Sunday, September 30, 2007

Moments that melt my heart!

Even on days when I feel like I am going to pull my hair out little moments like these next two that I am going to tell you about make it all worth it. So, Saturday night I had a thing at church that I had to go to. When I got home and walked through the door Garran said, "Look Boys, Mommy is home" Cullan said Hi, but Kael reached out for me and gave me three big sloppy kisses right on the lips... I love those even though they are messy and gross. I would not trade them for anything. Not to much later it was time for the boys to go to bed and Garran had gone to a friends house for a little while, so I just had to put the boys to bed and relax for a little bit. However as I was putting the boys to bed. I put Kael down first and then I went to put Cullan to bed. I laid him down in his bed and gave him and kiss and told him that I loved him. I went to get up from kneeling next to his bed and he rolled towards me and grabbed my hand. Hey then looked at me and said "MOM MOM" which was his way of telling me to stay a minute. He gestured more than spoke it. Anyways so I sat there for a minute sort of resting my head on his pillow next to him. He then reached over with his little hand and started rubbing my check and gently playing with my hair. I told him what a sweet boy he was being to which he leaned over and gave me a kiss goodnight. Ahh at that moment my heart melted. I need to remember these moments at the not so good moments, when I feel like I am going to pull my hair out. (Even though those are few and far between!)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Get Ready, Get Set, Almost Time to Party!

Well as most of you know both of our sons birthday's are coming up. I have been working like crazy trying to get things ready for their party. It is mostly family.. once we get everyone their it is pretty busy, but each boy got to invite one friend. They will have cousins and grandparents and aunts and uncles.... It will be busy. Anyways so I decided it would be fun to have a costume party for their birthdays. You only usually get to wear your costume once, so this year we are going to get to really get some good out of it. Even the adults have to dress up. I am super excited for the party. I think it will be lots of fun. So the reason for this blog. I have been trying to come up with fun ways to decorate that will not be to scary but that will be fun for the kids to be around. So we started last night. In one of my family fun magazines they had paper bag gargoyles. I thought that the kids would think they were funny and cute. Here are a couple pictures of our first attempts. I think that we will put them around the house with some little pumpkins. They are kind of silly but fun. Then we started working on the pinata. Cullan loves pinatas. So we have three layers of paper mache. Eventually it will be some kind of pumpkin with arms and legs. But right now it looks like a paper mache easter egg. I am so excited to see the boys in their outfits. And for that matter, I am excited to see Garran in his costume. He is not telling me what he is going as, so it is going to be a big surprise.... I am going as the tooth fairy. It will be fun..

Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Denim Duo!

My boys at the gardens again. Thought you might like these pictures!

Kael's First Kiss......

At my mom's house this week, Kael was playing with Baily their dog. He just loves standing outside her kenel and listening to her bark. They kind of egg her on. Anyways, my mom and I were standing in the kitchen and all of a sudden we look over and Kael is leaning toward the dog kennel with his tounge haning out, obviously mimicing the dog. But just then Baily sticks her tounge through her cage and Kael got a big wet one. My mom and I were dying laughing. But of course I got a picture of it. So here you go.

Rocks can make you really grumpy.. Maybe I should pay more attention =)

So today I had the boys out and about. We went to play at the arboretum again. (I will post pictures later) They boys had fun. They played with the rocks and all sorts of fun things. They really liked being able to just wonder around. Anyways once we left, Kael had fallen asleep. I decided to run to target while both boys were asleep because I can throw them in the stroller and do my shopping in peace. So we got home and both the boys woke up. Kael had been rather grumpy and complaining. I thought that it was probably because he did not sleep as long as Cullan. But then I decided to check his diaper. As I was changing him three little surprises roll out of his diaper. No not what you think. Yep he had somehow managed to get rocks down the back of his overalls and down his diaper. No wonder he was grumpy. So here was a picture of what he found and how happy he was with a clean, non rocky diaper.

We have a DIAGNOSIS!

Well this week had to take a trip to Blank Children's Hospital so that our littlest Kael could see a neurologist. He had been having what was first diagnosed as seizures from about the age of 2 months. They were supposed to go away by the time he was a year old but because they did not and he is two weeks away from his first birthday, we had to see a specialist. I have to say that everyone at Blank Children's Hospital was so wonderful. They were great with Kael. Super friendly and just wonderful and patient. We really had a great experience. So at first we had to have Kael have an EEG. This was a very long experience. Kael had to be very sleep deprived. He had to be kept up two hours later than normal and then had to wake up two hours earlier. Which meant we were up around 4:30. He also could not have anything to eat. Which also made him a little grumpy. (This is obviously not Kael but this is just what it looked liked. He had between 25-30 cords coming from his head. He did so good though. He cried a little but even the nurse commented on how well he did. We were very pleased with him.) Anyways so we had the EEG and then we had to meet with Dr. Narowong. She was very nice and said that his EEG and come back normal. She did diagnosis him with a condition known as shuddering. We did not know what it was either, but here is the definition that she gave us.
Shuddering: Older infants and children can suffer from paroxysmal bouts of shivering during which spontaneous activity decreases and the upper extremities are adducted and flexed at the elbows or, less often, abducted and extended. The head and knees are also frequently flexed. Aside from artifact, there are no EEG abnormalities during the attacks and incidence of epilepsy is no higher in these children than in the general population. Anti epileptic medications do not modify the attacks. Shuddering episodes gradually decreases in frequency and intensity in the first decade of life. Many children have episodes of shuddering come from children who have episodes of shuddering come from families in which many members have an essential tremor, and the two disorders may be related.
So now we are just moving on. We are glad that it is not more serious and that Kael is expected to live a very normal life. This is no painful and it does not cause any long term pain or problem. We are happy to have our sweet little boy happy and healthy.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Stacy!

Happy Birthday Stacy!
So these are ten memories I have with Stacy, I have about a million more, but these are good.
1. When we were sitting on your couch while going through the cars to song burst 1980's I think. We were laughing so hard we were crying. It was so much fun.
2.Eating Burek and almost dying with it hanging out of my mouth. But hey garage sales are totally worth it.
3. Endless of nights of scrapbooking.
4. Ollie puking all over both us because of eggs, HMM I guess he is allergic to eggs.
5. Going on double dates to Cedar Rapids, with Ed wearing his bright orange vest telling everyone just how special he was.
6. In Nauvoo, trying to take important pictures and Ed and Garran only wanted to stand next to each other.
7. "Is it ok that Ollie is peeing on the couch", just checking.
8. Watching the ring" Oh yeah it's not that scary" Except for Meghan who is scared of everything! =)
9. Ahh Glorious Garage Sales!
10. Celestial Couple .... I still can't believe Danny and Silara won. They are not even married.
Happy Birthday Stacy !
I hope you have a great day!
Love Meg

Cullans Wild Sheet Dance!

So this morning I was siting on the couch and Garran and Cullan were playing under this sheet of our bed. They would let Kael crawl in and out until he had enough and then he would come sit with me. Well then Garran came and sat on the couch with me and Cullan had the sheet to himself. Oh my goodness. The kid went wild. I don't know what happened. It just turned into Cullan's Wild Sheet Dance! Enjoy!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Staking my claim!!!

This blog may show some of you just how crazy I can be at times but I have to share my victory with someone and I figure you guys will appreciate it as much as anyone else. I have to preface this tale with the fact that I had an on going war with our last neighbors only they had no idea that we were at war. When we lived just up the street from where we lived now, we lived next to a couple that I would refer to some times with great frustration as the "CLOSE PARKER'S". They would park so close to my car sometimes that I would have to climb into my car through the passenger side. Ohhh I really hated that. And I would grumble constantly about how the close parks could never manage to park evenly in between the two yellow lines. But then we moved and my frustration was over. Or so I thought.

Now we live in a different home just down the street. I like the parking spot right in front of my door. HMM why you ask, maybe because I have two small boys and usually groceries and diapers. You get my point. Anyways there is a girl that lives above us and to the left that I believe is newly married and they have NO children. Since they have moved in she has a new love. MY PARKING SPOT! Every time I come home I have to find somewhere else to park. Sometimes it is just one space over. Other times it is farther away. This drives me crazy. I know that it is not my spot but it is my favorite and I don't think I whine about a lot. But I really love that spot. So today I came home from Hobby Lobby and it was empty. Guess who is winning at the moment. MEEEE! I do not plan on moving the car until around lunch time tomorrow. So I am going to enjoy my sweet victory for the next 18-19 hours! Enjoy the picture I made Garran take of my victory.. I don't know if you can see but the spot next to me is empty, just for her =) which by the way is so much closer to the stairs she has to walk up that I do not know why she does not just park there anyway.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I have been tagged again!

  • What is his name? Garran (you would be amazed how many people can not say it right)
    How long have you been together? We have been married for 3.5 years!
    How long did you date? almost a year
    How old is he? 27
    Who eats more? hmm I say Garran
    Who said I love you first? Garran did on a blanket looking at stars!
  • Who is taller? Garran
    Who sings better? I'd say him.. oh yes I can not carry a tune
    Who is smarter? That is a toss up..he is about some stuff but I am about other stuff
  • Whose temper is worse? oh that would be..... ME
    Who does the laundry? Both of us
    Who does the dishes? unfortunately we both do them.... =(
  • Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? me but just recently, used to sleep on the left,but recently decided his side was more comfortable..
  • Who pays the bills? Me
    Who mows the lawn? Landlord
    Who cooks dinner? Usually me
  • Who drives when you are together? Its a toss up, but usually Garran
  • Who is more stubborn? We would tie on this.. We both can be super stubborn.
  • Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Garran
    Whose parents do you see the most? Garrans only because they live 25 minutes away!
  • Who kissed who first? Garran likes to say I laid one on him, but it was him, he kissed me first.
    Who asked who out? He asked me
  • Who proposed? Garran
  • Who is more sensitive? Me by far..
    Who has more friends? we run in pretty much the same social groups.. but I would half to say me.. I am way more of a social bug than Garran
  • Who has more siblings? Garran by far. He has 5 to my 1.
    Who wears the pants in the family? I'd say him and he'd say me =) I guess that's a tie too!

I tag... Stacy, Krista, Rebecca, Lacey

Good Food, Good Friends, Good Fun!

So this is a new blog I am starting. If you go to it at
we can all start swapping recipies. I think it would be alot of fun. All I need is your email address to be able to give you permission to post. So if you will send it to me as soon as I have it I will delete it. Feel free to tell your friends about it. I think it would be fun to get a big group posting new yummy things all the time. I am always looking for something fun to cook and they can post pictures of fun things like cakes or things like that. I really hope this takes off. I think it will be lots fun.

PS. you can also get to this page under the link on my page titled recipe exchange.. Happy Blogging!

Saturday, September 22, 2007



I have a slide show at the bottom of the page if you would like to see them =)

Big Helper

Cullan really loves to help. He really thrives off hearing "What a big helper you are" He smiles and claps for himself. We try to let him help with things that we know he enjoys helping with. Ironically this is one of his favorite things to help with!

Friday, September 21, 2007

My First Attempt at Sewing.....

So last year for my birthday my dad bought me a sewing machine. I really had every intention of learning however things just really got away from me. Anyways today I was at my prego friends house helping her put her baby crib together due to the fact that they are expecting in November. Anyways I was chatting with her about my sewing ability or lack there of. And she says well let me help you. So she came over and showed me some basic things to get me started... So the first thing I started working on was curtains for the boys room.. You guessed it. Cars.. Anyways as they were leaving my friends little girl came up to me and said, "Are you going to keep working on that once my mom leaves" to which I responded "Well I am going to try, do you think that I can do it?" She then looked at my machine and fabric and looked up at me and said "NO"! Then proceeded out the door. So I guess she did not have to much faith in me, but I did get it done. Not the prettiest but with practice I will get better!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's just not as YUMMY unless its all OVER!

So last night I made stuffed shells for dinner. This I think is one of Garrans favorites of mine that I make for dinner. Anyways after dinner I ran over to a friends house for a little while and when I got back Garran had cleaned off the table and moved everything into the kitchen. However before he could get everything off the table this is what happened.

I guess Cullan enjoys stuffed shells too. Then this morning I was trying to get the kids ready to go to garage sales, one of my all time favorite things to do. Anyways I was trying to get things ready and all of a sudden I look over and Cullan had shared a chocolate cookie with Kael. This was what I turned around to see. Not only was it all over him, it was all over the floor. Arggh.

I guess it just is not as good unless it's all over everything!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So today I was reflecting on what was going on a year ago at this time. The reason I was reflecting was because today I was especially tired. I just could not keep my eyes open. Our neighbors are super annoying and very loud all the time. They keep the kids and me up all the time. Anyways I was thinking how tired I was and what I would not give to be able to just lay down and take nap, but with two small boys some days that just is not possible. Then I gave myself a reality check. This time last year I was two weeks away from delivering Kael and Cullan was about to turn a year old. I have no idea how I did that. I know people say that to me all the time, or I guess they still do. I get all the time " I have no idea how you do it" however today being so tired and not pregnant to boot I was thinking to myself, I have no idea how I did it. Oh well maybe tonight I will be able to catch up on my sleep and feel more like myself tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Grandma G's Birthday Party

Garrans mom's birthday was actually today but we ended up celebrating this past Sunday. I tried to be nice and attempt to make a birthday cake for her, so that she would not have to make her own. I have to admit that I was disappointed at the outcome. I tried to make a horse cake for her because she really loves horses, but it did not turn out the best. Oh well it was ok. A little practice and I could get better. We had fun celebrating. They have a tradition of singing like 5-6 different versions of Happy Birthday. I have to admit that when I first joined the Gillespie Gang I was not an avid participant just because I did not know all the words to all the songs. But now 4 years later I am ready to go when it comes time to sing Happy Birthday at their parties. Kael really enjoyed the cake. We ended up throwing Cullan and Kael in the tub immediately after the cake eating was over. Pretty obvious from the picture why. Well

Happy Birthday Grandma G. Hope you had a Great Day!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I have been tagged!

OK Rhonda tagged me so I thought I would repost it! Here it goes!
Rules:1) Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use the middle name that you wish you had.)2) When tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name facts.3) At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave a comment telling them that they're tagged and to read your blog.
M- Married, I truly believe that I married a great guy. We have a lot of fun together. He can make me laugh even at the moments when I am the maddest, saddest, or even happiest!
A- All time Crafter-- I love scrap booking, making cards, photo things..... I love all sorts of ART... Hey that fits under A to...=)
U- Understanding, This one is only to a certain extent I think. Because I have a bad habit of telling people "Oh no problem" when things don't work out, but on occasion I will even say it when I am really bummed or mad that things did not work out. OH well. Life goes on!
R- Ridiculously Stubborn at times! Garran and I have to laugh about this because we both have a stubborn streak in us. At times it causes a bit of a road block when we are discussing things, but as stated before my cute hubby usually defuses the situation with humor.
E- Energetic.. I have two boys 11 months apart that are getting ready to turn 1 and 2 need I say more.
E- Exciting... My life is non-stop.. Haven't you people been reading my blog....
N- Naughty and Nice.... I have to admit I have a little of both in me.. But hey don't we all.
OK so now I have to tag people. I tag Rebecca, Lacey, Niki, OK that's good.

Grandpa and Great Grandma Come to visit!

My Dad and Grandma came up this weekend and we went outside to play. Cullan had a great time being pushed around with the wheel of his trike up. It was a beautiful day!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Attack of the Bees!

So I had to take Kael to the doctor the other day. On the way into the doctors office there was a little bee that followed us from the car all the way up to the hospital. I could not believe the persistence of this little bee. Ok so on the way out of the hospital almost 45 minutes later, we come through the door and there is our little bee following us right back out to our car. For those of you that no me know that I am not into bugs or bees for that matter. So I was trying not to freak out for the kids sake. I was trying to walk quickly and resist the urge to swat at it or just start bolting into the parking lot and screaming like a mad woman. So anyways we get to the car, and I put Cullan in his car seat. Then I come around top put Kael in. All of a sudden there is the stinking bee sitting on the stroller right by Kael's hand. So I thought great what do I do. I did not want Kael to get stung, but I really hate bees and thought if only I could kill it. So just at that moment I look in the van and see a fly swatter. Now why we have a fly swatter in the van is beyond me, but I thought at that moment YES BEE YOUR GOING DOWN! I grab the fly swatter and kill the bee. In my head I thought YES! Problem solved. So I put Kael in the van and then put the stroller away. But as I am loading it up I begin to hear this buzzing sound. I look over to where the dead bee is lying on the ground and there is a swarm of bees. It was like a bee siren went off when I killed it. There were all hovering over the dead one on the ground. I have to admit I was a little scared. I was half hiding behind my van watching them all hover. So I decide to make a run for it. I was thinking they do not know that it was me that killed there little friend. So I go, but they must have known seen me or known it was me because they were on the attack. (This time I did look like an insane person) Once I realized they were after me, I started scream with my arms flailing around. I jumped in the van almost chopping my foot off with the van door. It took me a minute to realize I had made it into the van without any little bees cling to me or trying to bite my toes. Argh I hate bees!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Well the latest project at our house has been FORT GILLESPIE! We decided to loft Cullans bed and build a fort underneath for the boys to play in. What a great idea, the absolutely love it. It has been the best idea ever. I found the loft in the local swap sheet (great deal), I found the fabric on clearance at Wally World for a $1.00 a yard and the shelf for like a 1.50 I think. Anyways, so slowly I have been trying to get it together. So tonight, we worked on the sign for the fort. I used a small piece of 2X4 left over and our dremel. (Cullan helped as seen in the picture to the left) Anyways, then Cullan and I began painting the sign. Cullan really loved the painting part, but then again he always loves the painting part of anything. So we painted the letters that I had used the dremel to kind of cut out. And this was the first part of the painting effort. Cullan liked to hold it, he kept saying cool, cool. It was very very cute. So then Garran came over to add his extra touch. He and Cullan painted kind of shading onto the letters. After we finished all of the painting, the boys went back in with the dremel again to add kind of a distressed look. It ended up looking great and then we went in and hung it on the fort. That was Cullans favorite part. He thought it was really great. It is so much fun doing things that your kids really enjoy. Cullan really likes to help with all fun craft things like this. I think he will probably really enjoy doing art stuff with mom and dad as he gets older. I hope all of your kids like to do fun things as a family. Anyways so we finished it all up and got it hung. This is the fort so far.. like I said a work in progress but still, Cullan loves it so far, I am sure he will only love it more by the time it is all done. I will have to put the pictures up as we slowly get the fort done. It is something we just do little by little. But it is a fun project to have!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Funny Boys!

I was watching TV today and the boys were playing in there room. All of a sudden I hear Cullan call out "MOM... MOM.... MOM" I said what is it Cullan.. to which he replied by calling out my name over and over again. So, I get up and go to check on them to see what is going on as Kael is starting to cry, well I guess I should say complain not really cry. Anyways I get up and check and I walk in and this is how it is layered. Kael on the bottom, then there play tool shed, then Cullan and then the ladder to Cullans bed. I could not help but laugh as I was digging them out of the pile. So I cleared everything, put things away and then returned to the living room. About five minutes later, again I hear.. "MOM.... MOM.....MOM" This time I just get up and go see what is going on. I guess Kael learned his lesson because he was in the fort playing but my naughty Cullan....Well this is what I found.

Somehow Cullan had managed to climb into the window of his toy work bench and had gotten stuck. He could not figure out how to move with this thing stuck on his waste. Thank goodness my parents came to visit today.. Cullan had plenty of people to help him stay out of trouble and to watch his beloved "Cars". I am hoping my mom posts the pictures of George, Sara, and Cullan sitting in the fort watching CARs. Too Funny!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


So I do not know how many of you are familiar with the game of Tetras, but I have to admit at four in the morning I feel like trying to get a good nights sleep in our bed is like trying to play a game of Tetras. Last night Kael was super grumpy. So after a long night I gave in and just let him lay in bed with us. To which he was still grumpy. (I know this sleeping angel a grump, but yes he was!) Anyways The more he fussed and wiggled around, the more I had to push back because first he whacked me in the eye with his hand and then accidentally smacked me in the face with his head. I was not exactly happy, but what can you do at 4 in the morning when you feel like keeping your own eyes open is really your biggest challenge at the moment. But as I am sliding over to allow Kael to have his flailing room, I push Garran over more and more so that he is almost off the bed. This is common on mornings like this. Garran usually ends up in a corner of the bed, while I am sandwiched between our two sleeping beauties. So I wake Garran up and ask him to change positions so that I can change the way I am laying. He grumbles half awake and says something to the effect of only ever ending up with a square to sleep in. (Usually with no blankets I might add!)
So we finally get Kael situated and Garran had fallen back to sleep, when like a bolt of lighting Cullan comes flying into our room, half asleep, jumps on the bed and is crawling like a mad man. At this point I am pretty sure he is still asleep, because he does not respond to me, which he usually does if he is awake when he comes in. So anyways we try to keep him away from Kael, as to not wake him up. Again I hear Garran grumbling about his square getting smaller. (By the way Cullan has a great nack for being able to be the most comfortable out of everyone, hence the picture). So at around 7:00 this morning Kael wakes up wide eyed and happy to face the day, Cullan wakes at around 7:45, same way. Garran and I are up in between them and are both looking as if well I am sure this is no surprise, that we have not really slept well. It's 9:41 am and I am ready for a nap already!

Monday, September 3, 2007

A Jungle of Fun!!!

So today was our friends the Williams son Isaac's first birthday. It was a beautiful day. They rented a park in a small town near ours. It was so much fun. I think Isaac really enjoyed himself. He did not look to sure about the whole singing thing, but the cake he as totally ok with. He got his own little one as you can see. This picture to the left was of his cute little face while we were singing. Isn't funny. He was looking at his mom, and I am sure wondering, "What is going on". Anyways my boys really enjoyed themselves. Kael spent the first half of the party reverently sleeping in our stroller (hince his arms being folded). Cullan on the other hand made a b-line for the animal crackers that were on the tables tied up with wonderful ballons. I don't know if you can tell in the picture but that is 3 thats right count them 3 boxes of animal crackers that Cullan managed to swipe off the tables so that he could have the balloons. My little stinker loves balloons. And animal crackers I guess. It was nice to get out of the house on such a great day and help our friends celebrate there little boys birthday. We just love Mike and Mandy. They have become really good friends of ours. So thanks to the Williams family for a great afternoon. We hope Isaac's next year is super fun.

My futures so BRIGHT ... I have to wear SHADES!

Ok so this is not going to be a very long blog, but I had to post these pictures. I came out of my room the other day and this is what I saw. Cullan sitting at the computer with my sunglasses! These pictures just crack me up!

Too Cute!

Can I help you!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our big day out in the sun!!!

I don't think you realize how much you really need to be outside and in the sun until you have to sit in your house for a week straight. Today I was feeling stronger and so we decided to take the boys for a walk. It was wonderful outside. It was warm but with a cool breeze. It was just great. We took the boys to the stream near our house and played poo sticks. And we just let Cullan throw rocks into the water, which he thought was absolutely wonderful. It was so much fun. I was ecstatic that I was able to walk with relatively little pain. I mean I am sore from the surgery, but I was so excited to walk without horrible pain shooting down my leg. (not our actual stream, but I did not have my camera) Anyways we then proceeded to walk up to the playground that we have here at married student housing. Cullan was having a ball. He swung on the big boy swings all by himself. He is just getting so big some days I do not know what to do with myself. So I have one more week of taking it easy. Hopefully by next week I will be able to drive though. That will be so nice. I am not good at just sitting around being stuck in my house. Al thought I have to admit that Garran has been very good about taking care of me and the boys and being very patient. He is such a good hubby.. What would I do without him!

our story

My photo
Midwest, United States
I love the saying "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". My husband does an amazing job of that. I am truly married to my best friend. We laugh often and try to see the best in every situation, or at least find the humor in it. We have four beautiful children. Cullan (7) Kael (6) Briea (3) and Ayla (2). We are currently living in Illinois while Garran attends Grad School. He is a talented print maker and is enjoying his time here. He has a website if you are interested. Right now we are living every day to the fullest and trying to have as much fun as possible along the way!!

This explains why I blog so much RIGHT?

“Your journal is your autobiography, so it should be kept carefully. You are unique, and there may be incidents in your experience that are more noble and praiseworthy in their way than those recorded in any other life. …
“What could you do better for your children and your children’s children than to record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, your rejoicing when you had finally achieved?”
Elder Spencer W Kimball!

I need to read this every morning!

"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley

these are my people! =)

where ya from...huh.huh..huh?

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