Monday, March 31, 2008

Something stupid but fun!

I type
52 words
per minute!
Not bad for just your average blogger!
Want to test your skills go here!

Let's see-- what number are we on now?

So this weekend we made another trip to the ER on Sunday night. Cullan had an allergic reaction and his whole face was swollen. Argg I am really sick of going to the ER or doctors for that matter. This winter has just seemed to be a really long one. Sickness and now this. I am ready for some warm weather and no more colds. Cullan is doing better. We are kind of on a hit and miss seeing if he will have another reaction.. Time will tell. Hope everyone else had a good weekend.. Hope the rest of this week is less CRAZY!

Friday, March 28, 2008

How much fun is it......

How much fun is it to have a big strong Daddy that is your own personal carnival ride. I love the look on Cullan's face.
And in this one.. Kael's little face says it all.
Cullan always enjoys a good costume!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

This will hopefully make everyone laugh!

So I am sure that many of you are wondering why there is a picture of Britney Spears on my blog. I don't usually follow pop star drama, however I can't seem to get away from her. My friend Reggie is constantly reminding me how much we have in common. When I found out I was prego with Cullan, Brit also found out she was prego with Sean Preston. Then when we found out the big surprise now known as Kael, Brit also found out about her surprise Jayden James. Ahh, as you can imagine my friends thought this was amusing. Ok... As much as I am dying to be like BRITNEY SPEARS (haha) this is really getting out of control. Ok so I guess this is our official reveal that we are expecting our next baby. Well we found out about our new little one on like a Wednesday. That Sunday at church Reggie leans forward and says... Meghan you better be careful.. I saw in the tabloids Brit is expecting and I know how you guys are I turned around with this shocked look on my face. She says are you too? - which I did not respond to but it kind of gave it away. I thought she was going to die laughing. So then I saw Reggie today and she said again she was at the store, and saw an article of Brit with her new Baby Bump! I just laughed. I don't know how or why we are cosmically linked. My life seems so much more normal than hers.. But for some reason, we are on the same baby cycle. Just for you that doubt our similarities.. here are the Gillespie - Spears stats..

Sean Preston Federline, on September 14, 2005
Cullan Gillespie- October 17, 2005
Jayden James Federline on September 12, 2006
Kael Gillespie- October 2, 2006
Baby number three--- October 2008
our new arrival-- November 2008

Who knows... I am at a loss!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


what did you find on your Easter egg hunt?

i found that it is ok to make a mess and have a sense of humor.. some of my most favorite family memories involve the biggest messes and the most laughter.. Can you guess which one is me?

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Big Night for Garran!

Tonight was the opening of the student show. It was so exciting to see Garran's work hanging in a gallery with a professional name tag next to it. It was fun going to an opening night. I had never been to one before, but I guess I had better get used to going to them. (Since he will be famous some day =)! We got to speak with some of his professors and they were all very complimentary of him and his work. It always makes you feel good to hear some one gush over your hubby and about his talent! It makes me happy to think that Garran will be able to go to work everyday doing something that he really loves. I know a lot of people that can not say that. How wonderful to go to work and teach drawing and painting but also be able to do it yourself. So yeah for Garran and to many more fun nights of gallery openings!

This one is just for MY MOM!

Ok Mom this one is just for you. I came home from the store the other day and this is what I found. Garran was cleaning up the house and Kael was sitting cross legged on the floor very quietly watching TV. Garran said he was amazed because he was just flipping and happened to stop on it when Kael showed some interest. He said he had been sitting there for about 10 minutes just watching.. Can you guess what it was?
Thats right .... The Wizard of Oz!

More of my ramblings!

Well this post is really more for me than anyone else. I was thinking about my boys the other day. It started when I was watching them in Nursery (yesterday was Kaels first day). Cullan loves to help, and so he was helping his teacher hang pictures up, put chairs away etc. I thought I wonder if he will always be this sweet and helpful. I mean don't get me wrong, he can have his moments. But all in all I think that I have to pretty good kids. Anyways as I was standing there I was thinking how much they will face in their lives growing up. I was thinking "How do I try and keep them sweet and nice". Then I thought of this talk that my friend PT Nelson gave me a long time ago. I think he used it during a lesson he was teaching. Anyways I was re-reading it last night and I was thinking of how many of these qualities Garran has. That gave me some hope because I have always thought, if the boys could become somewhat like Garran we will be doing alright. As I read this talk, it reminded me how much I loved listening to President Hinckley. He had a way of relating to people and understanding what might be troubling people. I am sure all parents want the best for their kids, but I think that I will hang on to this for future reference. I think it might apply to them even earlier than the title says.. if you are interested in reading it you can look here.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

An Easter with Snow... Sigh!

Today we decided to dye some Easter eggs. The kids seemed to enjoy it. I had bought a tye-dye kit so that we could do all kinds of colors. Cullan thought this was especially great. The kit came with these plastic bags and droppers. You would put a little dye in each of the different bags. Then drop your egg in and roll it around. After that you would take it out and do the same in the next color bag! Here is Garran starting and orange egg..
Kael started out helping but ended up being more interested in eating the eggs that coloring them. So we let him have his fun.
Cullan however was curious as ever.. I think this was due to the fact that one of his favorite past times is getting in the frig and breaking eggs on the floor.
So when we were done the boys and I thought it would be fun to decorate a few. We drew faces on some of them, but they ended up looking like pumpkin faces.. WEll at least mine did.. Oh well as well as long as everyone had fun right!

After that we had an impromptu Easter egg hunt in the house. I was to tired and not feeling so hot to do it outside, plus it was snowing. Oh well if you want to see pics of that you will have to go here.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Guess What?

I have a secret.. Can you guess what it is.. Be patient..All will be revealed soon!
Have you been patiently waiting.. Are you dying of suspense?
Here is my secret.. My little sisters boyfriend proposed to her at the Grand Canyon today!
I have been keeping the secret for almost two weeks. It has been killing me.
She called tonight and she said yes!
Congrats Sara and Jeremy, we are so happy for you!

My Very Own Conspiracy Theroy

Recently I have been spending many hours in waiting rooms of Dr.'s offices. We have taken the boys to the dentist, pediatrician, we have gone to the dentist ourselves and other doctors etc and so on... Anyways what I have noticed and what is baffling to me is that no where in the waiting rooms, hallways leading to the individual rooms, or the little room you are worked on in do they have any clocks. Are all doctors offices in like some kind of time warp. I mean I know that some of the doctors that we go to are definitely not what you would call speedy when it comes to how long you have to wait in that little room after you have already waited for ever in the lobby for someone to call your name. But how do they function. Is everyone that works there required to wear a wrist watch. And who cares if the patients know just how long they have been sitting there. I mean odds are they have a watch or cell phone that they have with them and they know exactly how long they have been siting out there anyways. If any of you nurse friends or others that know the answer to this, please let me know.. I'm just curious!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Finally....We hit 50 people!

Today it actually hit 50 degrees outside. Yes!!! So after dinner tonight we went on a family walk. It was wonderful. The kids had a blast. Cullan and Kael ran around jumping into left over snow clumps. Then we saw helicopters, airplanes and the moon. We said hello and goodbye to each. Cullan was so funny. Kael had fallen a little behind with Daddy just because Kael still has little legs. So I asked Cullan if we could wait for them. He turns around and yells "Kael" and then runs to him with open arms. Kael sees him and starts running towards him and the meet in the middle and hug. Garran and I were just dying laughing. It was so stinking cute. I wish that I had my camera. Anyways woo hoo for a warm day! Woo Hoo also that we think we may have found a new place to move this summer. Not to far from where we are now, but bigger which for us equals better. Plus just what we need to we leave for grad school. Ahh I can not wait!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


your feet will bring you to where your heart is...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Today.... We went GREEN!

Well tonight the Palmers had us and a couple of other families over to have a St. Patrick’s Day celebration. We all had to bring some green themed food. I made green fettuccine alfredo and some wonderful green garlic bread. It was a hit. We had a good time. Our kids were a little grumpy because we had a long weekend and had been on the road a lot. Anyways it was a nice little get together and all in all I think everyone had fun. I got some great pictures of everyone looking very festive.. I hope everyone else got to celebrate and have a green and happy day!

Friday, March 14, 2008

No Way.... No Way

Today was Cullans first dental appointment. We took him to this awesome pediatric dentist in our area. We will call her DR. K. She was awesome. Very patient, tons of fun things to make the dental chair not so scary. First of all when we got there Cullan climbed right up in the chair. Then he started scoping things out a little. They let him pick out his very own toothbrush. Then the let him pick out his favorite flavor of toothpaste. Then she came in and she turns the overhead light one and shines it on his toes and then his knees etc all the way up to his teeth. That is when Cullan got a little stand offish. She tried to get him to open his mouth to which he said " No WAy". For any of you that know my son or see him on a regular basis- this is a common phrase. Anyways she finally convinced him to open up with some singing. Cullan let her brush his teeth and was thrilled when he got to pick a toy out of the treasure chest when it was all over. Unfortunately he does have a cavity between his front two teeth. Argg. That kid always puts up a fight for me to brush his teeth. Anyways she was very nice about it, not making me feel like a bad mom. She said she had a two year old at home and she has to practically wrestle her to the ground to get her to brush her teeth. She said that between the teeth is especially hard because at this age the don't exactly let you floss. Needless to say by the time it was time to leave Cullan did not want to.. I guess good for him we get to go back!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

This Could be a Problem--

Ok so I had to edit this picture a little for modesty issues. Does anyone else have this problem. My son never keeps his clothes on and he always wants to wear his back pack! Argh this could be a problem.. Don't you think?

Paint everywhere... No PROBLEM!

So today was a colorful day at our house. The kids had a ball with some butcher paper, paint, markers, stickers... I am not sure what else.. But we did it all folks and here are some pictures to prove it!

Happy Day!

So this is what my drawing usually look like.. haha. But not my hubbys and today he got good news. He submitted some work to be put into an art show and it was accepted. We are so excited. I think he is pretty talented, but then again I am bias. So wish him luck. The opening is on the 24th and he could win an award or the piece could be purchased. Either way pretty exciting..

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I give up....

Last night I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine. Garran was working on a drawing and the boys were playing in their room. Garran said do you smell that? I said no. I can not really smell anything because of my nose being so stuffed up. Then Kael walks out into the living room with poop all over his diaper and legs. Garran says "Meghan I need your help" So I tell Mandy to hang on a second and go see what Garran needs. He is trying to wrangle Kael in the living room and I walk into the boys room. Where Cullan has poop on his booty, legs, everywhere. Apparently Cullan took his pull up off, pooped on the rug and floor and then the boys thought it would be fun to play slip in slide in it. So Garran and I gagingly put them in the tub. I start mopping the floor. Garran takes the rug out. By the time we get the room clean and pjs ready, we check on the boys. The bath tub is super full and they have emptied a full bottle of shampoo in there so it is really slippery and bubbly. Needless to say by the time we got them out and dressed, I was very ready for bed!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Finally the sun returns!!!!!

Ok so it is not quit like this, but today it was 32 degrees. For those of you not where I am, that is considered a really nice day this time of year. Yeah people were walking around in short sleeve shirts and no jackets. I have to admit I took my jacket off while running errands. It was great to see the sun shining and snow melting. My ear is feeling a lot better. For those of you who read previous post. I still have to take some medication for a few days but slowly things are getting better around here!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Will it ever end?

For those of you who read my blog on a regular basis, I thought I would explain why the blogs have been so few and infrequent lately. We have been sick FOREVER! I think someone in our house has been sick since Christmas. This past week has been one of the worst. Both boys had croup and poor Kael had a double ear infection on top of that. Then this morning I wake up to the side of my head feeling like someone hit me with a bat.. but no. I have the first ear infection that I have had since I was like 6. My doctor luckily was able to see me today. She said it was the worst one she had seen in a while. OF COURSE! So excuse my lack of blogging. I am on my way to a nap! I feel I deserve one! Hope everyone else is staying healthy.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

So this what happened....

Last night Garran and I were in the middle of talking with a man that had come over to share some information with us about life insurance. (Every time I think about it I feel like such an adult-I know I am an adult- I have two kids, but sometimes I feel like I am playing house or something. Does anyone else ever feel that way?) Anyways I heard this funny sound coming from our kitchen...Guess what my boys had done?
Oh that's right they had pulled the choca milk powder as Cullan calls it off the counter and decided to do a little art project on the floor. They were having a blast and then once we found them we could not really do a whole lot besides say how unhappy we were because we were right in the middle of this mans presentation. So we let them happily play until we were done. What can it hurt right? Well by the time we got them to the tub this is what we pulled off of them..
Although I had to laugh, leave it to Garran to say as he went in the kitchen to clean it up... "It actually looks kind of cool what Cullan was drawing.. How could I use this is in my art?"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Today I.....

was not feeling well, but when both boys feel asleep I was watching them and something happened... Today I feel in love with his curls again!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the spt challenge for next week is to photograph something that is extra special about you. it might be a physical feature, a talent, or an unknown secret. this spt is all about you!

This is my special thing... This always freaks my husband out. He thinks it is so gross!

Time Out--Do I post about this to much?

Recently we have been doing double the time outs due to the fact that Kael is now, we feel ready to sit in time out. This is our time out stool - one minute for however old you are. Cullan does not like it, but Kael really hates it. When we put him in time out his little bottom lip starts to quiver and he lets out this big whale of a cry.

You can not tell, but he is given Garran a dirty look. He really does not like it. However I love the time out stool because it is just tall enough that the do not dare try to jump down themselves. We have never once caught them trying to get down. It is like a mini tower of time out! Yeah for dollar finds at garage sales and a little paint!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Beware of the Scam People!

So the other day I got an email. It looked very realistic and for a minute I thought for sure it was real. I am so glad I trusted my instinct or listened to that still small voice in my head. So I thought that I would publish the email that I got since it does not contain any of our personal information so that if anyone else gets something similar they can know about this scam. They try to get you by saying that the IRS found an error in your taxes and that you will be receiving extra money back... Not so fast... Here was the email

Internal Revenue Service show details Mar 2 (2 days ago)

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $129.72.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-9 days in order to process it. A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons. For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline. To access your tax refund, please click here
Best Regards,
Tax Refund Department Internal Revenue Service

Hope this helps folks~

Sunday, March 2, 2008


So Saturday was the first ever official Cullan and Mommy date. We went to go see Bee Movie! It was cute and I absolutely love to hear Cullan laugh out loud when he thinks that something is funny. We had a good time and Cullan thought it was great that he got his own little bag of popcorn. He is getting to be so big some days it makes me a little sad. I like to think of when I could just pick him up and love on him and he was so sweet as a baby. Now along with being two comes independence. I hear "I do it" a lot.

Then that evening we had to take Kael to urgent care because he has not been feeling well. Talk about a nightmare. There was a full waiting room with some woman screaming on her cell phone and somebody telling them they had better be ready when she got there or else. Then people hacking everywhere. I know we are at Urgent Care, but cover your mouth folks... Gross.

Anyways when I got back from that-this is how I found Cullan and Daddy. Having a fun boys night hanging out together!

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

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