Wednesday, July 30, 2008

watch out folks...

we have a chicken wrangler on our hands!

today we went to the petting zoo for playgroup. we decided that curls has a future in chicken wrangling. he would chase the chickens around saying "come mere chickens--come mere chickens" then he would grab them up and come and show us. i was impressed that he did not mind when they would start flapping their wings. the only naughty thing he did was put one in the duck pond with the ducks. i guess he thought it was hot and the chicken might like to go for a swim. rewind thought it was great that curls wanted to hold it but really had no interest in holding them. thanks so much CH for the picture.. my camera battery was dead!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

naughty or helpful..


the other night sargetno let curls help him with the dishes. today this is how we found him. he was using the sippie cup cleaner to wash the pictures above the sink. i mean what do you do? do you fault him for trying to help or laugh that he is standing in your sink getting water everywhere! oh the things my boys come up with.
ps. please ignore the dirty dishes in my sink. i figured the post was worth showing my dirty kitchen!

Monday, July 28, 2008

leave it to a boy

to turn vacuuming into a contact sport!
today i had sargento move all the furniture so that i could do a good vacuuming. anyways while i was vacuuming rewind went and got his little vacuum. before i knew it, every time i went forward he was crashing into it. i was laughing so hard. i thought only a little boy could turn vacuuming into a contact sport!

the countdown begins.

well after talking to my mom this morning, she said that she and george wanted to get thomas tickets for the boys for their birthdays. i thought that was great, we had planned to go anyways, but what a nice surprise to have that come from grandma and grandpa! so the tickets are purchased and we have our date to ride on the train! after i got the tickets ordered i told the boys, ok were all set to go see thomas. curls jumps down from the table and goes and stands by the door! he said ok lets go! ... probably should have rethought telling them just yet. oh well i think i am just as excited as they are to see thomas.. i am more excited to see their reaction!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

my latest favorite

so i saw this blog on a friends blog and clicked on it just to see what it was all about. i have not stopped checking it since. she has fun simple ideas of great things to do with your kids that are just great. anyways if you are interested here is the link... i love the name to.
if you have not seen it before you will have to let me know what you think of it..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

called to repentance!

i don't know if everyone will understand this one.. but we put rewind in time out. a few minutes later i heard curls talking to him. sargento got up to check on them and he started laughing. he asked me to go look and see what curls had done.. i laughed and said.. "guess he was telling rewind to repent =)! I love that in the second one the book is upside down. what funny boys.

ps. this my sound weird but i love our time out stool. the boys never try to get off of it. they just sit. you can see that i even painted time out on the seat. i think we will hand it down to our kids....if it makes it through them lol!

Friday, July 25, 2008

blogging break...hopefully were back...hopefully

well as some of you may have noticed i took a small break from blogging. things around here have been super hectic. we have been super busy lately and have had one small disaster. the other day i came home from a friends house to find out that a portion of our bathroom ceiling hanging down. our upstairs neighbors overflowed the tub, and unfortunately it affected our ceiling. argg.. so we have been cleaning them up. blah.. hopefully i will have something good to blog about soon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

more jealously....

ok so this post is more just for me to remember sweet moments.. but because i blog you all get to read it too. so recently i posted about the ongoing battle between rewind and sargento for my affection, well yesterday rewind did some pretty funny things.
scene 1:
i was checking my email and sargento came over with his arm somewhat around me and then bent down a little to kiss my shoulder. rewind saw this from across the room and yelled with his finger waving in the air (imagine him shaking it like no no no) anyways yelling " NO...NO.. NO WAY!! then he runs over squeezes in between us and pushes sargento away... we were dying laughing..
scene 2:
this time i was in the kitchen the boys were in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching thomas. sargento walks in the kitchen and we were talking about something. anyways for some reason that i don't remember off the top of my head but he gave me a kiss. i guess rewind had been watching us without our knowledge because as sargento kissed me ...rewind screams NO NO NO WAY!!! the puts his little hands in his head and just shakes it. he is so funny.
i told sargento maybe our next one will be a girl who will give him that kind of attention =)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

a day on the golf course...

my sister and her fiance came up to our town because jeremy her fiance is a pro golfer and it was the local open at the golf course. sargento had to work in the morning but then when he got home i went and met up with sara my sister to watch jeremy play the back 9. we had such a good time. we followed them in a golf cart and watched jeremy and the group that he was playing with. i also got a chance to meet jeremy's dad, who always caddies for him when he plays in tournaments, which i thought was sweet. how nice to have your dad there with you to give you advice or just for support. unfortunately the game got called because of weather with 4 holes left for them to go.. so jeremy had to finish up this morning. here are some pics from yesterday though.. next week he has another tournament about an hour from us. we wish him the best of luck!
jeremy on hole 11 i believe.

chatting with his dad

waiting fro "bronze brad" to figure out what he was doing...for that you had to be

watch out folks..the next big thing in golf =)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E !

last night we went to a surprise party for our friend mike. we met at a restaurant and then he and his wife mandy came in a little later.. it was a lot of fun to sit and chat.. its funny how when our particular little group gets together the boys always end up at one end of the table and the girls at the other. as always we had a great time. after dinner the plan was to go to see a the new batman movie. ok so i have to admit i have seen the others but was not like dying to go see this one. but man it was crazy..heath ledger is by far the best joker there has ever been. he is not just a criminal mastermind..he is what i would like to call "off his rocker" in a somewhat scary way. my friend stacy and i were sitting a couple seats apart but both screamed at the same moment.. did i mention it was suspensful! man i was surprised ! we were originally just going to go to dinner but then our friends the palmers surprised us and said they were getting tickets for us as a late birthday present for garrans birthday.. Wasn't that awesome! we have great friends. Hopefully mike had a great birthday! thanks mandy for inviting us and thanks palmers for surprising us with the movie- all though i have to say i had a dream last night with a clown.. YIKES!

check out my new eyes have just not wanted to wear contacts lately.. they look very black in this picture!

Friday, July 18, 2008

they say its your birthday.....

happy birthday aunt silara.. thanks for inviting us to your fun birthday party.. hope you have fun on your trip! give everyone hugs from us!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

can you tell a difference?

this was monday at the arboretum. rewind sitting nicely and playing in the sand. then last night i got the idea that he needed a haircut and so i took out the trimmers and this is what we have now.. i don't know why, but he looks so old to me.. i just can not believe what one little mommy haircut can do to this sweet little boy. he looks all grown up now!
maybe its just me =)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

cute enough to post

this morning i was not really feeling like getting up so i decided to lay in bed for just a few minutes longer. the boys were playing nicely in the living room and i was just laying there listening to them chatter back and forth. then i heard the hall closet open. i knew what was going on. curls the night before had asked to get his thomas track down and set it up, but it was to close to bed time, so i had told him we would do it in the morning.. well you can guess what is in the closet can't you--thats right, the thomas track. (side note, sargento put his tracks in a rubber made because the actual thomas box was falling apart, curls did not know this) so i hear curls pull down the thomas box and this is what followed--
CURLS: " MOM -MOM - MOMMY" (very frantically running into my room and yelling my name)
ME: "what is it, what is the matter? did something happen?"
CURLS: (In a very direct but concerned voice) - "MOM, NO NAPPING--THOMAS GONE!!! MON- (translation for mon is come on) with him running to the empty box.
he was terrified that something had happened to his train set.. do you think he loves thomas just a little.. I don't know maybe?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

to the petting zoo we went....

well i guess it should be no surprise to us anyways that today was by far one of rewinds most favorite things to do. rewind just loves animals.. he always gets so excited when we are around them. anyways today we went to a local non profit petting zoo in our area and the boys had a blast!

rewinds first encounter with some goats..

he was trying to climb up on that rock to be with the goat.. the goat was not that interested! Rewind got head butted later by a bigger goat and it knocked him right on his rump.

But as you can see he is not one to hold a grudge....he decided to give this little guy a smooch!

the boys both thought that the pig was interesting but only rewind really wanted to touch him. Curls just thought it was funny when he would start making noises!

They both enjoyed feeding the ponies and thought it was funny when one started to nibble on Curls fingers a little!

and of course last but not least.. this was one crazy duck with great hair we just thought we would include on the post!

Monday, July 14, 2008

a weekend with my grandpas--thats right both!

this weekend was a busy one.. we did a lot of traveling and people did some traveling to see us as well. during my moms birthday we went to their neighbors yard. he is super handy and his backyard is awesome. anyways he made a pond and lets his kids fish in it and then they throw them back. well curls and grandpa g went to work. grandpa g is a big fisherman. anyways low and behold curls has his first fish under his belt. he was so excited. he just kept squealing. he thought it was so cool!

Curls with the first fish he ever caught!!

then grandpa j came up for the weekend. we went to the arboretum and had a picnic lunch and played. it was a great time. the boys loved it and rewind even got to take a little unplanned swim in the fish pong..i guess you can see from the picture!
what lucky boys to have such fun grandpas!

yep thats right..rewind jumped in the fish pond... not really what it was intended for but i guess this is a time when sargentos saying applies "boys will be boys" =)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

T-H-E B-I-G 6-0!

well this weekend we went to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday. it was fun. it was a surprise and she had no clue. all of her friends were there and her sister and nieces came in from out of town to surprise her. they had a dj and we grilled out. it was so much fun. the boys especially loved it. they got to run around all day outside and just play and have fun. it was great. anyways here are some pictures from the day.

as always to see more from the party you can click here.!

just for fun!

Ok I saw this on my friends blog and thought it would be fun to see what people could come up with. I know some people are not familiar with how to leave a comment so if you want to-- all you have to do is at the bottom of the post click on the thing that says comment and it will take you to the screen. Here are the rules..
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on this post, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. Just let me know which you prefer.
Let's see what everyone remembers!

Friday, July 11, 2008

i am not really sure what i am posting about. i just need a break and figured venting on here would be it. have you ever just had one of those days where you feel frustrated, tired, blah. i feel like no matter what my kids are doing it is not right, when in reality they are just being kids and its me being grumpy. i know we have a long weekend ahead of us, not that i mind that but i think today i am just feeling stressed and grumpy and annoyed with people for not really any good reason. i find that when i am like this i tend to be a little to judgemental about things or people and it just makes things worse. i need to get better at that too. when i am grumpy i should not take it out on other people just because i don't agree with how they do things. oh well that is enough venting---off to make my kiddos some lunch.. hopefully better moods are in my future! (maybe if the boys nap =)
on a side note we found out that Garrans sister is expecting again and so we will have a new little member of the family by next February.. that is pretty exciting!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

ok ladies... im sending out my warning..

ok i just thought i would send out a warning to all mothers of little girls between 18-months and 2 year old. i might be a little bias i know.. but come on.. if he is this cute at 21 months.. i am in trouble in his teens =) like i said i might be bias!

do you know what today is????

thats right today is my mom's birthday.. so i wanted to wish her a happy birthday on here and tell her that we love her and that we hope she has a great day. it seems to be getting off to a good start though, this is what she saw when she got to work!
this is my mom pulling up in her cute bug!

this was the sign by her parking spot "honk your horn for mo!"

then her co-workers put up the number of candles she is old right by the front door! isn't that cute.

these were here balloons, and you can kind of see the banner in the background. she said they also had a bunch of yummy treats in the kitchen.. sounds like her birthday is off to a good start. wish we could be there to celebrate with you!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

mommy has another name ???

this morning i had to go pick up a prescription from our drug store and the lady asked me for my name. of course i told her, but when i said it curls said "mommy- (my name)" with this very perplexed look on his face. he kept saying it over and over.. like who in the world is that lady talking about. which strikes me as odd because sargento calls me by name all the time, unless he is saying go get mommy or go tell mommy things like that! oh well it made me laugh... i thought it was cute how perplexed he was by the whole thing!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

sargento - v - rewind

never in my life have i ever had two men fight for my love... but now i can say that i have. sargento has started saying that rewind is his arch nemesis. they are always battling for my attention/affection. i am sure there are some other moms out there who have experienced this. anytime sargento and i are sitting together or even standing close to each rewind comes in and pushes sargento out of the way. he makes sure that he squeezes that cute little toddler body right in between us to the very best of his ability, and then usually he shoots sargento a victorious smile, to which sargento usually replies "look little boy...she is my woman" in a gruff and manly voice! oh to have to guys fight over your love ....ahhhhhhh especially when the are both so darn cute!

Monday, July 7, 2008

curls dream come true....

so a friend of ours sent us a this link to
i don''t know if i could even begin to say how this would blow curls mind. i showed it to sargento tonight and we both agreed that we would maybe try and figure a way to save up for it and go.. i have to admit i think rewind might enjoy it too. he is really starting to love thomas . ( i think it is because his big brother thinks it is so cool!) anyways if any of you out there have thomas lovers here you go. it is a ways for us but that is why we are going to try and save up!
it is so fun to go and do stuff that you know your kids love !
plus you can reserve tickets now if you want.
thanks shawna for the great tip!

another first...

well today i got the opportunity to play with my camera again. i went out with a friend of mine and took her sons senior pictures for him. (well if the use them that is =) anyways he was a good sport. it was super humid and he did a couple of outfit changes, but we had a good time. hopefully he had fun as well. of course i have to post some, but if you want to see the rest you can click here. ... hope everyone is staying cool..this humidity stinks!

so hopefully this one is ok.. he said he did not like black and white pics, but this one just looked so good in black and white.. i have to admit-the drum pictures are my favorite!

thanks so much momof5gents & stormin ... i had a great time!

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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