live in a bad home. on the other hand i worry that there are to many lazy parents out there that will just be fed up with mouth kids or teenagers and just say "thats it, we are dropping you off!" so again if you feel like it, you can weigh in if you want. i always enjoy hearing what other people have to say.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

a first~

so sargento and i were laughing about this all day yesterday. we had gone out to do our christmas shopping or at least start it. (we have to start early because we have so many people to buy for that it would get really tough if we had to wait till november or december). anyways we were at target and were heading back to the childrens section. we had the boys with us. i know you might think we are crazy, but sometimes it is hard to find sitters so we took them with us and came up with a pretty good way to shop for them with them right there. one of us would play with the toys in the isle while the other was putting stuff in the cart. they both got to walk, which is rare for at least rewind, so they were blissfully unaware. then sargento would take the boys to the car while i paid and i would just put everything in the back of the van. (i think we were lucky though and this will be the last year we get to have them so blissfully unaware) however here comes the "FIRST" for us that made us laugh. both the boys were in the cart at first eating popcorn and sharing a drink (a great deal at target food stand for $1.50, thanks rebecca) anyways so they were sitting very nicely eating and drinking in the cart as we made our way back to the toys. on our way we passed this mom, grandmother, and little boy. the little boy was belting out at the top of his lungs "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUU! " and screaming about how he was not ready to leave. the grandmother grabbed his arm and pointed to curls and said, "now why can't you be good like that little boy"- sargento and i looked at each other and about fell over laughing, just because we have had more than our share of grumpy shopping days with our kids, and just laughed and thought "oh man, she just caught us on a good day" plus it totally helped that our kids were eating popcorn, one of there favorites.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

google images of me~

a friend of mine sent this to me and because its saturday morning and i my kids are watching cartoons i thought why not!

In Google Images do a search for each of the following things and choose your favorite picture from the first page of images that come up -

1. search your name: MMG (you know im weird about privacy stuff) any of you that know me know that this is not me. however a little be of MMG trivia. I did take like one year of dace classes as a kid. tap - jazz -and you guessed it ballet.
2. my favorite food: enchiladas (however right now this changes with the wind. its just that when i read the question that was the first thing that popped in my head. plus we have this awesome little mexican place by our house that makes awesome enchiladas)
3. first job: cashier (i worked at a local grocery store in my town. it was my first job and i worked there for three years. while i was there i held the record for fastest checker.. pretty amazing huh =)
4. nickname: meggers (sargento calls me this on a fairly regular basis. i am not sure how it started but it just stuck! sorry the picture is so small. it was just the funniest one on the page.
5. where i was born: urbana, ill. - i picked this picture because while we lived in urbana my parents used to rent mini fridges to the college kids at the close by university. this is a picture of its campus.
6. favorite color: some might be surprised but it is true. it has to be the right shade of orange but it is orange. i think it all ties in with my love of fall and fall colors.
7. favorite college: since i don't have one, i thought i would put in my favorite thing about college. -GRADUATION-
8. bad habit-i have a really bad habit of saying "know what i mean". when we first got married i think i almost drove sargento crazy until he asked me if i realized how much i said it. which i had never noticed. now i don't say it as much. i realized i was saying it all the time. this picture came up when i typed in that phrase...i have no clue
9. favorite place: beach- this should not come as a surprise to any of you. i have professed my love of the beach over and over and over again.
10. favorite animal: koala- long story.. this has some history with sargento and i, but isn't this picture cute. it could be the two of us!
11. past love: sleeping in- this rarely happens anymore in my life.
12. where i live: i will say midwest, but i found a picture of the actual city i live in.
13. favorite object: my camera. big surprise. i love to take it everywhere with me.
14. my grandmothers name: heneritta - i had to laugh when this was what popped up.
15. my age: 27 - i picked this because everyone knows what a slave to fashion i am =)

so that is me in google images. it was kind of fun. if you do it let me know. i would love to see what you are in google images. (be careful what you google though, i typed in some harmless words and got some not so harmless images)

Friday, September 26, 2008

this is different~

sargento came home today and told me about this article he read in our local paper. we had our own discussion on this on i just thought, well this is different-im curious to know what everyone else thinks!
PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk
VERMONT -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.
"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.
PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health.
"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Everyone knows that 'the breast is best,' so Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favor by making the switch to breast milk."
In a statement Ben and Jerry's said, "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child."
Read PETA's letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield
September 23, 2008
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Cofounders
Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.
Dear Mr. Cohen and Mr. Greenfield,
On behalf of PETA and our more than 2 million members and supporters, I'd like to bring your attention to an innovative new idea from Switzerland that would bring a unique twist to Ben and Jerry's.
Storchen restaurant is set to unveil a menu that includes soups, stews, and sauces made with at least 75 percent breast milk procured from human donors who are paid in exchange for their milk. If Ben and Jerry's replaced the cow's milk in its ice cream with breast milk, your customers-and cows-would reap the benefits.
Using cow's milk for your ice cream is a hazard to your customer's health. Dairy products have been linked to juvenile diabetes, allergies, constipation, obesity, and prostate and ovarian cancer. The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, America's leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding cow's milk to children, saying it may play a role in anemia, allergies, and juvenile diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease-America's number one cause of death.
Animals will also benefit from the switch to breast milk. Like all mammals, cows only produce milk during and after pregnancy, so to be able to constantly milk them, cows are forcefully impregnated every nine months. After several years of living in filthy conditions and being forced to produce 10 times more milk than they would naturally, their exhausted bodies are turned into hamburgers or ground up for soup.
And of course, the veal industry could not survive without the dairy industry. Because male calves can't produce milk, dairy farmers take them from their mothers immediately after birth and sell them to veal farms, where they endure 14 to 17 weeks of torment chained inside a crate so small that they can't even turn around.
The breast is best! Won't you give cows and their babies a break and our health a boost by switching from cow's milk to breast milk in Ben and Jerry's ice cream? Thank you for your consideration.
Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President

Thursday, September 25, 2008

my lil song birds~

lately the boys have been a singing mess. they sing everything they hear. we play primary music in the van and also they have a fun cd the has the alphabet song, animal crackers in my soup, etc. however, what really cracks me up is what there favorite song is. you would think it might be the wheels on the bus (which i might add is a close second) but not in first.
we just die laughing every time it comes on. the boys will come running from where ever they are in the house. boy do they belt it out. it is the funniest thing. i hope they always love to sing as much as they do know. they are so darn cute when they do it too. they have their little chest poked out and their arms up in the air. so cute!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

sad day~

i have been following this story for a while now that i found through my friend rebecca's blog(it is her cousin). i just found out today that monday that this little guy lost his battle. they family was working very hard to get the word out about his liver condition. here is his story. you can read about how he was misdiagnosed and things to look for in his online journal in the first little paragraph about him. the reason i decided to post this was only to maybe let other parents be aware of this and maybe help prevent something like this from happening again.
what a brave little guy. my thoughts and prayers are with his family.

a post of mini's~

first off i forgot to post pictures of the boys early party with my parents to celebrate their birthday. curls saw the thomas cake and kept saying "mom, party cake please" it was very cute. anyways here is a picture of them blowing their candles out!
yeah i know the three and two are weird, but i didn't want it to look like they were turning 32obviously delicious!

so today i picked up something at the store that i thought the boys would enjoy playing with. while curls and i played rewind was napping. he has been really struggling with allergies, poor little guy takes after me, so i just let him rest. anyways this is what curls and i were playing with.

( just in case your wondering my children do wear clothing. it just seems like as soon as we got home the somehow shed it)

so curls and i were playing and i had the tv on. i was watching oprah which i know it sounds like i watch it all the time but really i don't. i just happen to catch a show hear or there that i think sounds interesting. anyways i was watching and it was talking about mothers are like warriors and how they would do anything for their children. the comment that stood out to me was not meant in the context from which the person speaking was coming from but still it kind of sparked a little thought. here it goes...

"if you are miserable in your life, what good are you to your children"

now the reason that this stuck out to me, is because recently it seems as if i know or have heard overwhelming amounts of stories of people staying in marriages they are miserable in, or things happening with in families that makes life miserable. now please don't misunderstand me, i am not saying everyone needs to run out and get a divorce. i feel like that should be a last option, however i found the quote above interesting and have been thinking about it since. how do you fix that. if you are miserable in your marriage, and divorce is not something you are interested in, how do you still stay positive and happy for your kids? i am not sure if this is making sense-just something that has been running through my mind today.


cookie pizza

i have had a couple of my blog readers =) ask about this or ask for the recipe. i will either post it on here or email it to you. hopefully soon. my days seem to be getting away from me. a side note to this is that the elder we made this for called me this afternoon to say thanks and that it made his day. he is a nice guy and leaves tomorrow to go home. it has been fun getting to know him.


last little thing is that i felt the baby move for the first time yesterday. i always love this stage when you start to feel the baby move. i think it makes it more real and exciting. it did not last very long, just a few little flutters, but still very fun.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

farewell to flake~

today we decided to make a little treat for one of the missionaries that has been here serving his mission in iowa and will be going home on thursday. he was a fun guy and we had them over for lunch the other day, however the day got away from us and i was not able to make it then. so i made it today and sargento is going to run it over. this is one of my favorite fun things to make. the recipe is a double one so it always makes two. now the big decision is deciding which one they would like the best. i have made this before for a few friends and it always seems to go over well. i usually put it in something resembling a pizza box and then stick a note in about a date night and offer to watch their kids! it is so fun!

the first one-sausage, peperoni & peppers

sausage and pepper pizza

this is so fun and really yummy. these cookies are fun for everyone to help make and they are pretty tasty too! hopefully elder flake enjoys his treat!

Monday, September 22, 2008

baby update~

15 weeks and 6 days
well we had our doctors appointment today. everything went pretty well. i only say that because when we first arrived they were having trouble finding the babies heart beat. of course this sent me into a small silent panic. all i could think was please let everything be ok, but it turns out from doing the ultrasound that the baby is just really high up. higher than they thought it would be, so baby looked good. heart rate going strong and we even tried to catch a sneak peak at if we should be planning pink or blue but no such luck, to early still. our doctor was the first to suggest that we would try but then she said it was to early, plus the umbilical cord was right between its legs! oh well 4 more weeks. the suspense is killing me. we have our appointment on the 20th of October. so if the baby cooperates odds are we will know what to expect. other than that everything looks really good. this pregnancy seems to be flying by. i can not believe that when i go in for my next ultrasound i will be 5 months. doesn't that seem fast~ oh well im not complaining the baby is so much more fun to play with than a pregnant tummy!


so finally i have had a chance to sit down and blog about our weekend. well we left thursday to head to my parents house to stay overnight to get ready for thomas. friday morning we woke up and got everything loaded into the car and headed out. ( a little early, that was my fault, but it was still good). the reason i say that is because we got there an hour before anything really happened. i must have misread the web site. anyways they had a fun train station that had one of many gift shops and so the boys found this to keep themselves entertained.

they played for a long time. they thought it was great. they even shared with some other kids that got there early also. i think they would have been excited if that was the whole day! But then we convinced them to go outside and look at some of the other trains while we waited for thomas.before to long we heard thomas coming down the line. so we walked over and got to see all of the railway workers hooking thomas up to the cars that he would be pulling. at this point curls and rewind were yelling, " HELLO THOMAS, HELLO THOMAS, HELLO THOMAS!"so finally they got him all hooked up and all of the kids were so excited. curls and rewind wanted to walk over for a better look and check thomas out.curls was more interested at looking at thomas than me for the picture, but you get the idea! i had to quick snap a shot while i was making weird noises trying to get him to look at me.
then we headed over to the petting zoo to look at all the animals. rewind has always been our animal lover. he just gets giddy about petting and feeding the animals. so grandpa george got some animal food and they fed the goats together. i was surprised little rewind let them eat right out of his hand.then he loved on all the animals for a little while. he is such a sweet boy. maybe he will be a vet or something =) after we were done with the petting zoo it was time to have our picture taken with thomas. i was surprised. i thought the boys did really well waiting in line for their turn. i had more issues with ragging hormones.=0 anyways they boys got right up on the stand and we got some cute pictures of them with thomas! then it got exciting..it was time for our ride!
we all got on the train and found our seats. it was a very cute train. old and just fun. the boys like sitting in the seats and looking out the windows. here are my parents, they sat right behind us. they were good sports. my mom was having real allergy issues and i think the boys were a little grumpy all day from the same thing. but they were really helpful and it was really fun to have them there with us!curls wanted to keep holding on to his thomas ticket. i guess maybe he thought if he didn't have it they would kick him off. once the train got going he let me hold it though.i love these two pictures of sargento and rewind. they are just so sweet. rewind was having a good time sitting with his daddy looking out the window and waving to everyone as we went by in the train. ( they even got on camera for IPTV)

here is curls with my mom. he sat on her lap most of the train ride. they were looking at all the other trains, and trees, animals and most of all, curls liked to check out all the other tracks. he really likes rail roads. i think they had a lot of fun!last on our stop once we got off the train was to say a quick hello to sir topham hat. the boys thought it was cool to see him too. it was so much fun.

right after this rewind got to see dan bordell (hopefully i spelled that right) he got to shake his had and was videoed for IPTV. lucky boy got on there twice! so now i will have to keep my eyes out for it. anyways we had a great time. thanks so much to my parents for the weekend and for such a fun birthday present for the boys. they are still talking about it.

it was a fun but busy weekend. i also took my cousins senior pictures. i haven't posted all of them just the black and white. i am hoping to get the rest posted by this afternoon. but if you want to see some you can click here.

well off to a doctors appointment. i am hoping everything goes well! i will try and update the rest later!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

troublesome tennis shoes~

for almost two days now one of this pair has been missing. we have searched high and low. we completely cleaned out our van. i had sargento move furniture and help clean out under beds all in an effort to find this one missing shoe that belongs to our busy little curls. i was so frustrated i was even telling friends and family how i just knew that this morning i would be making a trip to target to get some new tennis shoes before our little trip to see thomas. i know it is not a big deal but i hate buying new shoes for the kids because they grow out of them so quickly and he has only had this pair for a few months. so i was ready to put him in either his church shoes or snow boots to go to mom school so that i could run to target to get him a new pair, when.... sargento took out he trash this morning. guess what he found when he pulled the bag out of the trash can clear at the bottom. thats right the missing shoe. luckily nothing had leaked through the bag or anything and the shoe was just fine. so now we have both shoes ready for a lot of running this weekend when we go to visit thomas. what i am wondering is how in the world his shoe ended up in the bottom of the trash under the bag. it is rare that our trash can goes very long with out a bag in it, and you would think sargento or i would have noticed a shoe in the bottom when we put the new bag in. oh well mystery solved and he still has his cool blue and red tennis shoes!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

on my mind~

so this list might be boring it is just stuff that has been running through my head all day.

  • i wish i did not have to mop my kitchen floor. i wish it was magically clean and that it was already marked off my list.
  • speaking of clean i wish that my house was clean and that when i turned around from the computer i would not see toys everywhere waiting to be cleaned up. (is anyone weird like me and want to have a clean house before you leave to go somewhere)
  • i need to talk to this lady to get out of this program that i am really not interested in but i am honestly dreading the conversation.
  • wishing that my tired sweet kids would still take naps or that bed time would get here soon.
  • wondering what to make for dinner. i have what i planned but am thinking i don't want to cook after i clean my kitchen... is that lazy or what?
  • for some reason i have not been able to shake what i watched the other day on tv. this was the story. i have not been able to stop thinking about it and though it seems rare it is still a terrifying thought. it seems like something that could happen to anyone, especially with Small children. i mean most families do this every summer. i did some more research on it and here is a little more info if you are interested.
  • wondering what my SIL is having. she is having her ultrasound today and they are going to try and find out. her babies can be pretty stubborn. she is due a few weeks before me so i will be excited to see what they say. (UPDATE IT IS A BOY!) i am sure the are excited. they have 1 boy and 3 girls so i am sure this is exciting.
  • i am wishing rewind did not have such sensitive skin. my poor little guy always has troubles.
  • hoping i can get everything ready tomorrow b/c sargento is pretty much gone all day in class. ARGH!

so this is what is in my brain. sorry its not a very interesting post.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

tuesday only tuesday~

today is a very blah day. curls had mom school this morning. then i ran some errands. one highlight was that we got school pictures from mom school. so grandparents be expecting a little treat in the mail. =) other than that my day is going to consist of cleaning and trying to get organized for our trip to thomas later this week. lately i have been struggling with stuff to blog about. i don't know-maybe we are getting boring as the days go by. that or maybe by the afternoon when i usually blog, i would rather try to find something relaxing for me and the kids. (preferably napping, but that is pretty rare.) i wish i could scan curls school pictures, they are so cute. well all for now.. hopefully more excitement tomorrow!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

top hats~

as many of you know we have thomas junkies at our house. sir top'em hat is one of the characters. the boys have this hat that went with a clown costume from last year and since then they have been wearing it saying that they are sir top'em hat! this morning we all took turns putting it on.

daddy top'em hat

mom top'em hat
curls top'em hat

rewind top'em hat

can you tell we are excited for thomas this week!


i was tagged by my friend erin so here it goes!
(these are in no certain order... just so you know)

8 things that i am passionate about-
1. my family
2. friendships
3. photography
4. traveling
5. being a good mom
6. trying new things for my self and my family
7. learning.. all kinds of new things.. i have about a million things i would love to go to school for.
8. getting good deals.. i love find great things at bargain prices =)

8 words or phrases i say often-
1. stop
2. what do you say (usually prompting please and thank you)
3. know what i mean
4. i am not a trampoline
5. thanks baby
6. that's it .. your headed to time out
7. mommy needs a time out =)
8. love you

8 things i want to do before i die-

1. become a great picture taker =)

2. pay off student loans-is that possible ??

3. see my kids be happy and have their families

4. travel around with my husband

5. finish any of my projects.. scrap booking, editing photos, etc. etc..

6. date my husband more

7. go scuba diving again!

8 things i have learned from the past-
1. no matter how badly you mess up there is always forgiveness.
2. true happiness is a lot easier to find then you might think
3. it is good to be picky about who you will spend the rest of your life with.. its a long time =) (you don't want a dud!)
4. its always best to be honest, even if it hurts a little
5. children bring a whole different level of love and happiness to your life.
6. i don't really know if there ever is the best part of life.. so far all of it has been pretty good. highs and lows for sure, but all of it has made great memories, or made me a better person for it
7. in order to make some one else happy, it is a lot easier if you are happy with yourself first.
8. bad things are going to happen and you can either laugh or cry, so you might as well laugh!

8 places i would love to go or see-
1. ireland
2. paris
3. anywhere that has a beach..
4. to my grandparents old lake house
5. camping
6. brazil
7. on a walk
8. a reunion of a bunch of old friends!

8 things i currently need or want-
1. new lenses for my camera (want)
2. work done on sargentos car (need)
3. quiet ( want & need)
4. sleep
5. practice...taking pictures
6. more hours in the day with my hubby
7. patients
8. a day at a spa =)

8 people tagged...hmmm the first eight people that feel like doing it.. leave me a message to let me know that you did it and i will check your page=)

Saturday, September 13, 2008


(remember before reading this what i said about my raging prego hormones)
ok this blog might sound a little harsh, but oh my goodness i came home so annoyed about twenty minutes ago. i had to go to a local super center and return some fish tank filters, because i bought the wrong ones last week (again i might add my brain often goes on vacation). anyways back to the story, so i am standing in line waiting to return these filters and am watching these four teenagers sitting on a bench by me. they are obviously couples (two boys & two girls) and they are all chatting and talking about what candy they should go buy. for starters let me say that i completely get that teenage girls are giggly and flirty and all that. but when did it start to be cool to be an IDIOT. i mean these girls were acting like they could not make common sense decisions. it was making me sick. i thought is this what guys like-girls with no opinion and that act like they have the intelligence of a second grader when they are 16 or 17 years old. i wanted to lean over and say "ITS NOT CUTE TO BE AN IDIOT, JUST TELL THEM YOUR REAL OPINION" i am sure this is coming off really harsh but i was just so annoyed.
sorry for my venting blog!

Friday, September 12, 2008

finally friday~

(before you start reading.. this is pretty much just me rambling on for 3 paragraphs!)
well all i can think about is that crazy song they play on the radio on friday mornings. if you know it im sure you know what im talking about. this morning was definitely one of those mornings that i did not want to get out of bed. but when you have two little "alarm clocks" as my friend would say, there is not much choice. so here i am up and thinking about all the things im trying not to forget to do today. (yes my brain seems to take mini vacations when i am prego=) i feel horrible about it because i am sure people think i am blowing them off or things like that but in reality i just forget. i will listen to a phone message and ten minutes later i will have completely forgot about it or calling that person back. i try writing more things down and sometimes it helps=).
unfortunately this is not going to be an exciting friday. i think it might include running some errands. (that depends on if it is raining or not) if it is i will just wait for sargento to get home so i don't have to drag the boys in and out of the rain. lets see then my never ending pile of laundry that stares me down every time i enter my bedroom. how do four people dirty so many clothes.. it is truly amazing. im going to try and return some calls today that i have been meaning to and maybe shoot out some emails if i can not get a hold of the people, other than that not much. i know blah right!
oh well tomorrow should look up. sargento is going to be home all day and the boys were invited to a little birthday party, so that should be fun for them. hope everyone has a happy friday!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

another one~

today is another mom school post. today was my last day teaching for a couple of weeks. today we talked about the letter c, read the very hungry caterpillar and then made a caterpillar. i was a little worried about how it would go with six three year olds and painting, but they did really well. everyone stayed fairly clean and the paint stayed pretty much where it was supposed to. the caterpillar's did not come out just like we had planned, but hey for three years old they did really well.
here are all the kiddos working on their caterpillar's!

and here are some of the finished works of art! like i said, not exactly how i thought they would turn out, but really good for their age!

next week is CH's turn. good luck! hope you have as much fun as i did!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

just some whining~

so everything is going well as far as i can tell with the pregnancy, but man i can not seem to shake these headaches i have been having. i think i might know why but man it is annoying. i am thinking it might be from my water intake. its not that i don't like drinking water, i actually enjoy it. my problem is the day gets a way from me and i try to drink a bottle here and a bottle there, however i am thinking that maybe it is just not enough. so i took a nap today due to a terrible headache and because sargento was home for a couple of hours. so my plan is to try and drink as much water as i can tonight and see if it helps tomorrow.
ps. has anyone tried to new application where you can follow other peoples blogs? is it basically like google reader? i was just wondering if anyone had tried it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

my first time~

(the mom school crew minus two-they were off playing. plus two extras. rewind and another little boy were just here playing)

there are only six in mom school but i had a couple extra kids in my house today. so today was the first time i got to teach. i think it went pretty well. today we worked on the number three and the shape of a heart! the kids all seem to have fun and they all played really well together during the free time. i think this is going to be a lot of fun and really good for curls. i will teach again thursday and we will work on the letter c and the color green. i am planning some fun caterpillar activities. it should be great! although i have to admit after a morning of six 3 year olds and 2 two year olds.. i am ready for a nap!
so this is a little late, but i found a picture of our other two mom schoolers! just thought i would add them in to the post.

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. www.garrangillespie.com Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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